Has the USA become the USSA?


Has the U.S. recently become a Socialist country?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the U.S. recently become a Socialist country?

    • The United States is basically the same free country it has always been.
    • Yes. It's terrible. The changes over the last year have been drastic and dramatic.
    • It's not socialism, just progress. New challenges require new solutions.
    • No. The bailouts, stimulus, and proposed regulations are all just temporary.
    • Yes, and it's about time the change has come. Government intervention is needed.
    • It's been socialist since probably the 1930s and for sure since the 1960s.
    • No. What is going on now is basically in line with the principles of the constitution.

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I am in the agreement that something needs to be done. Personally I think business, particularly the banking industry has gone way too lassiez-faire. And a little restraint is going to have to be applied. Plus some changes are going to have to be made overall. The way our government is set up however makes changes pretty darn difficult and it becomes a slow laberous progression. This is what makes the US a democracy. There are more effiecent forms of government but.... democracy provides withstraint. So I really don't think America will be compleatly socalistic. But I think we need some more socalistic type programs to get us through some of the mess.

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I'm not sure I agree with any of the options. IMO, it's not that things have become too lassiez-faire, it's that the government has created certain imbalances and is now blaming the 'free market' for those very imbalances/malinvestments. How can we have a free market when the federal reserve (rather than the market) determines what an acceptable interest rate should be? How about encouraging (or discouraging) behavior of individuals and companies through tax policy?

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As if socialism were a BAD thing.... 99% of people who hate it only misunderstand it (and fall prey to all that cold war propaganda). The fact of the matter is limited socialism has its place within a free market economy (a TRUE free market would fail faster than stocks fell in 1929). Another fact is that complete socialism WORKS - when coupled with true democracy, and there are numerous European nations that demonstrate this. Socialism does not limit your freedom. Tyrants do that and tyrants can pop up under any economy.

The government intervention into our economy (bailouts etc) doesn't qualify as socialism. It does qualify as economic stupidity, but that's another discussion for another time.

This country isn't even that socialist yet! In fact, I think it's far from it. I'm actually in favor of a little tone down of capitalism and a little more socialism.

Edit: Maybe the 'yet' is bad wording. I don't expect it to ever be that socialist.

Ditto. It isn't socialist and it isn't going to become socialist.

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IMO the government got us into this mess by passing a law (the name eludes me) that basically forced banks to give home loan to people who shouldn't have got them in the interest of equality. Then instead of electing the guy who foresaw the housing crises and tried to pass a bill placing more over site on fanny mae and freddy mac we picked the other one.(strangely enough in the interest of equality (for some voters not all.)

The Government is like a 2 year old who spilled food all over the floor. Sure they made the mess and should clean it up, but chance are they will just spread it around more.

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Guest Godless

Too true. I spent four months in France. Course four months is not a lesson in governance. I think I mainly admired the way that whenever things were not going well the French protested. Talk about active participation in government. :rolleyes:

Aren't the French due for another Revolution soon?

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When one conservative Republican President bails out the Savings and Loans with government money and runs the debt up 4 trillion and the next conservative Republican President bails out the banks and runs the debt up 6 or 8 trillion, socialism is alive and well -- at least for the rich.

Said by one who apparently is unacquainted with the theory and practice of democratic societies.

- oh, I understand what you and the OP are doing - engaging in hyperbole and selective reasoning to express political displeasure but it's neither accurate nor intellectually honest.

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I guess many of you will miss soviet Russia jokes.. in soviet Russia, book reads you, in soviet Russia television watches you, in soviet Russia, radio listens to you, etc... in soviet Russia, government controls the commerce, not so in the USA, it is other way around.

America could do with a bit of Socialism, or at least some Nationalisation and regulation. Investment Banks don't need to be nationalised, they need to be regulated. A Nationalised health service would be nice, a guaranteed minimum level of medical care, etc.

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IMO the government got us into this mess by passing a law (the name eludes me) that basically forced banks to give home loan to people who shouldn't have got them in the interest of equality. Then instead of electing the guy who foresaw the housing crises and tried to pass a bill placing more over site on fanny mae and freddy mac we picked the other one.(strangely enough in the interest of equality (for some voters not all.)

The Government is like a 2 year old who spilled food all over the floor. Sure they made the mess and should clean it up, but chance are they will just spread it around more.

Ohh let me see if I can find the article.... Are Minorities to Blame for the Subprime Mess? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross | Newsweek.com This isn't the exact article I wanted..I'll look a bit more.

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So instead of attacking us personally, why not lay out your argument?

That's what I call intellectual honesty.

My argument is that it is silly and unproductive to engage in hyperbole and selective (and faulty) reasoning. That's you are the one doing so may make you feel as if you are under attack but it the behavior, not you personally, that's at issue for me.

Of only secondary interest to me it the blatantly obvious fact that this country is a democracy. You can look it up. Words have definitions.

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Guest SisterofJared

Americans do not understand the principles of liberty, and I'm sorry to say that this is true in the church as much as for non-members.

We are quite socialist now.... but a few steps remain to totally slavery.

Prophet after prophet warned about it. Joseph Smith said the Constitution would hang by a thread and IF it is to be saved, it would be the elders of the church that would save it. However, the elders of the church have become a sleeping giant.

I wait for a Captain Moroni to awaken them... as I see the thread get thiner and thiner....

Sister of Jared

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