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Hi there,

I am SoCal resident who hasn't been to church in about 6-7 years. I became LDS when I was 17 as it felt the right thing to do and I really enjoyed the companionship of the people as well as the uplifting beliefs. I stopped going when I was 20 because of a lot of different reasons:

-my family believed I was going to hell

-my fiance left me

-I was depressed and couldn't find solace with my small branch, I was young, alone everyone was married with TONS of kids

Now, I'm 29 and married and looking for a connection to a community of people that live a certain way and believe a certain way. I miss the people. I'm not sure about my beliefs anymore because my life has changed, but I have found I am a very spiritual person in life. That there is a meaning to it, that you can do good and make an impact in others lives. I'm even going back for my PhD in Psychology as I enjoy helping others so much....

So, hi there! You can call me Cricket, I'm just figuring out my community and building connections. I'm not sure if you are allowed to go back to church if you haven't been there for a while, if your husband is an atheist, and if you just want a sense of community and acceptance?

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welcome to the site cricket. no one is going to keep you from attending church...everyone has a search in this life, sometimes 2 or 3, the best thing about Heavenly Father is that no matter how many times you turn away, every time you come back he is there. I hope you find what you are looking for.

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Hello and thanks for the reply. I hope you are right! I tried asking those same questions in a chat with a missionary (on mormon.org) and he said I shouldn't go back as I didn't have my belief's anymore like I used to. I was trying to ask if it was okay to go back and re-investigate too... :P So, we shall see!

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