Ten Signs of Modern Evolution in Man


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Ten Signs of Modern Evolution in Man

Through history, as natural selection played its part in the development of modern man, many of the useful functions and parts of the human body become unnecessary. What is most fascinating is that many of these parts of the body still remain in some form so we can see the progress of evolution. This list covers the ten most significant evolutionary changes that have taken place - leaving signs behind them.

10. Goosebumps

Humans get goose bumps when they are cold, frightened, angry, or in awe. Many other creatures get goose bumps for the same reason, for example this is why a cat or dog’s hair stands on end and the cause behind a porcupine’s quills raising. In cold situations, the rising hair traps air between the hairs and skin, creating insulation and warmth. In response to fear, goose bumps make an animal appear larger - hopefully scaring away the enemy. Humans no longer benefit from goose bumps and they are simply left over from our past when we were not clothed and needed to scare our own natural enemies. Natural selection removed the thick hair but left behind the mechanism for controlling it.



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A week or so ago I went with my family to "Body World 3" to it was almost verbatim what they said about Goosebumps. My daughters’ friend sometimes makes the comment when she gets Goosebumps that now she is going to need to shave her legs. :D

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7. Wisdom Teeth

...our third molars became unnecessary. Some human populations have now all but completely stopped growing wisdom teeth, while others have almost 100% likelihood of developing them.

Perhaps these lucky ones opted out of wisdom teeth in the pre-existance when they circled "Fear of Othodontists" while in the waiting line.


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I've always considered human dentition to be a complete refutation of the Argument from Design. Teeth don't fit the jaw and they are ridden with natural defects like caries, high wear, and fragility.

... they are simply left over from our past when we were not clothed ...

Hey, that's my present! Edited by Captain_Curmudgeon
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A week or so ago I went with my family to "Body World 3" to it was almost verbatim what they said about Goosebumps. My daughters’ friend sometimes makes the comment when she gets Goosebumps that now she is going to need to shave her legs. :D

I find that when I shave my legs, if I go out in the cold soon afterward and I get goosebumps, it feels like my leg hair is being pushed out. Then my legs get itchy.

Sorry if it's TMI. It's just that I can relate...that's all. :)

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6 Plantaris Muscle

The plantaris muscle is used by animals in gripping and manipulating objects with their feet - something you see with apes who seem to be able to use their feet as well as their hands. Humans have this muscle as well, but it is now so underdeveloped that it is often taken out by doctors when they need tissue for reconstruction in other parts of the body. The muscle is so unimportant to the human body that 9% of humans are now born without it.

i disagree that this one is no longer needed. i use my toes to pick things up all the time. i think it is a very essential function for mothers, especially pregnant ones. lol

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Great link Elphie, I'm gonna save that site to my favourites..

I love to read the comments that usually appear following articles such as this, and am finding the comments to this article particularly amusing..trouble is there's tons!!

Good example:


61. bucslim - January 5th, 2009 at 8:53 am

STL Mo, zigra - Al Gore invented the internet just for this very purpose. This way we can all get together and ***** about each other. It allows a forum for guys like Bob to tell us we’re all haterz.

It’s a form of evolution that you’re not taking into account. Instead of being the old fogey who gets mad when your football goes into his yard or being a loudmouth jerk at a game, you can come to the internet and get your ya-ya’s out by calling everyone who disagrees with you a *****.

I don’t know about you, but instead of being repulsed by all of this, it just draws me in like a kitty skittering across a polished wood floor after a ball of yarn. I get evolutionary reminant goosebumps just thinking about it.' :)

Edited by Gwen
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I've always considered human dentition to be a complete refutation of the Argument from Design. Teeth don't fit the jaw and they are ridden with natural defects like caries, high wear, and fragility.

Huh - I don't see it a refutation at all. We've got insight into what the designer had in mind. He designed us to wear out and die. The designer did not have a perfect healthy existence in mind when He put us together and set us into our environment.

Does that not make sense?

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