****New Challenge****


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The sessions are broadcasted here at 6am and 10 am... We often catch the sat/sun 10am session...but I normally only catch about 1/2 of the 6am. This year my goal is to wake up early enough to watch the 6am ones as well. I'm actively looking for great ideas on how to keep my kids entertained and to find ways to have conference be something that they look forward too. Any ideas would be helpful...i've got a thread going in the parenting forum.

My anniversary is on conference sunday so I guess that's how we'll be celebrating that day...

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I am lucky enough to go to Conference every year at our chapel the whole thing. My challenge is to take notes.

I never do this, simply because I don't see the logic in it. You have all talks word for word on the interweb not long after the talks have taken place.

Maybe it's just my aspergers syndrome causing me to have this view, but this is how I see it: If you takes notes as you are watching it, you are missing what is being said as you are writing. Plus you only get to write down little bits. It seems more sensible to me to sit and listen to the talks without trying to multitask. There are church employees who will play the talks back and write it down word for word and put it on the church website, so if you liked bits, you can go back and find it later to make a note of it them.

As for me, I'll most likely watch them online. I find the metal chairs in our stake centre are extremely uncomfortable causing me to fidget. We don't have BYU TV at home so instead I'll probably find a way to push the stream to our TV over our network from the internet so I don't have to sit in front of the computer.

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Maybe it's just my aspergers syndrome causing me to have this view, but this is how I see it: If you takes notes as you are watching it, you are missing what is being said as you are writing. Plus you only get to write down little bits. It seems more sensible to me to sit and listen to the talks without trying to multitask. There are church employees who will play the talks back and write it down word for word and put it on the church website, so if you liked bits, you can go back and find it later to make a note of it them.

Many people retain information better when they write something down.

Many people dedicate this weekend to Conference and don't have time later to go back and read in detail everything that they already heard anyway.

Many times the Spirit touches people at some particular part, and they want to remember that part for that reason at that moment.

Many people find that it's easier to pay attention if they have something to do instead of just sitting there, as they may find it easy to fall asleep or get distracted otherwise.

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I am lucky enough to go to Conference every year at our chapel the whole thing. My challenge is to take notes.

Heh.. you guys are having the meetings in the middle of the night.... :P

Pale had a good idea for notes... I do that next time... cant understand what I write anyway afterwards.... I am not a shorthand writter, but it looks like that....:lol:

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