"Embraced By The Light"


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Always wanted to read that one. It was suggested to me by a missionary once.

I own and have read multiple times a similar book called "Glimpses of Eternity" by Arvin S. Gibson. Unless the General Authorities come out and say that what is in this book is inaccurate or wrong, I am inclined to believe it. The author is LDS, and the people he interviewed were active LDS, inactive LDS, and people who had never been members. Almost every story was completely different, though some of them had some common elements. Some stories involved out of body experiences without death occurring, and there were some stories included that came from or referred to similar books by other authors. As a result, I was motivated to also read "Return From Tomorrow" by George Ritchie.

Reading these books has, I believe, greatly expanded my understanding of how things work on the other side of the veil, and strengthened my testimony as sort of a by-product. I would encourage anyone to read these books.

A word of caution though, there were a couple stories in "Glimpses of Eternity" that are not for the faint of heart. My wife finds scarey movies give her nightmares, and that's just fiction. When she decided to read my book, I put post-it-notes on the pages I thought might scare her. There were a couple of stories in the book where the person was attacked by an unclean spirit.

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I'm currently reading this book. I found it on booksale last weekend.

There were lots of things written there which are coherent with LDS beliefs, but there are also some few details which I think are not. Just this morning, I tried to google about the book and I found that there are webpages saying that Betty Eadie is an LDS.

I find this book interesting because it contains views on the plan of salvation taken in a different angle. It also makes me contemplate on the details of the plan of salvation as discussed in the scriptures.

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I actually listened to this as a book on tape when I was about 12? I was sick or I got hurt somehow and was laid up for a day or so and my mom had it. No idea why a 12 year old would be interested in it, but I still kinda remember snipits from it. I should read it now.

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Thank guys. I am not sure was it this or an other book where it says that God said that all religions are important as they show different stadiums of understanding the gospel. I fully can sighn that. I really feel that is the way it is and that is also why we do not go around telling peopel if they dont join they can expect a hot sauna.. without the cooling water!

We are only haveresting those that want to come, and that is right! We cant haverest even our own children IF they dont want to... if they are not on the right level... or if they get hurt so they dont want to. Hurt will be forgiven, but not beeing on the right level... we just have to wait patiently......

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Yes, it was said in the book. Actually, a lot of insights there make sense.

After all, evil begets evil and good begets good. We cannot say that just because other people belong to different religions, then they are doomed to hell. Most of them are also engaged in good causes and that makes them Christians as well.

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I read this book many years ago. I still have it and it was copyrighted in 1992. I enjoyed the book very much. Here's a quote regarding why we are on this earth,

"Why would anyone want to come here? In answer, I remembered the creation of the earth. I actually experienced it as if it were being reenacted before my eyes. This was important. Jesus wanted me to internalize this knowledge. He wanted me to know how I felt when the creation occurred. And the only way to do that was for me to view it again and feel what I had felt before. p46

I read somewhere on the internet that when she wrote the book she was not yet a member of our church. Maybe someone can confirm or correct that.

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I read somewhere on the internet that when she wrote the book she was not yet a member of our church. Maybe someone can confirm or correct that.

According to an article in the March 6, 1993 Ogden, Utah Standard-Examiner, "Eadie said she was an inactive member of the LDS [Mormon] Church at the time [of her supposed near-death experience] and since then has become active. She said she was told during her after-life experience that the LDS Church is 'the truest Church on the earth.' But her LDS background wasn't included in the book, she said, because 'the book was meant to go out to the world, not just to LDS members.'"

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According to an article in the March 6, 1993 Ogden, Utah Standard-Examiner, "Eadie said she was an inactive member of the LDS [Mormon] Church at the time [of her supposed near-death experience] and since then has become active. She said she was told during her after-life experience that the LDS Church is 'the truest Church on the earth.' But her LDS background wasn't included in the book, she said, because 'the book was meant to go out to the world, not just to LDS members.'"

Thank you for the correction. I hope that she is still active. She wrote a good book. I'll always wonder if her story is true.

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A friend of mine had lost her son to a car accident, and after reading this book she said that it brought her some comfort. She loaned it to me and I read it through and thought about what I just read. About a week later I read it again. It does bring comfort. I think it lessens the fear of what is to come.

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....I read it through and thought about what I just read. About a week later I read it again. It does bring comfort. I think it lessens the fear of what is to come.

I agree that it lessens the fear. Much of the book relates to LDS teachings and perhaps when the Lord reveals more about our life after death other things discussed in her book will be the same. It is very much worth reading again.

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I read this several years ago. I agree that the book has teachings in it that go along with the church, however the entire book does not. After I finished I began to read her follow up book. It did not have the same spirit to it and it seemed as if the writing was forced to make a buck. Needless to say I didn't get very far in the second book. It also changed my view of her. Even though I liked the first book at the time that I read it I decided not to recommend it to anyone else.

Has anyone here read her second book?

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I read this several years ago. I agree that the book has teachings in it that go along with the church, however the entire book does not. After I finished I began to read her follow up book. It did not have the same spirit to it and it seemed as if the writing was forced to make a buck. Needless to say I didn't get very far in the second book. It also changed my view of her. Even though I liked the first book at the time that I read it I decided not to recommend it to anyone else.

Has anyone here read her second book?

I did start to read her second book but I didn't finish it. I agree with imon. It just wasn't written with the same spirit

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I have a signed copy (1996) of her book and have read it 3 or so times. It's similar to Dannion Brinkley's book Saved by the Light (died twice changed his life completely involved with Raymond A Moody Life After Life). Am very familiar with both but can't vouch for them, but hope there is truth in them.

A similar theme in both books is the Ripple Effect which I can probably say applies to all of us.

Betty's third book is entitled The Ripple Effect which I just discovered because of this thread and will probably read it also. Interesting subjects.

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