National Day of Service


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On January 20, 2009, Barak Obama will drop the “Elect” from his title and be sworn in as President Obama, our 44th president of the United States. The inauguration in Washington, D.C. will be open to the public, but obviously only a few lucky Americans will be able to attend the celebration.

However, there is a way you can celebrate as well, and that is by participating in the “Bring the Inauguration to the Community,” including the “National Day of Service.”

January 19 is Martin Luther King, Jr. day, a day fitting for committing ourselves, as Americans, to bettering our communities by volunteerism. In the following videos, President-Elect Obama, First Lady Obama, and General Colin Powell explain what “National Day of Service,“ is, today, and in the future.

President-Elect OBAMA

(Michele Obama's and General Powell's videos are at the bottom of President-Elect Obama's video.)

You can also go to for more information how to participate in the “National Day of Service.”

One of the reasons I support Obama is that he des not expect people to change their convictions in order to find common areas of agreement. I think this is proven by his choice of Rick Warren to give the convocation. It has been an extremely controversial choice, and many of his supporters are not happy about it.

But I’m reminded of Andrew Sullivan’s words regarding Obama’s choice of Warren. Sullivan is a gay man who said:

I want Christians to be able to stand next to me and tell me I’m a sinner going to hell, and I want to get along with them!

I find that profound.

There are already thousands of events scheduled across the country. If you are interested in participating, but don’t know where to go, let me know and I will get the information to you.


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I really did not know much about Doctor King's personal life until the last few years of my life. Finding some interesting strengths and weaknesses of his character, without historical glossy over and elevating the person beyond his own competence. For me, this brings much warmth and love for Doctor King in seeing the true form of that man.

This man will be rewarded for his mortal effort and sacrifice in giving America further truths of humanity being equal and not built around culture classes.

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Oh GREAT! NOW he wants BLOOD TOO!!!!

Strawberry, how did you know?!

Yes, indeed, we have scheduled a blood drive in Salt Lake City, on January 17 (not the 19th, the designated service day). The hours are bewteen 10 am and 2 pm.

The address is: 780 East South Temple in the basement.

Note: While January 19 is the actual service day, the blood drives is on January 17.

So, yes, Strawberry, we want your blood! Would you please abstain from any controlled substances for at least 24-hours prior. That includes Red Bulls. :P


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Strawberry, how did you know?!

Yes, indeed, we have scheduled a blood drive in Salt Lake City, on January 17 (not the 19th, the designated service day). The hours are bewteen 10 am and 2 pm.

The address is: 780 East South Temple in the basement.

Note: While January 19 is the actual service day, the blood drives is on January 17.

So, yes, Strawberry, we want your blood! Would you please abstain from any controlled substances for at least 24-hours prior. That includes Red Bulls. :P


Darn I should have read this post before last night! :lol:

Today is the day, and I will keep my blood thank you very much.:P

Seriously, he wants more money and now blood? I will give blood to my neighbor, but not as directed by the government... at least NOT YET.:D

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Darn I should have read this post before last night! :lol:

Today is the day, and I will keep my blood thank you very much.:P

Seriously, he wants more money and now blood? I will give blood to my neighbor, but not as directed by the government... at least NOT YET.:D

listen here young march down there right now and give your blood.....or....your afraid of needles....:D:P:lol:
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Well... I have to work a 10 hour shift on Tuesday so I don't know how much service I could do out in the community, but I will look for little acts of service I can do around work. Maybe fill the copiers with paper or make a pot of coffee for my group (the bunch of addicts) or idk..something. I can find something to do, I'm sure. Thanks Elphie for inspiring all of us to do a little something nice for our little worlds! You're SO great! :)



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Well... I have to work a 10 hour shift on Tuesday so I don't know how much service I could do out in the community, but I will look for little acts of service I can do around work. Maybe fill the copiers with paper or make a pot of coffee for my group (the bunch of addicts) or idk..something. I can find something to do, I'm sure. Thanks Elphie for inspiring all of us to do a little something nice for our little worlds! You're SO great!

Hey Siouxz,

The National Day of Service is actually Monday, the day before the inauguration. It's also Martin Luther King, Jr. day, which adds to the symbolism of the day.

So, if the most you can give is to make everyone a pot of coffee, it doesn't matter what day you do it, it's a very nice contribution.

But if you do it on Monday, the actual Day of Service, maybe you could add some hazelnut flavoring. I used to love that stuff. ;)


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