
Should the moderators let Bat resume posting?  

  1. 1. Should the moderators let Bat resume posting?

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Bat does have a lot of personality, and much of the time, I appreciate his humor. Unfortunately, he was banned a whille ago. After a period of time, when people began to miss him, and he seemed to want to come back, we lifted his ban and he was free to post without even being on moderated status. But, within days, he posts were back to being very inflaming, and he was banned again. I am not sure Spencer wishes to have to review every single one of his posts for inflammatory content.

Like I said, I liked Bat, but unless he can control his temper and his impulses, I don't know whether Spencer will allow him to post again.

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Bat posted for no other reason than to see how vulgar and shocking he could be allowed to be. I don't think he honestly believed the tripe he tossed out here, he threw it out just to get a reaction. I say no. He's already proven he is unwilling to change to conform to board rules, what makes anyone think he will abide by them if we ask him nicely to come back. Besides, I agree his attacks on Faerie were beyond rudeness, they were completely uncalled for.

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I vote yes.... I try to see the best in people, and I see good in bat, have for years. Yes, he can get to you IF you let can some other people.. Bat and I had a run in a long time ago, and I let him know how I feel, and you know what? I found out that he is a very nice person in reality.

And there are some posts I ignore from other people, cause they make me angry, upset or frustrated, but I don't try to block them from posting things I don't agree with. I think that if we are solid in our faith, and comfortable in who we are, the different opinions of others who don't agree with us, shouldn't deter us from who we are. If we don't agree with what is posted....or are bothered by it..... flip to a different thread. Same as we do on the tv....we don't HAVE to watch, or listen to something that bothers us....unless it peaks our interest.

If we are to block everyone who doesn't agree with exactly what the Church is about, or those who have differing opinions of what is right and what is wrong.....than it will be a very sad board to come to. I too miss the bat.

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Mar 18 2005, 10:58 PM

I vote yes.... I try to see the best in people, and I see good in bat, have for years. Yes, he can get to you IF you let can some other people.. Bat and I had a run in a long time ago, and I let him know how I feel, and you know what? I found out that he is a very nice person in reality.

And there are some posts I ignore from other people, cause they make me angry, upset or frustrated, but I don't try to block them from posting things I don't agree with.  I think that if we are solid in our faith, and comfortable in who we are, the different opinions of others who don't agree with us, shouldn't deter us from who we are. If we don't agree with what is posted....or are bothered by it..... flip to a different thread. Same as we do on the tv....we don't HAVE to watch, or listen to something that bothers us....unless it peaks our interest.

If we are to block everyone who doesn't agree with exactly what the Church is about, or those who have differing opinions of what is right and what is wrong.....than it will be a very sad board to come to.    I too miss the bat.

This is Jenifer, the real Jenifer. Lindy, you rock. Just had to say that.

Geesh, I didn't know I'd become so active on this board! :)

And Amillia, it's JeNifer. One N. :)

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I vote Yes because I used to love Bat's posts, and found most of them very informative. I do think that we all need to temper our emotions from time to time on here, but I must say that I have found some very insensitive posts on here recently which I feel might be much worse than anything I remember Bat posting in the past.

I have been away from the board for a while, so I didn't see any of the attacks on Faerie, and obviously personal attacks by anybody are not acceptable, so I do hope that this sort of thing will not happen to anybody again.

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It has nothing to do with him being a cool dude or that he doesn't agree exactly with the church. Heck, I don't agree exactly with the church (as someone so pleasantly pointed out in an anonymous email I received yesterday), but at least I discuss most of the topics without getting inflammatory and abusive. That is the problem.

I asked above and everyone sailed right by it. Who here will put enough peer pressure on Bat to change his ways (if we allow him back) to make sure he posts appropriately? Because when the same person abuses the rules in the same way time after time, we have no desire to have him back, and I'm not sure we can believe his promises anymore.

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Originally posted by Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 09:42 AM

I asked above and everyone sailed right by it. Who here will put enough peer pressure on Bat to change his ways

I think that Bat is a big boy and doesn't need "peer" pressure from any of us. He is obviously posting thru Jenifer, or having her post his thoughts so what is the difference? Even people in prison gets paroled... well most of them. He has served his sentence.


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I Luv Bat. I have even been called a member of his posse here on LDSTalk and that's even okay by me. :)

I have posed this question before to him without a reply..."Why does he want to be a member here when he clearly doesn't respect our beliefs?" Bat has a multitude of knowledge about the LDS Faith but he spends much of his time telling us why it is wrong. Sure, there are many here who are rock solid in their faith and Bat's antics won't shake them. On the other hand, there are many who come here for information about the church who may never post. The home page has this... "Welcome to LDS Talk, the web site dedicated to bringing you LDS Communication and News in an effort to unite Latter-day Saints from all over the world." I don¡Çt believe that it is right to have people join this website on this pretense and then subject them to anti Mormon material. There are plenty of anti Mormon sites and if people want to join them then they are doing so with that knowledge. The rules have been enforced and rule breakers have been punished. Here is what this page has at the top..." Any post which contains profanity, obscenities, or anything which would be found offensive to the majority of those who are LDS members will result in the post being removed, and the poster being banned from the site. There is a zero tolerance policy in place for those who choose to break those guidelines."

I have not yet voted because I want to know "Why Bat would want to belong to a website which has these rules?"

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Originally posted by Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 12:15 PM

He has served the same sentence several times over, and does not learn from it, as you well know, as he was banned a few times when you were an administrator here.

There is a saying: Once burned, shame on you. Twice burned, shame on me.

Again, you are letting him post under his wife, or letting him speak thru his wife. What is the difference?
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Originally posted by Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 08:15 AM

There is a saying: Once burned, shame on you. Twice burned, shame on me.


Fourteen times torched, may mortification and abashment walk with me all the days of my life.

...course they don't say that one as much as they used to.

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Originally posted by Jenifer@Mar 18 2005, 10:58 PM

This is Jenifer, the real Jenifer.  Lindy, you rock.  Just had to say that. 

Geesh, I didn't know I'd become so active on this board!   :)

And Amillia, it's JeNifer.  One N.  :)

Thanks Jenifer :) I'm so very glad that batboy found you!

And to others:

I am aware of the diverse, contrasting, and sometimes total opposite viewpoints we have on this board....but that is what makes us a class of our own. Others are not shut down, or banned for life because their opinions contradict church values, if they were than this would just become another boring yada yada yada board.

Just an FYI....I hadn't been as steadfast in my faith as others seem to be, and lo and behold...bat helped me through a real bad phase, encouraging me to be who I need to be, NEVER pushing me away from where I should be and I will continue to stand on bat's side.

Viva la difference. ;)

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Mar 19 2005, 01:00 PM

Just an FYI....I hadn't been as steadfast in my faith as others seem to be, and lo and behold...bat helped me through a real bad phase, encouraging me to be who I need to be, NEVER pushing me away from where I should be and I will continue to stand on bat's side.

Viva la difference. ;)


Lindy and I are good friends STILL. She was luckier then I was and she knows how I was affected... I also tend to go with the "underdog" but intent should go into the mix. That is why I want to know his intent before placing my vote.

I don't believe that Bat is as anti as he leads us to believe at times. He is really a kind person with a good heart and that is what I appreciate about him.

I believe that John Doe was pretty accurate in his analysis about why Bat likes to post here. ¡ÈBat posted for no other reason than to see how vulgar and shocking he could be allowed to be. I don't think he honestly believed the tripe he tossed out here; he threw it out just to get a reaction. I say no. He's already proven he is unwilling to change to conform to board rules, what makes anyone think he will abide by them if we ask him nicely to come back."

Should he be allowed to come back to LDSTalk to reek havoc and make it a chore for the moderators?

Yes, Bat can be very entertaining when he wants to be, and I still luv him despite of the bad boy he can be at times.

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Guest JRodan
Originally posted by Marsha+Mar 19 2005, 11:46 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Marsha @ Mar 19 2005, 11:46 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 12:15 PM

He has served the same sentence several times over, and does not learn from it, as you well know, as he was banned a few times when you were an administrator here.

There is a saying:  Once burned, shame on you.  Twice burned, shame on me.

Again, you are letting him post under his wife, or letting him speak thru his wife. What is the difference?

I voted "No." I also think you should ban anyone assisting him to post here. I recommend he posts at RfM. Not that they actually need an extra injection of unbridled hatred, but he would probably feel more comfortable grazing among his own herd mentality.

Also, look what he managed to accomplish as a monitor on your message board, Marsha. It sorta, kinda disappeared, didn't it?

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Originally posted by JRodan@Mar 20 2005, 11:50 AM

Also, look what he managed to accomplish as a monitor on your message board, Marsha. It sorta, kinda disappeared, didn't it?

Actually I shut my board down do to illness. It had nothing to do with what was posted there. I actually owned several websites and closed 2/3 of them down.
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Originally posted by JRodan+Mar 20 2005, 09:50 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JRodan @ Mar 20 2005, 09:50 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Marsha@Mar 19 2005, 11:46 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 12:15 PM

He has served the same sentence several times over, and does not learn from it, as you well know, as he was banned a few times when you were an administrator here.

There is a saying:  Once burned, shame on you.  Twice burned, shame on me.

Again, you are letting him post under his wife, or letting him speak thru his wife. What is the difference?

I voted "No." I also think you should ban anyone assisting him to post here. I recommend he posts at RfM. Not that they actually need an extra injection of unbridled hatred, but he would probably feel more comfortable grazing among his own herd mentality.

Also, look what he managed to accomplish as a monitor on your message board, Marsha. It sorta, kinda disappeared, didn't it?

What is RfM?

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Originally posted by Marsha+Mar 19 2005, 11:46 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Marsha @ Mar 19 2005, 11:46 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Jenda@Mar 19 2005, 12:15 PM

He has served the same sentence several times over, and does not learn from it, as you well know, as he was banned a few times when you were an administrator here.

There is a saying:  Once burned, shame on you.  Twice burned, shame on me.

Again, you are letting him post under his wife, or letting him speak thru his wife. What is the difference?

The difference is that bat's wife's stance regarding the church is not well known. We don't want to drive away potential tithe payers, making us failed-every-member-a-missionaries. We only want to silence those that would openly divulge facts that don't show mormonism in a positive light.That is why this is a pro-mormon (we're not anti-gay, we're pro family!) website.

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