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The Miracle of Forgiveness is a very good book. I don't remember Spencer Kimball writing anything about cunnilingus or fellatio in the book (using other terms for the act).

One word of advice, if you start the book don't quit halfway thru. Read thru it all the way. The first half seems more focused on justice and the second half on mercy.

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Lots of different views stated on this (which is good!) Personally, at this time in my life I believe that it was a perpetuated policy by individuals and not doctrine. The church simply allowed human error to influence church policy. I think it's somewhat naive to disregard the idea that LDS church leaders were not subject to the social construction of the country through that era of time.

The priesthood was allowed to blacks periodically through JS time and it stopped during BY's time as a prophet. Young was pretty adamant about it and had no issue with members owning slaves, however he stated he personally had no need for it. JS seemed to be on the fence due to many reasons, which aren't quite clear. For the most part, the early church took an abolitionist stance towards it but it's stated in many historical accounts that the church needed to take a more relaxed stance to get along with its pro-slavery Missouri neighbors when the church moved into the area. That mixed with the views of the successors may have opened the floodgate to perpetuating the practice. Again that is just theory though.

There are numerous quotes from prophets and apostle stating their opinion on this very subject, which are very undefendable and laughable*. Brigham Young has tons of them found in the Journal of Discourse. Bruce R. McConkie as well shared his theories in print, which were revised after the fact due to them being somewhat doctrinally incorrect. They only seem to validate this idea. The real shame is how the folklore of why Blacks couldn't hold the priesthood keep living on throughout church discourse (like the "Fence Sitters" comments and the "Decendants of Ham/Cain" among some of them.

Personally? I don't have a problem with it and it doesn't rub me the wrong way (understandably easier said by myself than others) Men on the earth are running the church. It will never be perfect by our fallible nature and unfortunately incorrect practices and policies can be put in place for a time. I'm not disregarding the possibility that it was indeed divinely inspired but in most cases I think the most obvious or easiest answer is generally the correct answer.

An interesting book to read regarding this topic is Black and Mormon by Newell Bringhurst and Darron T Smith. It's a compilation of many authors-LDS and people who are not members of the LDS church.


Edited by Pintail
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I don't know if it makes a difference, but this man is like family. He came to live with us for a year after we moved away from California during mine and his senior years in high school. He lived in my room with me and we grew very close.

After all this, 25 years passed, without contact, and he still says I was the best friend he ever had, and he considers me a blood brother.

That might help you with your answer.

This will require fasting and prayer for a testimonial by the Holy Ghost or a personal question and answer section with the Godhead.

I had the same situation when I first converted to the church in questioning why Blacks were barred from the Priesthood. I had an indifference of feelings why the Lord continues in allowing it. I have to say, remembering one of our past thoughtful prophets, under President David O McKay tenure, he also felt obligated in asking the Lord for a reversal and was also denied.

For me, the answer came quite surprising later with thorough answers, which lead me speechless on what was given and by whom.

We can receive answers, if it is necessary as part of our mortal edification.

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