First Resurrection???


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The last ordinace says it all, the fullness of the priesthood, when a person marries in the temple. This can overide any former blessing if one endures to the end and follow the same path as the Savior.

One of my daughters's PB did not reveal any resurrection. She was curious about this issue. As I told her, through your parents, you are saved if you endure to the end. Not only that, what did the temple sealer state to your husband and you, concerning the resurrection? She understand that what was missing in your PB is added by what was given in the temple and through a latter blessing of the parent.

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  • 4 months later...

Is it common for a PB to talk about resurrection? Mine does not, but states that I will be saved in the Celestial kingdom.

The meaning is the same. To be resurrected in the first resurrection is a saved member of the Celestial Kingdom

The Traveler

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