Postal Service Cutbacks


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I would not have a problem either with one less day of mail. Though my opinion would be to have that day cut during the middle of the week vice 2 days in a row without mail.

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Am I the only one that wonders why they can't run the Post Office more effiecently. The cost of using snail mail is becoming prohibitive, with no end in sight. It would seem logicial to me that with the advent of email usage, the volume should have taken a dramatic drop. Couple that with the continued rise in cost of using snail mail, would seem that volumes should be down, so why do they need so many postal workers, etc.?

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I think one way they could cut costs is to have all streets (except for ones out in the country of course) on nieghborhood boxes (like one large, divided box per block). In my town many of the postal workers still have to walk door to door to deliver mail, and I'm sure that takes a LOT of time and requires a lot of employees to cover the whole town in one day than if they only had to pull their truck up to ONE box and deliver all of the mail for the street into that one box (except for packages of course). A single worker could probably cover a lot more streets in a single day that way. This is the way it is in my parents' neighborhood, and the postal worker spends maybe 5 minutes loading mail into the box, whereas it takes my mail carrier about 20 minutes to cover my street.

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The Post Office has a tough row to hoe. It must provide universal service but it no longer has any kind of monopoly. So, they've got to cover their complete routes six days a week and their competitors can cherry pick. UPS goes ONLY to the houses where it has a package and picks up ONLY where they want to.

Imagine if you had to drive ten or fifteen miles if you wanted to mail something and the carriers would only deliver when they had a full load for your neighborhood.

Edited by Captain_Curmudgeon
mail MAN? Go to plural to avoid.
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paying attention would help them a lot.

my stepson wrote a letter to his grandparents who live an hour away. he wanted to mail it but we were out of stamps and we suggested he just hand deliver as he would be there the next day. to our surprise a few days later we get the letter in our mail with "returned to sender for postage" written on it. we asked him what was going on. he wanted it to be a surprise for his grandparents so he stuck it in their mailbox, he did not raise the flag saying there was anything to be picked up. he figured it would get mixed in with the other mail and they would get it, and be surprised. apparently the mail carrier opened the box, saw a letter and took it. didn't bother to look that it was already at the right address, that the flag was not up, or that it had no stamp. and then when it got to the post office they returned it to our house an hour away. lol

worst part is the first thought all of us had was if we are ever needed to we can reverse the to and return addresses and send something for free. lol not going to but aparently we could. the next thought i had was what if you didn't check your mail one day, that mail carrier would take it back even though the flag is down, and it's already where it belongs. lol weird system if you ask me.

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paying attention would help them a lot.

my stepson wrote a letter to his grandparents who live an hour away. he wanted to mail it but we were out of stamps and we suggested he just hand deliver as he would be there the next day. to our surprise a few days later we get the letter in our mail with "returned to sender for postage" written on it. we asked him what was going on. he wanted it to be a surprise for his grandparents so he stuck it in their mailbox, he did not raise the flag saying there was anything to be picked up. he figured it would get mixed in with the other mail and they would get it, and be surprised. apparently the mail carrier opened the box, saw a letter and took it. didn't bother to look that it was already at the right address, that the flag was not up, or that it had no stamp. and then when it got to the post office they returned it to our house an hour away. lol

worst part is the first thought all of us had was if we are ever needed to we can reverse the to and return addresses and send something for free. lol not going to but aparently we could. the next thought i had was what if you didn't check your mail one day, that mail carrier would take it back even though the flag is down, and it's already where it belongs. lol weird system if you ask me.

LOL Gwen.

Paying attention should be important espically when we keep getting mail from everybody else. Sometimes it's just a few houses down but worse was the time we got the mail from a woman we visit teach. Now that was just crazy as our addresses were no way alike or similar in appearance. Oh well it was a good excuse from the postal service to go out and do our visiting teaching.

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