Baptismalorette Party for Eternal Promise


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Hello Everyone!

Eternal Promise's "baptism"lorette
party is TONIGHT,
June 18, from 7:30 to 9:00 EST.

That means it's:
  • 7:30 pm until 9 PM on the East Coast
  • 6:30 pm until 8 PM in Chicago
  • 5:30 pm until 7:PM in Utah
  • 4:30 pm until 6:PM in California
So PLEASE NOTE which time cateogry you belong in.

Also, please, please bring your favorite LDS-themed YouTubes, or other YouTubes that are appropriate, especially the funny ones (Ben are you listening). Those are always the best part of the party.

Except, of course for the cyber-green jello, cookies, presents, and speeches!

Even if you can only drop by for a moment, that is fine.

So, please note the time, and join us in wishing EternalPromise the plunge of her lifetime.

Finally, guys, don't let the name of the party fool you. You're invited as well.

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I plan to be there, with a YouTube in mind (although I'm not sure how that would work in chat) and cyber-chocolate cupcakes. Got an alarm set on my PDA and everything. :-)

Hi Seanette,

All you do is post the link to the Youtube, and we'll all watch it at the same time. Same with your cyber cupcakes, if you want to leave a pic of them, just give us the link. If you don't want to leave a link, just let us know they're there, and we will cyber-eat them. :)

I probably should have explained this earlier, so I'm glad you brought it up!


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to everyone who came out this evening! it was a lot of fun, and it meant a lot to me knowing i have so many people supporting me during this crazy time! i'll be sure to post a ton of pictures of everything saturday, from the time i get up to the time i get back home, and then sunday before and after church :D

i love you all :)


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Hey Everyone!!!

Guess who finally got her tootsies wet today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME :D

It was beyond ABSOLUTELY amazing.

I got dressed, packed up everything I could think of, and drove to the church. A girl I'm kinda friends with from the YSA branch for my stake helped me get ready. I got to wear a dress too, and not one of those DEAD sexy jumpsuits!! :D :D

I was so nervous right up until the bishopric member dismissed everyone to go into the font room, and had the Elder and I leave first so we could get ready. I went back and forth about whether to wear my ear plugs that I have to have, which I finally did. Then I saw the Elder start to go down into the water, and this incredible wave of peace just washed over me, I almost couldn't believe it was time. So I folded the dress around my legs (as missingsomething counseled me to do :D ), and stepped in. The water relaxed me even more it was so warm, and perfect. before they pulled back the curtain door, Elder Henrie and I quickly went over the hands and knees drill, and he just kinda patted/rubbed my shoulder and said he was so proud of me and not to be nervous, which meant the world to me. Next thing I know I heard the clicking of the curtain door being pulled back, so I closed my eyes, he raised his hand, and started calling out my name. By then I had entered a peaceful zone but yet heard every word of his voice. When he brought his hand to my shoulder and started to lean me back, I bent my knees and didn't close my eyes until my head hit the water, as I wanted to take everything that I could in all at once. I almost didn't want to come out of the font :( As I stepped out of the font, I felt so heavy from the water dripping off, but at the same time I felt light as air. I kept peeking back around the door's corner to look at the font again before I changed. Then again as soon as I was dressed, I looked back in, and all the water was gone and the light was turned off :( I wanted to touch it one more time....I also didn't want to let go of my wet dress, or put it back in their rack. I wanted to take it home with me and keep it for the rest of my life! Maybe one day I'll learn how to sew, make a nice one that's the same size, and exchange it :P

My two speakers were amazing, the two I had do the opening/closing prayers were ok, and overall it was a perfect day. The only thing that went wrong is my two special videos I wanted to show while I was changing didn't end up working, neither did the audio copy, but after everything started it didn't even matter any more. I just wanted to get in the water...

Thank you all so much for giving me the much needed support and love so I could finally get to this day. I'll be posting pictures soon :)


Edited by eternalpromise516
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sorry these are so big, i can't adjust them to be smaller. enjoy!

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^^ pouring down rain on the way to my baptism

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^^ clean of my sins!

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^^fresh out of the font!!! :D

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^^ my tooties didn't want to leave the font and water :( at least there's baptisms for the dead to make me feel better!! haha

Edited by eternalpromise516
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