
Guest Taoist_Saint

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I think you mean bbbrhatt he lives out in the middle of nowhere LOL, ya and it would be nice to live closer to civalization i mean it gets to be a pain to drive 250 miles to go to wal mart

(outer darkness is just a silly term he uses for living in the middle of nowhere! desert mainly and to top it off it is the high desert so we get alot of snow too)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone!

I'm just a working guy with a wife and three kids. Can't seem to settle in one church. At the same time I hate the wandering. I read the Book of Mormon and find the LDS very interesting. My wife is a permanent non-practicing Catholic. Hope to learn a thing of two from your collective wisdom.

Warm regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, all. I'm new to the site and mormonism. I met with two elders for the first time tonight, discussed things with them, and prayed with them. I've been lost for most of my life, but never have I felt such a... charge as when I prayed to Heavenly Father this evening. I've prayed to him twice since i've gotten home, read the pamphlet, read some passages in the book, and my mind can't stop racing. I don't understand, but definitely getting some positive feelings. I lead an extremely stressful life but tonight, for the first time in a long time, i'm actually a little more at peace. Anyways, just thought i'd introduce myself. Name's Blake. nice to meet you all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Where to start. I was born in Tooele, Utah. My whole family have been members of the Church for generations. When I was around nine years old, my family moved to Alaska. We first lived in the Fairbanks area where the harsh winters drove us South--we moved to Anchorage where I attended high school. It was about this time that I started to understand what the gospel is. From there we moved to Soldotna, Alaska which is a commercial fishing town on the Kenai Peninsula on Cook Inlet. Our ward in soldotna was really interesting--half of the members were commercial fisherman, so I got to go out with them to fish.

From Alaska, I went into the US Air Force, did basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas and then tech school at Shepard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas. I was stationed in Southern California for nearly four years. After I separated from the Air Force, I went back to Alaska and then was called to serve a mission in the Argentina, Bahia Blanca Mission--from one end of the earth to the other. For part of my mission, I was in the Tierra del Fuego from June to December--the dead of Winter. I loved my mission as my testimony of the Gospel grew a great deal, saw the Lord bless me beyond belief, and had great success.

My then girlfriend waited for me while I was gone. When I returned home from my mission that August, I moved to Virginia (Washington, DC suburbs) to continue dating her. We were married that December in the Washington, DC temple. Right when we got married, I was offered a job on Capitol Hill to be an aide to US Senator Frank H. Murkowski from Alaska. After a few years of politics, I went back to college at the University of Virginia where I majored in Spanish language and linguistics and did a pre-medicine core. While I was at UVa, we adopted our daughter Madeleine. She is now ten years old and very artistically and athletically inclined. After graduating from college, I was accepted to medical school in Southern California. During my third year of medical school, we adopted our son George who is 3 years old, but is as big as his 6 - 7 year-old friends. We were sealed to both of our children in the Washington, DC temple. Since graduating from medical school, I am in my second year of anesthesiology residency here in Jackson, Mississippi.

This is a quick run-down and I look forward to getting to know you all. Sorry I have to run, I am on call and my trauma pager just went off--we have a gun shot wound coming to the operating room that I need to put to sleep.

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My name is Jeff, I am currently agnostic, however, interested in acquiring more knowledge about LDS. I have had Mormon friends in the past but never have spoken about their religion with them. I do know that they were all some of the nicest people I have ever known. Life is pretty complicated, my wife and I have just had our first child, her name is Carliegh. I want to raise her with some direction and purpose in life and to be around good people.

I was raised a Roman Catholic and remained so until I was 16, I became agnostic shortly afterward and was an Atheist for a long time. While posting questions on Yahoo answers I have started to question my own beliefs, I still have my doubts about God, but I am not perfect in my knowledge and want to explore any possibility of him existing. I find that the Mormons are more in line of my style of thinking, at least from what I know of them.

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***Deep Breath****


What to say.

About me: I live near Chicago. I have been married for 11 years. I have a five year old daughter. I am self employed in the computer world. More specifically around Linux and FOSS.

Why am I here?: Back in 97 I ha some missionaries visit my wife and I in our apartment. Then in 2001 we had some visit us in our home. Life has changed the last few years. In some ways it all blew up, in other ways it became more clear.

There is a lot more to that last sentence.

So anyway, here I am.

May as well lead this bit on the table....I believe I want to get baptized, but there is one major hurdle I got. Not sure if I am ready to discuss it in the public forum, but I will poke around a bit and build the old comfort level.


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Hi one and all,

Well having posted a few times maybe I should introduce myself.

I am Bob and live on the island state of Tasmania in Australia having moved here in 1969 at age 19 from my home in the UK.

I joined the Church in my teens in England. My wife and I were married in the NZ temple 32 years ago and we have 6 children aged 30 to 19.

I have served in many Church callings and no few years of community service.

Why am I here, for me its to learn and be involved with like minded people, I have no desire for confrontation, just to learn and gain experience in my prime objective in life, returning home and helping other do the same. I enjoy meaningful discussion designed to make me think and so far have enjoyed what I have seen, I can see that there are some key players here that spend some quality time posting and I look forward to learning and beinvolved to the degree time permits.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all.

I am Stormy. I am a lifer LDS'er, however, it was not until my later years that I actually converted to the church and developed a testimony.

I heard about this board from my friend Snow, in another forum. I also had the pleasure of meeting Prisonchaplin in that other forum and if those disagreeing with the LDS belief system on this forum are all like prisonchaplin then I anticipate some high quality individuals and fantastic discussions.

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I am currently looking around and familiarizing myself with the board and trying to learn a little about each poster from their posts.

There is much to learn about us. :lol:

Look forward to getting to know you as well. The chatroom is fun and gets "lively" at times especially towards the later hours. Any friend of Snows is a friend of ours. Welcome to LDS Talk :sparklygrin:

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