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Hello, I was at YSA family home evening tonight and two of the brothers and I were talking about my car and he noticed an ashtray and a pack of smokes in my car and they asked me if I smoked. I replied "oh occasionally when i get really stressed out''. I was wondering.. Can i get disfellowshiped or loose alot of support in the church if I still smoke occasionally. I know i cant get a temple reccomend or anything right now. I am just worried i guess that I am going to loose the church in my life for a bad habit I have a hard time quitting. I dont drink Coffee or tea and only drink a drink or two here and there.

Thank You

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Breaking the Word of Wisdom is a serious thing, although if you're honestly trying to quit it shouldn't prove too much of a barrier. I would ask your bishop. As far as I know, it's not grounds for disfellowship, but it is room for not taking the sacrament in some cases (this is from my personal experience with friends who smoke).

I have a good friend (who I baptized) who doesn't come to church anymore because he 'feels bad' that he hasn't quit smoking. Don't let one thing drive you away- it's not worth it.

Good luck!

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Hello, I was at YSA family home evening tonight and two of the brothers and I were talking about my car and he noticed an ashtray and a pack of smokes in my car and they asked me if I smoked. I replied "oh occasionally when i get really stressed out''. I was wondering.. Can i get disfellowship or loose alot of support in the church if I still smoke occasionally? I know i cant get a temple recommend or anything right now. I am just worried i guess that I am going to loose the church in my life for a bad habit I have a hard time quitting. I don't drink Coffee or tea and only drink a drink or two here and there.

Thank You

To add to Maxell posting, if you look into many lives in the church, there are many forms addition that are attributes to our worthiness not in the temple but before our FATHER and our Savior. I am not just talking about what is given in the Word of Wisdom but from internet porn, too much Internet usage, reading media that have no eternal value, sodas, sugar, caffeine, over counter drug abuse, material things, and finishing with being out with friends vice being home with the family. I can go on with diver sins when our thoughts are not on the gospel of Christ. Are we perfect people? Far from it!

However, we need to start somewhere and the first goal should be in removing major addictions that hold no physical value and is not conducive for inviting the Spirit into our lives. When we use different form of drugs that is not keeping our mortal alive, then we need to remove it. We cannot achieve attunement while under influence of a drug. We cannot achieve personal instruction, when we are committing personal sins daily. What is the goal of humanity? Reach the same pinnacle as the Prophet Joseph Smith in having contact with those across the veil. It is then we find the joyous state as promised by GOD in the Book of Moses.

Commit yourself to be a personal example of the Savior. Be proud who you are and keep that tabernacle clean much as possible. Remember, we do share our tabernacle with lower form of Intelligences whom not only keep our mortal bodies operating, but seek the day to be like you – in the image of GOD. They are depending on you to succeed.

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I still have struggles with smoking sometimes, and I haven't gotten "in trouble" per se.

Your Bishop should be aware of your struggles, so long as you don't make any big secret about it and you are honestly trying to quit I don't see you facing any action from the church. But they should be aware, it's much easier to quit when everybody knows about it and can keep you accountable.

Quitting smoking is hard, most people trip up here and there. But a tip from someone who knows: having smokes readily available in your car makes it so much easier for you to smoke when stressed. I wouldn't keep them around you at all, that way your only option for smoking when you want to is bumming one off someone else. This cuts back on your smoking dramatically.

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Just to add if your really only smoke a few here and there when stressed out QUIT NOW.

As someone who has never quit smoking, I am very grateful I've never had to go through what my Grandpa did.

He woke up one morning, had a cigarette, peered down at it, put it out and said "I don't think I'm going to smoke any more."

He never lit another one up.

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I too have had problems with addiction. I have been up front and honest with my bishop so he knows. He doesn't look down on me at all and appreciates my honesty. Alot of people struggle with different things, and it doesn't mean you are any less of a person. In fact, when you are able to overcome these problems, your testimony will be stronger. Hang in there, keep going to church, keep trying to stop. You can do it, I know you can.
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Some one in our ward asked a person in church to sit else where becuaus of the smell of smoke on them ... some said that if the sins of the rest of us had an odor the room would be unusable.

We are all at different places in our progress. We all have our problems. We are not expected to be perfect just working on it ... get rid of the smokes in the car ....too easy to back slide ... and work as if everything depends on you and pray as if everything depends on the Lord ... it will work. Wish my addiction was something I could live do without. We all have our addictions. We all also have the same help.

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I've been there. I quit smoking a few months before i joined the church. Wasn't overly hard for me being i had quit a few times before for years at a time. I have one specific trigger and while i know it, i still haven't found a way to make it through with out resorting back to smoking. I quit again a month ago now. Most of the people here are right in saying you might feel guilt or not being worthy, but don't let that keep you from trying to progress, some people might get in your way, but focus on what's important and don't let you or them get in between you and heavenly father.

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Same here. Although not smoking. I developed quite a habit with tea, herbal and others. The reason being was I don't like sweet drinks like hot chocolate. Then one day I was asked by one of the members of the Bishopric about going to the Temple as I had just turned 27, and that I really should think about it. I decided to drop the tea cold. I am determined not to let my salvation hinge on something like that.

Edited by AngelLynn
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