So i made a deal with God...

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Demanding things from God rarely works. You have to have FAITH... saying "if lightning strikes that tree at 7 minutes before dawn on the 18th Sunday of the year, then I will worship you" is you trying to make an excuse not to believe... the same stands with the missionaries to your house thing.

You either want to be a believer or you don't. A character in a book I read a few weeks ago said something along the lines of "Miracles are only shown to those that have faith, those that lack faith claim they will believe if they see a miracle" the same principle applies here, you have to have faith and believe, you can't wait for some divine sign before you choose to believe. Religion ultimately boils down to one thing, faith.

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thanks chet, i just dont want to rush into anything, i dont want it to turn into a another mistake, i dont want to bring my children along get them settled in just to drag them back out if its not where im meant to be. I want to be 100% certain myself that this is what i want to do before i get anyone else involved into my way of thinking. I guess i should just keep reading and praying and your right im sure there will come a time when i will have to make the descion, i just dont think im ready for that yet.

Hey simon i dont mind at all, i think you right we are both in the same boat! If you figure this out let me know, although i have a feeling its all going to come down to us jumping in feet first and trusting God. I will let you know when im ready lol!

Ryanmercer as i have said before i am not demading anything from God, i have already been a christian for 16 years, i am more than ready to take the next step in my faith whatever and where ever that may be. Some people when they want somthing bad enough jump in and the confirmation comes later, and although sometimes i wish i was a bit like that i'm not. I have a husband and 4 children to consider. So i will continue prayfully seeking out God's will for my life and that of my family, and when or if im sure then i will make my move.

I truly believe my heavenly father loves me and has guided me all through my life (even though there have been times i havnt listened). I dont think He will let me down now, its just that things happen in His time and not ours. I think im far too impatient. God probably knows im not ready and is waiting for the perfect time, or His answer to my prayer could be no this is not the church /denomination for me.

I think i have come full circle and have answered my own question ! Thankyou very much for all your help and advice, its nice to know i can come here and talk to you guys.


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thanks chet, i just dont want to rush into anything, i dont want it to turn into a another mistake, i dont want to bring my children along get them settled in just to drag them back out if its not where im meant to be. I want to be 100% certain myself that this is what i want to do before i get anyone else involved into my way of thinking. I guess i should just keep reading and praying and your right im sure there will come a time when i will have to make the descion, i just dont think im ready for that yet.

Hey simon i dont mind at all, i think you right we are both in the same boat! If you figure this out let me know, although i have a feeling its all going to come down to us jumping in feet first and trusting God. I will let you know when im ready lol!

Ryanmercer as i have said before i am not demading anything from God, i have already been a christian for 16 years, i am more than ready to take the next step in my faith whatever and where ever that may be. Some people when they want somthing bad enough jump in and the confirmation comes later, and although sometimes i wish i was a bit like that i'm not. I have a husband and 4 children to consider. So i will continue prayfully seeking out God's will for my life and that of my family, and when or if im sure then i will make my move.

I truly believe my heavenly father loves me and has guided me all through my life (even though there have been times i havnt listened). I dont think He will let me down now, its just that things happen in His time and not ours. I think im far too impatient. God probably knows im not ready and is waiting for the perfect time, or His answer to my prayer could be no this is not the church /denomination for me.

I think i have come full circle and have answered my own question ! Thankyou very much for all your help and advice, its nice to know i can come here and talk to you guys.


Making a deal is making a demand.

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so what about promising to read three chapters of the bible if god helps you get home? what about the deal to get an answer if you read the book of mormon? umm sounds like deals to me.

i know the problem i have. i trust god implicitly but im less certain in putting my trust in various people or religious leaders. men are known to lie, cheat, deceive and be lead astray. there are many faiths. muslims believe they are correct, catholics think theyre correct, methodists, jehovas and so on.

how can i be sure whether what i feel about the church is of god? how can i be sure im not lying to myself? how can i be sure im not being obsessive, or just want to join a new clique?

each religion feels just as sure about theirs as the lds do about theirs. not coming from a religious background, these thoughts make me worry. i want to follow the lds faith but i need something to confirm that this is right.

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No its not demanding, do you not trust God that if your faithful to the end you will be rewarded? Tell me how do you know that your are doing what God wanst you to do? the holy spirit confirms it, you are blessed, God confirms it in some way..right?

That is exactly what im asking that God would confirm to me (and to be honest im not really bothered in which way He does it) if this is where He wants me. Every one seeks confirmation from God that they are pleasing Him, you may search the bible or BoM , pray ,etc there are many ways.

Again i have total faith in what im meant to have faith in..God. I do not yet have faith in the Lds church or its leaders. If God wants me to then He will show me.

Just to make my point (as i dont want you telling me what i am or not asking of God) and of course just in case you dont have a dictionary

To ask for urgently or peremptorily: demand an investigation into the murder; demanding that he leave immediately; demanded to speak to the manager.

2. To claim as just or due: demand repayment of a loan.

3. To ask to be informed of: I demand a reason for this interruption.

4. To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary; call for: a gem that demands a fine setting.

5. Law a. To summon to court.

b. To claim formally; lay legal claim to.

v.intr. To make a demand.

n. 1. The act of demanding.

2. Something demanded: granted the employees' demands.

3. An urgent requirement or need: the heavy demands of her job; the emotional demands of his marriage; an increased oxygen demand.

4. The state of being sought after: in great demand as a speaker.

5. Economics a. The desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the ability to purchase it.

b. The amount of a commodity or service that people are ready to buy for a given price: Supply should rise to meet demand.

6. Computer Science A coding technique in which a command to read or write is initiated as the need for a new block of data occurs, thus eliminating the need to store data.

7. Law A formal claim.

8. Archaic An emphatic question or inquiry.


on demand 1. When presented for payment: a note payable on demand.

2. When needed or asked for: fed the baby on demand.

[Middle English demanden, from Old French demander, to charge with doing, and from Medieval Latin dPosted ImagemandPosted Imagere, to demand, both from Latin, to entrust : dPosted Image-, de- + mandPosted Imagere, to entrust; see man-2 in Indo-European roots.]

de·mandPosted Imagea·ble adj.

de·mandPosted Imageer n.

Synonyms: demand, claim, exact, require

These verbs mean to ask for urgently or insistently: demanding better working conditions; claiming repayment of a debt; exacted obedience from the child; tax payments required by law.


To give out as a share or portion; apportion.2. To distribute among several recipients. See Synonyms at distribute.

3. To sell: deal prescriptions; deal cocaine.

4. To administer; deliver: dealt him a blow to the stomach.

5. Games a. To distribute (playing cards) among players.

b. To give (a specific card) to a player while so distributing.

v.intr. 1. To be occupied or concerned: a book that deals with the Middle Ages.

2. To behave in a specified way toward another or others; have transactions: deal honestly with competitors.

3. To take action with respect to someone or something: The committee will deal with this complaint. See Synonyms at treat.

4. To do business; trade: dealing in diamonds.

5. Games To distribute playing cards.

6. Slang To buy and sell drugs, especially illegally.

7. Slang To cope: You've got no choicePosted Imagejust deal with it!

n. 1. The act or a round of apportioning or distributing.

2. Games a. Distribution of playing cards.

b. The cards so distributed; a hand.

c. The right or turn of a player to distribute the cards.

d. The playing of one hand.

3. An indefinite quantity, extent, or degree: has a great deal of experience.

4. An agreement often arranged secretly, as in business or politics.

5. a. A business transaction.

b. An agreement, especially one that is mutually beneficial. See Synonyms at bargain.

6. Informal A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain.

7. Informal Treatment received: a raw deal; a fair deal.

[Middle English delen, from Old English dPosted Imagelan, to divide, share; see dail- in Indo-European roots.]



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"If Lds missionaries visit my neigbourhood this week , then i will take this as a sign from you that tis is the church you want me to be in".

I think Heavenly Father would want you to choose for yourself what religion was right, sending missionaries to your door would make your decision a lot easier for you, for one.

For another, if he sent the missionaries to your door and then you ultimately denied them, what would happen to you for not keeping your end of the deal? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to you to make your own decision?

Perhaps the sign you should be paying attention to is the preoccupation with the lds church you have. The spirit speaks to you in a small voice, which may come to you as inspired thoughts. I don't believe that someone who has not been baptized into the LDS church can constantly have the companionship of the holy ghost, but I do believe he can inspire thoughts like you're having.

But that's just what I think.

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Maybe the missionaries stopping me in Solihull many years ago and giving me a copy of the Book of Mormon when I needed it most and introducing God into my life wasn't a sign then?

Unless, God doesn't give signs to those that asks, but gives signs to those who need it most to protect them?

Lets change that word "signs" to help instead?

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You sound so much like me. I was raised Baptist. I searched many different religions including those you mentioned. I could not find the answers I needed, so I decided there was something wrong with me, that I could not be "saved". I finally prayed to God telling Him I was giving up. I was not going to any church and I was not even going to talk religion any more. Within a day or two the missionaries from the LDS church knocked on our door, and my mother invited them in. To make a long story short I refused to have anything to do with them at first as I had told God I was going to do. They finally got me to listen to them more or less just to get them to go away. To my surprise they began answering all my questions that other faiths had not been able to answer. I began asking questions, and they kept answering them.

The day finally came to decided about baptism. My sister and I decided that we pretty much liked what we had learned so far, and that if we learned things later we did not like we could always go back to the Baptist Church, so we decided to get baptised. That is when the real answers came. After baptism and recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost so many things began opening up to me. I went back and read the pamphlets they had given me and all of a sudden I had new understanding of them. It was as if someone just opened up my mind and started pouring knowledge in it. I learned so quickly and so much that I knew what I had done was the right thing. This was in 1966. My sister and I are still members as is our mother. I have grown constantly in the gospel and am still growing and hope to continue to grow even after this life.

My personal opinion the draw you feel to the LDS Church is the Holy Ghost telling you it is true. It is personal revelation from God that this is where you belong, where He wants you to be. Your doubts are worrys about things others have told you and how they have treated you. You are torn between the two, and only you can choose. Take it from a 61 year old woman who has been where you are. If you will just follow the Holy Ghost and join the church you will know what you did is right. Just hold onto the Holy Ghost and what He teaches you and He will lead you all your life. That is what I did and it worked perfectly for me.

I live in Southern Mississippi where being a Mormon is not easy. I have had family members throw my Book of Mormon in the garbage. I have had people express extreme disappointment in me, and worry about me. While these things aren't fun by any means, The companionship of the Holy Ghost and the blessings of the gospel more than make up for it. I think of the Jews who converted to Christ and how they were treated by those Jews who did not accept the gospel of Christ, and I know how they felt, but something inside them made them go with the gospel anyway. That something was the Holy Ghost. It is offered to all. At some point or other we will all feel it's pull. The sad thing is we will not all follow it. For what every my two cents is worth from 43 years of experience I can tell you the gospel is true, and if you make the decision to join the church you will never regret it if you take the Holy Ghost as your guide and follow Him for the rest of your life.


Edited by breecatasnana
correct typo
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Yes, thank you Penny. I hope Deb found that as useful as I did.

Obviously there is a concern from me that you can pretty much renounce religion and say you're having nothing to do with it and then within a few days the missionaries are round your house.

But then when you are say at least 60% certain and you really really really want to join the church and get baptised, but you just want God to confirm his will with you to make sure you're not just being obsessive or that it's not like the other 1499 churches that thinks its brand is right, you then don't get anything and people say its a deal with God!

Or maybe Pennys encounter was like my chance encounter when I needed it most, when I had given up.

But I think I do understand what Penny is saying. I think it boils down to, just go. If you don't like it or you don't think it's true, then you can walk away without any problem. But you wont know unless you try.

If you're still shy of the whole baptism thing, can you still feel more by going to the church? I suppose one of my concerns is that once I've plucked up the courage to go (when my folks are on holiday most likely and I can get out of the house without bein seen), that I'll be sitting there and feeling nothing. Or worse still, feeling the same at the LDS church as I do at a Church of England church, or Catholic church and it wont give me the answers (or at least a very strong hint).

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I find it odd to suggest this, but if you really want to have more live LDS dialogue, and do some noncommital investigation, there is a relatively new option available. If you go to the Church's official website, Chat Live. It offers an opportunity to chat with actual missionaries. You would not have to invite them into your home, expose your children or your husband to your initial inquiries, and you might get some of your questions answered, without having to worry about revisits by labeled church emissaries.

Chet's cautionary counsel is good too. Ideally your family should worship together. IMHO, the bar should be quite high before you convert. You ought to feel an irrestible compelling to do so. Further, while Dr. T's question might seem to imply something very negative, when we are following our heart, we should indeed discern that it is the Spirit that is leading us, and not our own thoughts, or yes, even the Enemy. I'd suggest the same caution for spiritual examination or searching of any faith tradition.

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If you go to church you should feel the Spirit that is there. We are told to try the spirits and hold fast that which is good. If you go to church and you feel the Spirit there, you are then expected to act upon that. To hold it fast.

I don't know if I can explain this or not, but I will give it a shot. God loves us, so He does not want to hurt us in any way. There is a scripture that says from him to whom more is given more is expected. In other words the more we recieve the more we are expected to live--the more accountable we are before God. God gives line upon line, precept upon precept. The pull you two are feeling is the Holy Ghost telling you the church is true and it is where God wants you. If you do not act upon that you will be held accountable, because you were given that much revelation. Now, if you attend church and the Holy Ghost is there for you, you will be held that much more accountable before God, because you have been given that much more revelation.

God works in steps--line upon line, pecept upon precept. You feel the Holy Ghost pulling you, you act upon it by going to church, so you recieve the next inspiration--the Spirit in church. If you act upon that then you will be given more, here a little there a little, if you stop acting upon what you recieve God will stop sending, because He does not want you to be more accountable before Him and wind up being hurt more than blessed by what you recieve. When God tells you to do something you are accountable to do it. He will not tell you to be baptised until you are ready to be told that. He will lead you along step by step until you stop following. If you stop following the Spirit will leave you and you will lose what you were given.

We are not given the Holy Ghost as a constant companion until we have moved to the point we are ready to follow Him constantly. We are given Him as a visitor so to speak to prompt us to move one more step, then one more, then one more until we are ready to commit. Once we commit, through the covenant of Baptism, then we recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands, and He becomes our constant guide for the rest of our lives. If we have reached the point that we are ready to make the baptismal covenant with God, then we have reached the point where we are able to follow the Holy Ghost throughout our lives. We will live what He gives us and be blessed by it and not condemned for having knowledge we did not act upon. Am I making sense? I don't want to confuse you.

God only gives any person what he or she is ready to recieve, because He loves them, not because He is turning His back on them, but because He is waiting on them. He gives, then waits for us to move, when we move He gives more, ect all our lives. Baptism is just one step in that chain, followed by living the Gospel as the Holy Ghost leads. Receiving the priesthood is one of those steps, going to the temple is one of those steps. As we grow we receive more responsibilities, more callings, and make more covenants with God. Deciding to be baptised is just the first step, the first decision. If you make this decision then there will be a whole lifetime of decisions following it, but with one exception, you will have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion to guide you and help you, not just as a visitor guiding you toward the church.

I would suggest you go to church and see what Spirit is there, live the Word of Wisdom, read the Book of Mormon, live any part of the gospel you can and see what Spirit accompanies it. Jesus said the way one could know if what He taught was true was by living it. As you live each thing you will receive a conformation of it until you are ready to commit to live it forever and not just on a trial basis. At this point you are ready to be baptised, and move forward in the gospel.


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"Ryanmercer as i have said before i am not demading anything from God, i have already been a christian for 16 years, i am more than ready to take the next step in my faith whatever and where ever that may be. Some people when they want somthing bad enough jump in and the confirmation comes later, and although sometimes i wish i was a bit like that i'm not. I have a husband and 4 children to consider. So i will continue prayfully seeking out God's will for my life and that of my family, and when or if im sure then i will make my move."

Deb, God knows your heart and why you want to make sure of what you are doing. This is not the way God usually works, but that does not mean He wont answer your prayer. I don't know what God will do in this situtation. He usually works through the Holy Ghost and personal revelation. However, one thing I do know is that the LDS Church is very very family oriented. Salvation is not just on an individual basis it is on a family basis. We are saved as families not just individuals. The family is eternal and comes first. God would not want you to do anything that would hurt your family. I highly doubt they would baptise you if your husband did not approve. The church would never, never break up a family.

God is letting you know the church is true, through revelation form the Holy Ghost. Perhaps for now, perhaps for later when your family is ready. Perhaps to help ready your family for the church. I would do all I could to bring my family closer to the church. You might have family home evening on Monday nights. The church has manuals to guide you in doing this. How you would go about it would depend on the ages of your children. You might have a date night with your husband once a week to make your relationship with your husband stronger. Another thing to try is family prayer morning and night, and family scripture study everyday. All these are things the LDS Church teaches us to do that you could live without your husband or his father rejecting. When God sees your willingness to do these things He will open doors for you to be able to do more.

Don't over do it. Family home evening should be fun. The lesson should be short and the fun time longer. Family scripture reading can be limited to 10 or 15 minutes, or to one chapter, or to each person reading one verse, every what will work with your family remember it is to unite your family not divide it.

In time you might try reading the Book of Mormon together as a family, just to investigate it as a family and see how ya'll feel about it, not to try to push it on your family. You might visit the church as a family just to investigate it and see how everyone feels about it. Step by step you can bring your family along with you. This is God's way, as a family. This is the LDS Churches way as a family. We do everything for the welfare and sake of the family.

The leaders of the church issued a "Proclamation on the Family". You might want to read it. Your concern for your family almost makes you a Mormon right there. We just need to dunk you. LOL


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Hallelujah!!!! Penny is spot on!! And more eloquent than me.

Line upon line, precept upon precept. You can live the word of wisdom, you have family home evenings, you can sample parts of the Church and get a somewhat better understanding of it as the true Church of Jesus Christ without having to take that step of being baptized and provoking the disappointment of your relatives. I think Heavenly Father understands that you need to feel safe in your decision before you get baptized. I think He understands that for converts, we all need that to some degree or another. Like Penny, I told myself that while everything I'd learned seemed undeniably true, if I felt later on that the Church was not true, I could just leave it. But I felt that in the balance, it was what I needed to do. I thought the Church was true. But I didn't know it was true until after I got baptized, and received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

You will experience the same thing, as I did, as Penny did. At some point, you will come to believe the Church is true enough that you feel like getting baptized, even though you will most likely still have some small reservations about it at that point. In the balance, there will come a time where you feel more like getting baptized than waiting any longer. You will not know the Church is true until after you get baptized, because you need the gift of the Holy Spirit for that, and that comes after you're baptized. A leap of faith is required for all of us. I do believe that Heavenly Father will work with you and try to make your particular leap as gentle as possible. That's why I recommend you continue investigating the Church and build on how you've come to view it so far. That will give you more strength to do what you will eventually decide to do if you continue as you are. And that would be a very good thing, I promise you. Whatever sacrifices you make when you do join the Church, you will be more than compensated by Heavenly Father. But there's nothing wrong with minimizing your sacrifices to only what is necessary. But when you realize what sacrifice is necessary, be brave enough to take the next step.

Continue investigating, and be as considerate of your husband's feelings as you can. That's my recommendation.

Remember that your relationship with Heavenly Father ought to supercede ALL else. Families can be eternal, and are important beyond words, but Heavenly Father is most important. If it comes down to it, we are all expected by Him to choose Him even over family members, if it comes to that. I look at it this way: Who died for my sins? My parents? My granparents? Friends of the family? No it was my Savior. And so my relationship with Him should come before all else. And He is my mediator with Heavenly Father. It is Jesus who grants me the ability to return to Father. If my parents or granparents had a problem with me doing what I believed was necessary to honor my relationship with Jesus, I would have to choose Him over them. Luckily I was never in that position. I hope you never are either.

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Another fantastic post by Penny. I see Chet has a Dave Lister icon. Im reminded of the inquisitor episode when the Cat and Rimmer were judged better than Lister and Kryten. although Cat and Rimmer did very little with their lives, they did the most with what they had. While Lister and Kryten had the ability to do so much more but never did.

TV has taught us so much!


The problem I had originally meeting the missionaries ten years ago, is that I would like to take that as a sign. But what if it wasn't a sign? What if it was just coincidence and there's nothing magical or mystical about it and Im reading waaaay too much.

But yeah, it makes sense. I myself have been given the book of mormon, the opportunity to learn, to take on board, to discuss. I think God's waiting for me to take the next step, go to Church, discover, feel happy and comfortable. He's waiting for me to act on the faith I have and do something about.

Yeah. I get it.

But I do remember Debs first post saying she had gone to the church but didn't feel comfortable?

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The problem I had originally meeting the missionaries ten years ago, is that I would like to take that as a sign. But what if it wasn't a sign? What if it was just coincidence and there's nothing magical or mystical about it and Im reading waaaay too much.

My guess is that you receiveing the Book of Mormon 10 years was your first step. You were given what you were ready for, and what you needed at the time. We are lead along slowly one step at a time.

But yeah, it makes sense. I myself have been given the book of mormon, the opportunity to learn, to take on board, to discuss. I think God's waiting for me to take the next step, go to Church, discover, feel happy and comfortable. He's waiting for me to act on the faith I have and do something about.

Yeah. I get it.

I think you are right. When you act on what you already have you will be given more as you are ready. The Bible says even Christ grew from Grace to Grace.


COLOR="blue]But I do remember Debs first post saying she had gone to the church but didn't feel comfortable?

I think that is normal. I was a Katrina evacuee. I had always been a member of the church that was on the frontier, so to speak. I was in awe of those in Salt Lake and surrounding areas who's families had been members for generations, and who's branches of the church had exhisted for ever it seemed to me. They were the originals to me. When I evacuated I went to Arizona. When I first went to church I was afraid, felt I just was not the same as the "originals" I felt they knew much more, were much more advanced. I felt uncomfortable at first. However, I found out they were as much in awe of me as I was of them. They had it the easy way while I was on the frontier having it harder like their forefathers had. When I gave them a chance I found they were wonderful. I felt very accepted, and loved, and wanted.

We always fear the unknown. We are always somewhat uncomfortable when treading into new waters, when meeting new people. It is just human nature. All we have to do is give it a chance, give them a chance. Things in life are not always easy, are not always comfortable, but they are worth it.

When you go to church just introduce yourself and tell everyone you are an investigator. Find the missionaries, the Bishop. I think you will be surprised at how welcomed and comfortable you will be made to feel. Meditate on the Spirit and see what the Spirit tells you, how the Spirit there feels. Prove it wheather it is of God or not, and hold fast to it if it is good.

If you need me to tell you more of what to expect, please let me know. I will do all I can to help prepare you.

My very best to you.


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thankyou again for all your replies, its good just to listen to your advice and stories of conversion. They help me to put things into perspective. I just have to take things slowly and wait upon the Lord until a time i think is right.

your right though simon trying to determine what is from God and what is not is the hard part. Was meeting the missionaries and learning more about the Lds faith our chance/proof from God or is it like so many things in our life somthing to distract us from where God wants us to be (no offence ment to lds, i believe we all try and be where God would have us be).

your right i did visit the church and i expected that to be my "lightbulb" moment when it all came together and made sense. I felt uncomfortable probably because i was on my own whilst all my other friends and family were at my home church, i also did not have the approval of my husband. So i guess all these things were playing on my mind. The service's though were great and there is lots to learn, the people too were wonderfully friendly, so please dont let that put you off.

thanks again for all your help i really appreciate it.

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God bless Penny, that's all I can say. If I wasn't typing, I'd be clapping my hands right now.

Hey there sjdean! Good to see another "Dwarfer" out there! Interesting that you mention learning from television, and Red Dwarf in particular. I always found the "Justice" episode to be incredibly insightful myself. I always thought how neat it would be if we could have a justice field here on earth. You'd never have anything of yours get stolen. If someone attempted to inflict physical abuse on you, you wouldn't feel tempted to retaliate because they'd immediately suffer the effects of their assault and you wouldn't. On and on and on..... How marvelous that would be, I thought. And then I realized that it sounded more like Lucifer's plan to do things that way, and that while this world is fundamentally unjust, it's the only way for us to learn to overcome evil, to rise above it. We have to have unpleasant experiences to learn and to grow, as much as I hate to admit it. I still like the idea of living in a "justice field", but I understand now why life isn't like that.

I too learn a lot from television :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Deb,

I get like that too. There are some doctrines that i just dont understand...its not that i flat out dont believe them....i say now that i just dont understand but it doesnt matter to me because there is something about the church that i 'love'. I am so drawn toward it and i just seem to believe that its the Holy Spirit telling me its true. There has been so many instances where ive had a thought of the church pop into my head then 5 minutes later ive saw missionaries getting off a bus or an email buddy of mine from Utah will send me an email that day and im amazed. I come from a Catholic background and my parents couldnt understand why i would want to join the church. Im not great at justifying things and going into depth about they werent too interested but i just told them how it made me feel and that i wasnt being naive about it and as long as i was happy and a good person...then they werent too bothered at all. In fact my mum even turned up for my baptism :)


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I have been drawn the LDS Church for years. In-fact it was when I first attended a Christian church with a friend my father explicitly stated "Don't get mixed up with those Mormons."

It's funny how denigrating remarks will lead a curious person to question "What do you mean by that?"

In my experience, most people are wrong about the LDS Church. I myself even feel it is right to correct people when they espouse nonsense about it.

Just do what you feel you are lead to do.

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