My husband is the best...


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He sings, he dances, he writes sappy poetry. What more could a girl ask for? This morning when I got up (after he'd already left for work), I found the following poem written with a dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I love you

Crap I screwed up the poem

To many people, it might sound thoughtless, but it made me laugh, and that's what its intent was. Inspiration struck while my husband was brushing his teeth, and he left me a "love note" to let me know that he was thinking of me this morning. It made me feel special.

What does your husband or wife do that makes him/her "the best"?

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My husband is 50 years old and has long, silver hair. I tease him constantly about it, daily, weekly. He doesn't seem to mind the teasing and probably loves the attention, which is why he hasn't cut his hair in these many years. That's the gift he gives to me, his crazy long hair. :) BTW wingnut, your husband's poem was perfect.

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My husband is the greatest unromantic guy on the planet... his special daily love-ritual is to put toothpaste on my toothbrush every morning. It puts a big smile on my face every single day.

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Last night we had watermelons while watching a movie. I just realized that after 12 years of marriage I have taken it for granted that I always eat seedless watermelons with my husband... he has always carved out all the seeds before handing the plate to me. Yesterday, I gave him a big Thank You and he seemed surprised! Made me feel bad that I have taken stuff for granted so much that he is surprised when I express appreciation.

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My husband is very romantically natured and soppy. He occasionally has a gift wrapped present for me on the table of books he knows I want, or a new outfit. But he mainly says it through his words. He tells me everyday he needs me and couldn't live without me. He always tells me he fancies me. He sends me lovely texts if Im working nights saying the bed isn't the same and he's lost without me and I'm his best friend.

Even better...I was complaining yesterday I had put weight on and begging him not to buy ice cream as I would eat it (heheh). He said, 'babe, u look better now than you ever have, I prefer you with a bit of weight on, you are much sexier.'


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He sings, he dances, he writes sappy poetry. What more could a girl ask for? This morning when I got up (after he'd already left for work), I found the following poem written with a dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I love you

Crap I screwed up the poem

To many people, it might sound thoughtless, but it made me laugh, and that's what its intent was. Inspiration struck while my husband was brushing his teeth, and he left me a "love note" to let me know that he was thinking of me this morning. It made me feel special.

What does your husband or wife do that makes him/her "the best"?

That is so weird - here's what he left me this morning.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

You should have seen

The poem I left my wife.

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Guest TheLutheran

. . . . sleeper. He's out at 10:00 p.m. always -- doesn't matter where we are. He's also been known to occasionally snooze during worship services or dance recitals.

. . . . provider. He is one of the most content human beings on the planet because he gets to do his ultimate earthly wish and make a good living at it. He's a farmer -- salt of the earth, hard-working, honorable, dedicated, humble. He's actually never been an employee.

. . . . crack-up. Without even trying he makes me laugh out loud. He signs my birthday and anniversary cards with both his first and last names. He's a man of few words but he usually comes up with something hilarious about twice a year, and you can tell he's so proud of himself for it. :sunny:

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