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Everything posted by tanuvasamama

  1. I LOVE man smell! my husband played college basketball for 4 years and I never once thought he had that smelly sweat smell. Call me crazy, but those darn man pheremones get my heart racing every time! Ok, ok, so it must just be my husband because I have caught a whiff of some other men who do stink. Men can open jars with out having to bang it on the counter a few times.
  2. Unser, "running for me", I love it! Saturdays seem the best days for me to get a good run in, so I hit the road for another 3 mile run and the whole time I kept thinking "I am so proud of myself!" As a mom, i do so much for everyone around me, but it felt wonderful to be doing something great for me.
  3. woah...sorry, no advice here. Poor guys...chicks can be so weird.
  4. Hemi, I agree with you in most posts, but this one, i just have to disagree. I know of many couples who have had a civil marriage and then have been sealed a year later. Such is the case with my husband and me. We were not struggling in any other area, except for chastity. Once we were married, it was no longer a sin and we were able to spend the next year focusing on our temple sealing. I agree, it's not the ideal situation, but it has worked for MANY couples. As far as breaking it to your parents...i don't know your parents, so I don't know how they will handle it. It's never anything that LDS parent's want to hear that their kids are doing. They would much rather you have a temple marriage and still be a virgin...you'll just have to accept that in some way, you are disappointing them. But, atleast you have found the one you want to be with forever. Hopefully they like him, because they won't be too pleased with him. I don't have any stellar advice to give at the moment, but feel free to PM me. It will all be ok. I agree that you do need to confess to your bishop, which I'm sure you know by now.
  5. Good luck with what ever you choose!
  6. The sessions are broadcasted here at 6am and 10 am... We often catch the sat/sun 10am session...but I normally only catch about 1/2 of the 6am. This year my goal is to wake up early enough to watch the 6am ones as well. I'm actively looking for great ideas on how to keep my kids entertained and to find ways to have conference be something that they look forward too. Any ideas would be helpful...i've got a thread going in the parenting forum. My anniversary is on conference sunday so I guess that's how we'll be celebrating that day...
  7. so sorry to hear of all your losses. You sure seem to have a lot on your plate right now. It's hard, I'm sure, with so much going on to not let your guard slip. With your temple date approaching, it's crunch time for Satan and he's going to be working that much harder to keep you out. I wish I had something amazing a profound to say to give you strength to get through all this, but I don't. But I can offer support and understanding. Everyone is here for you and cheering for you.
  8. We came in #2! woot woot!!! funny, our news had this on this morning.
  9. oooh, hopefully this thread will be motivational for me! I just started running again last saturday. It was my first time back since my daughter was born 7 weeks ago. My dad and I went out...of course it started pouring after our first 100 feet but we were able to do about 3 miles together. I will turn 30 in two years and my father will turn 60 and our goal is to do the honolulu marathon to celebrate! It will be his second marathon, he did his first when he turned 50 and it will be my first. So I've got a little less than two years to get ready for it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  10. only 12 letters...perhaps the pronunciations are similar because polynesians are also considered lamanites... and did you know that humuhumunukunukuapua'a means "fish with a nose like a pig"...we have a fun song about it that we teach our preschoolers.
  11. add some vodka to your vase of roses and it will make your roses last longer too...we always had vodka in our house for the flowers.
  12. wow...and explanation with pictures and everything. You folks went over the top...makes me feel pretty special. Thanks by the way. On a drive to chuckie cheese's my son and nephew sang that song the ENTIRE way there. May not seem like such a big deal, but we live an hour away! Anyway, that's what got me thinking about this. All my life I'd pretty much figured that after the feather was stuck in the hat, Yankie Doodle was re-naming his horse "Macaroni"...odd name for a horse...
  13. Tanuvasa = my last name, say it like Tah New Vah Sah...it's a Samoan name Mama=cause I am one My avitar is a picture of my newest baby, Charlotte, my #5. ...and I crave diet mountain dew...
  14. In this month's Ensign there is an article about general conference traditions. I really enjoyed reading about things that other families do to make conference interesting and engaging for their kids. What to you do over conference weekend? How do you involve your kids? Do you have any special conference foods? I have a houseful of youngin's so I would appreciate any and all suggestions :)
  15. Oh my goodness! 9 years old?!? What is the point of that? hugs to you! wow, I am stunned!
  16. Thanks for remembering us, Pam!
  17. We made it. It was extra special for us. My daughter's blessing went great and it was wonderful to share the day with so much family. Good Sunday. That's awesome that so many people took the challenge...what's next?
  18. So...is adoption out then? They aren't physically able to have those children... I'm just a bit confused by this one.
  19. Ok, so I need SOMEONE out there who knows the answer to this one. It's been a question I've had all my life... In the song "yankee doodle" it says Yankee doodle went to town riding on a pony stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni What is he calling macaroni? The feather? The hat? the combination of both? Does IT refer to his pony? It's never made any sense to me! What is this "it"? yes, yes, I'm a nerd, I know.
  20. Sad to say, but in second grade a kid showed me a porno movie she found in her mom's room(not lds). I really like what Linda and Richard Eyre say about talking to your kids about sex, in their book. If you want to check out basically how they recommend it, go to valuesparenting.com. They are LDS and I really like their approach to most parenting situations.
  21. I guess it's all "in the eye of the beholder" in reguards to weather...what's freezing to us is probably warm to most. That explains all the tourists in their shorts while we are all bundled up in sweaters. If you don't see any locals at the beaches, then you know it's cold.
  22. That ground hog had better be wrong. It has been SO cold here lately. you may think I'm being sarcastic, since I live in Hawaii, but for us, this is COLD. I don't even want to take my baby outside. She's still too little for all this wind. Come on spring....