HBO Recreates Portions of Temple Ceremony


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I am heartsick and saddened by this tonight. It demonstrates such poor judgement and show that there is no boundary.

To say that recreating parts of the temple ceremony is germaine to the storyline on Big Love is outrageous.

I tried to attach the PDF but the file is too large. If someone can help me post it somewhere I would be happy to provide the TV Guide article


> Dear Family and Friends,


> Take a look at the attached pdf and consider writing to HBO. I just did. This is very disappointing:


> On Sunday March 15th, the HBO show Big Love is showing an

> episode containing an excommunication as well as temple ceremonies.

> They hired an ex-member to help re-create the ceremony, rooms, and

> clothing.


> HBO is owned by Time Warner. Send your emails, snail mails,

> phone calls, to both companies to show HBO that we won't stand for

> the use of things we consider sacred on their show Big Love, which is using a

> replica of an endowment room and celestial room to show what happens

> in the ceremonies there! Just keep it within Church standards please!


> HBO is owned by Time Warner:

> Time Warner Inc.

> One Time Warner Center

> New York, NY10019-8016

> 212.484.8000


> HBO Online: Corporate Info

> Here are some wise suggestions that were forwarded to me:

> If you write a letter, here are two things your want to RESPECTFULLY say in your own words to HBO:


> -I believe it is wrong for HBO to publicly air portions of sacred ceremonies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints without permission

> from the church and based on information given you by someone who has left the church and may harbor bad feelings toward the church and wish to do

> it harm.




> - If you air such an episode, I will cancel my subscription to all HBO channels (if you have them), and will not purchase HBO DVDs or any other HBO

> entertainment products or packages ever again. Furthermore, I will encourage my friends and associates to do likewise.





> The FCC is the government agency that regulates all broadcast and cable television. File a complaint expressing your shock and dismay at HBO

> treating the sacred ceremonies of any religion with such mockery and disregard, and that it is shoddy work hiring excommunicated members/enemies of

> church and giving them a public pulpit to hurt the church.


> To File a complaint with the FCC go to:


> FCC Consumer Complaints


> -Choose "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" and then click "NEXT."


> -Choose "Broadcast programs showing obscene, profane, and/or indecent material" then click "NEXT."


> - Click on "ONLINE FORM" Fill out the form with your complaint and submit.

Edited by lusciouschaos
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I got an email tonight from a friend with this in it. I have spent almost two hours of my evening trying to verify it. The only places it really pops up are LDS community sites/blogs, anti- sites/blogs, and a few other religious sites. My friend's email also included a link to a pdf file of this week's TV Guide Magazine (I'm really excited about the cover story, by the way), and a note that says to look on page 48 of 68. When I go there, I see a picture of Jeanne Tripplehorn (one of the stars of Big Love) in temple attire, the only "error" being that the apron is blue instead of green.

I have searched and searched for a news source or a network source to back this up. The only thing I've been able to find was an unknown person posting on a message board that she saw the picture in her personal hard copy of the TV Guide Magazine, and that it was not photoshopped.

Supposedly, this episode was supposed to be airing tonight. Has anyone watched it? Can anyone verify the claims? Does anyone have an actual TV Guide Magazine they could look at?

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I would to hear from people of other religions or denominations if they get upset when their sacred stuff get show on tv.?

To many LDS this is over the line but i think to most non LDS it is like watching the Da vinci

code and seeing Opus Dei.Or a picture Allah on t.v.

It is easy to get upset when ones sacred stuff is broadcast or "made fun of" but how many here know a joke or 2 about Catholic confession?

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I would to hear from people of other religions or denominations if they get upset when their sacred stuff get show on tv.?

To many LDS this is over the line but i think to most non LDS it is like watching the Da vinci

code and seeing Opus Dei.Or a picture Allah on t.v.

It is easy to get upset when ones sacred stuff is broadcast or "made fun of" but how many here know a joke or 2 about Catholic confession?

Hordak's right. They don't hold the same things sacred that we do. Don't get too upset, just don't watch it. A lot of Anti's hand out temple ceremony stuff at the various LDS pageants. Just ignore it. It's silly to get worked up over something you can't change. Besides, at the end of time, God is going to tell them: "I think you owe someone an apology."

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The difference is that the Catholic church does not take measures to keep those things sacred and not discussed among the general public.

Someone mentioned "how it is different than someone publishing this stuff ont he internet?" and I say it is completely different

for instance some jack decides to make a mockery of the LDS church on his website, most of the time he is very misinformed and nobody visits the site anyways except people trying to feed off anti-mormon materal.

Now we have a Show, and a very popular one at that, which is now going to cram it down everyone's throat who watches it. it is broadcast on public television.

Even the PBS documentary of the LDS church had the decency to not portray sacred LDS ceremonies on public television.

This is a line that should never have been crossed. Sacred clothing is being mocked and trifled with in TV GUIDE MAGAZINE. anyone in the store can pick up a copy, don't even have to pay for it, flip to the page and see our most sacred traditions being put out there for the whole world to examine and mock. Heck, anyone with a cable subscription generally gets a copy in the mail.

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This is a line that should never have been crossed. Sacred clothing is being mocked and trifled with in TV GUIDE MAGAZINE. anyone in the store can pick up a copy, don't even have to pay for it, flip to the page and see our most sacred traditions being put out there for the whole world to examine and mock. Heck, anyone with a cable subscription generally gets a copy in the mail.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the whole world pretty much mocks the church, anyway. And it's only going to get worse as the world becomes more secular and turns away from religion. On the one hand, it stops people from ignoring religion and they're forced to make a choice: Church attendance went up after the Davinci Code and the Left Behind novels. On the other hand, we should feel bad for those who ignorantly mock God. This will only help the Church as people become curious about us, and it will only hurt the people who mock what they don't understand.

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The difference is that the Catholic church does not take measures to keep those things sacred and not discussed among the general public.


Yes but If we measure somethings sacredness on whether or not it is "hidden" then God, the sacrament and prayer are the least sacred things on earth.

I would add that people complaining about it may do more harm then good. Lots of sites and south park have poked fun of the Lord Xenu story (Scientology's creation story?) but people don't really know how accurate it is because the church (to my knowledge) hasn't made a big deal about it.

Edited by hordak
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> - If you air such an episode, I will cancel my subscription to all HBO channels (if you have them), and will not purchase HBO DVDs or any other HBO entertainment products or packages ever again. Furthermore, I will encourage my friends and associates to do likewise.

This is not the BIG ONE the e-mail's author purports it to be.

HBO's targeted audience loves shows like Big Love, the more outrageous the better, and this is the same audience off of whom HBO makes its gazillions.

Urging the Saints to contact HBO and insist "they won't stand for this, " just makes the members look foolish, because realistically, there is not a thing they can do about it, and HBO knows that.

For example, every active Latter-day Saint on the planet could cancel HBO, and it wouldn't make a dent to their subscriptions or profits, because a large number of active LDS tend not to watch these shows because of content.

Additionally, people threaten to stop using a company's services all of the time, but within the confines of their homes, they don't follow through. I suspect a significant number of Saints who already have HBO wouldn't cancel it, unless the request came from the top.

I think this e-mail will do more harm than good. If you want the company's respect, thus its ear, demanding it do what you tell it to by "let's show them," is not going to work.

Frankly, I doubt anything will work, as HBO is not going to cut into its profits just because a bunch of Mormons e-mailed them. I'm not saying that to be disrespectful; rather, I'm explaining how the people at HBO will perceive the e-mails.

And It doesn't matter if the complaints are valid; it matters what HBO perceives them to be.

In fact, I could see this easily having exactly the opposite affect you want. When people flood huge companies with e-mails making demands, these companies tend to treat these groups with more disrespect than ever. They're not going to let you tell them what to do.

They may apologize for offending you, and promise to be more sensitive in the future. But they will then, with no compunction whatsoever, turn right around and do it again, laughing at you all the way to the bank.

It hurts the Church's credibility when its members start these e-mail campaigns. Insisting you have some sort of power to make a company do as you wish actually limits your power to do so in the long run.


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I have trouble taking anyone seriously who says “we researched it out the wazoo." I think most people will see this for the outrageous attempt to increase viewership that it is.

From the same pdf:

The Simpsons 8/7c, FOX Mr. Burns a Freemason? Excellent. The crotchety old tycoon leads Springfield’s secret society in a crusade to protect a priceless hidden gem from Lisa.

So, do you think the masons are flooding FOX with boycott threats? Same issue if you think about it: revealing secret ceremonies.

The more fuss Mormons and the church make about the HBO show, the more they play into the hands of such transparent publicity hounds as Mark Olsen.

Edited by Captain_Curmudgeon
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I’m really disappointed in the amount of discussion that is taking place around this subject. And there are a number of reasons for it

  • Our country believes in freedom of speech, and protects freedom of speech. Our Constitution protects good, wholesome, uplifting speech, and it protects foul, offensive, and hateful speech. The fact that this is happening is a signal that our Constitution is working!
  • So the writers of this show have bad taste. Big deal. I’ve seen more offensive things than this on Friends. In fact, in general I find Friends more offensive than Big Love anyway.
  • If you have ever made a joke about transubstantiation, a yammukah, burqas, reincarnation, Darwinism, or the scientific method, then to complain about this makes you a hypocrite.
  • Discussion and outrage about this is exactly what the writers want. Creating controversy keeps them relevant. They want you to be angry and protesting, because that makes a ruckus and drives more people to watch the show. Anyone who is complaining about this is getting played.
  • This is an opportunity. People who watch this will ask questions. And they’re going to take your word over televisions. You’d be better served to stop whining and start thinking about how to explain the Temple ordinances in a way that conveys the beauty, simplicity, and blessing that the Temple ordinances are.

Remember what Joseph Smith wrote in 1842. “…The Standard of Truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage; mobs may combine; armies may assemble; calumny may defame. But the purposes of God will go forth nobly, boldly, and independent until it has penetrated ever continent; visited every clime; swept every country; and sounded in every ear. Until the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say, ‘the work is done.’” (emphasis added)

At this time it is absolutely essential to remember what was written immediately after these words:

“We believe in God the eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost…..” (and the rest of the Articles of Faith).

In telling us that calumny would defame—that there would be those who would mock the Church—Smith gave us the tools to negate that very calumny. Get ready to use them and let the world speak.

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I am heartsick and saddened by this tonight. It demonstrates such poor judgement and show that there is no boundary.

To say that recreating parts of the temple ceremony is germaine to the storyline on Big Love is outrageous.

I tried to attach the PDF but the file is too large. If someone can help me post it somewhere I would be happy to provide the TV Guide article


> Dear Family and Friends,


> Take a look at the attached pdf and consider writing to HBO. I just did. This is very disappointing:


> On Sunday March 15th, the HBO show Big Love is showing an

> episode containing an excommunication as well as temple ceremonies.

> They hired an ex-member to help re-create the ceremony, rooms, and

> clothing.


> HBO is owned by Time Warner. Send your emails, snail mails,

> phone calls, to both companies to show HBO that we won't stand for

> the use of things we consider sacred on their show Big Love, which is using a

> replica of an endowment room and celestial room to show what happens

> in the ceremonies there! Just keep it within Church standards please!


> HBO is owned by Time Warner:

> Time Warner Inc.

> One Time Warner Center

> New York, NY10019-8016

> 212.484.8000


> HBO Online: Corporate Info

> Here are some wise suggestions that were forwarded to me:

> If you write a letter, here are two things your want to RESPECTFULLY say in your own words to HBO:


> -I believe it is wrong for HBO to publicly air portions of sacred ceremonies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints without permission

> from the church and based on information given you by someone who has left the church and may harbor bad feelings toward the church and wish to do

> it harm.




> - If you air such an episode, I will cancel my subscription to all HBO channels (if you have them), and will not purchase HBO DVDs or any other HBO

> entertainment products or packages ever again. Furthermore, I will encourage my friends and associates to do likewise.





> The FCC is the government agency that regulates all broadcast and cable television. File a complaint expressing your shock and dismay at HBO

> treating the sacred ceremonies of any religion with such mockery and disregard, and that it is shoddy work hiring excommunicated members/enemies of

> church and giving them a public pulpit to hurt the church.


> To File a complaint with the FCC go to:


> FCC Consumer Complaints


> -Choose "Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues" and then click "NEXT."


> -Choose "Broadcast programs showing obscene, profane, and/or indecent material" then click "NEXT."


> - Click on "ONLINE FORM" Fill out the form with your complaint and submit.

It must of came from a excommunicated LDS member. Sad to see this. :o

Thanks again for being is a show that I never watch anyway but bringing this up, today, I will cut off HBO. I only watch the HBO family version since they give you five option with our local cable company.

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Yes but If we measure somethings sacredness on whether or not it is "hidden" then God, the sacrament and prayer are the least sacred things on earth.

I would add that people complaining about it may do more harm then good. Lots of sites and south park have poked fun of the Lord Xenu story (Scientology's creation story?) but people don't really know how accurate it is because the church (to my knowledge) hasn't made a big deal about it.

acutally yes they did, Tom Cruise, who is a big scientology dude, "would not allow" it to re-air, it was slated to run the same week as MI-3, and viacom, who owns south park, is owned by the movie company that made MI3, and from what i heard at the time, Cruise said if it aired, he'd block the realase of the movie... or something like that...throw a general fit was the main thing...and viacom they edited it not to be scientology

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Discussion and outrage about this is exactly what the writers want. Creating controversy keeps them relevant. They want you to be angry and protesting, because that makes a ruckus and drives more people to watch the show. Anyone who is complaining about this is getting played.

Or as the other exec-producers says:

“We feel this season says to viewers, ‘You should have been watching this show,’ ” says Scheffer

I don't think HBO is going to take boycott threats very seriously. As noted elsewhere in the news, "Mormon numbers also held steady over the period at 1.4 percent of the population" of the US. 98.6 percent of HBO's potential market is NOT Mormon and how many are watching HBO anyway? KSL won't carry something as comparatively mild as Saturday Night Live.
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The episode is schedule to air next week on March 15th. I have a PDF of the article from TV Guide but couldn't upload based on the file size.

I have the same thing. It's pretty easy to photoshop things like that, though, which is why I was asking if there's anyone here who has seen the actual TV Guide in the store, and can verify that the photo is unaltered.

Many people on the LDS blogs have seen the actual article in TV guide. One said the show plans on showing the endowment room, the sealing room, and portraying the ceremonies.


Most of what I read last night on LDS sites was members of the Church being "dumb panicky animals" (please refer to MiB for quote source).

It must of came from a excommunicated LDS member. Sad to see this. :o

I don't know about excommunicated, but supposedly from a former member at least...I would assume either excommunicated or they left the Church on their own.

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acutally yes they did, Tom Cruise, who is a big scientology dude, "would not allow" it to re-air, it was slated to run the same week as MI-3, and viacom, who owns south park, is owned by the movie company that made MI3, and from what i heard at the time, Cruise said if it aired, he'd block the realase of the movie... or something like that...throw a general fit was the main thing...and viacom they edited it not to be scientology

Fair enough but I'm willing to bet the "stink" raised by the members brought more attention to it then the show itself.

Come to think of it I researched it after hearing about Issac Hayes leaving the show because of jokes made about Scientology. Which is absurd considering the show has take a shot at every other religion, and he had no problem then.

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  • Our country believes in freedom of speech, and protects freedom of speech. Our Constitution protects good, wholesome, uplifting speech, and it protects foul, offensive, and hateful speech. The fact that this is happening is a signal that our Constitution is working!
  • So the writers of this show have bad taste. Big deal. I’ve seen more offensive things than this on Friends. In fact, in general I find Friends more offensive than Big Love anyway.
  • If you have ever made a joke about transubstantiation, a yammukah, burqas, reincarnation, Darwinism, or the scientific method, then to complain about this makes you a hypocrite.
  • Discussion and outrage about this is exactly what the writers want. Creating controversy keeps them relevant. They want you to be angry and protesting, because that makes a ruckus and drives more people to watch the show. Anyone who is complaining about this is getting played.
  • This is an opportunity. People who watch this will ask questions. And they’re going to take your word over televisions. You’d be better served to stop whining and start thinking about how to explain the Temple ordinances in a way that conveys the beauty, simplicity, and blessing that the Temple ordinances are.

This deserves a slow clap:clap:

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