43 Weird things said in an interview


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Guest Godless

My old boss didn't like me, so one day, I just left and never came back. And here I am!

That actually happens fairly regularly at the restaurant I work at. I'm not sure why someone would admit to it during an interview though.

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Some of the responses are funny, others make me cring - however a few of them are what everyone would say if they were being truly honest :P

Questions like "what are your weaknesses" always amuse me because do they really expect people to answer those questions honestly? Their biggest and true weaknesses are the ones they will very likely keep to themselves.

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Maybe you could but lets just say I'm not sure I would be able to recover from that. I'd probably go through with the interview but I'm sure the only thought in my head would be getting it over with so I could find some remote island to move to and never ever ever have to see these people again. I don't think I handle embarrassment well.

I also loved this one.

Tell us about a problem you had with a co-worker and how you resolved it

"The resolution was we were both fired."- Jason Shindler, CEO, Curvine Web Solutions

I've known some people who would say that if they were asked that in an interview and they are so suprised when they never get jobs.

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Though if you have flowers on your underwear and you are male, yep, you just lost that job lol.

What if you're female and you have batman underwear? I think that would be just as bad. Not that I know a female who wants batman underwear at all... walks away looking innocent

Edited by ploomf
can't stinkin spell
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I had someone tell me the one about just looking around for a job, saw our ad and thought, "why not?" She didn't get an offer.

Hahahaha, amazing how they get tarred for being honest :P

Lets face it, how many people apply for a job for the primary reason of aiding the company or organisation who advertise the job? Not many (that's not to say the prospective employee wouldn't want to aid the company, just pointing out that for most, it's not generally the deciding factor) . Generally people change jobs due to a much more attractive salary or other benefits to themselves such as experience, or being closer to home etc. Yet they ask the question anyway, when they already know what the true answer is. Unless the job was for a sales position, I think the question is pointless and irrelevant - but that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are recruiters out there who disagree ;)

Going back to the falling pants issue, it's a whole different story if the unfortunate victim was an endowed male :o

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Going back to the falling pants issue, it's a whole different story if the unfortunate victim was an endowed male :o

What would having been to the temple got to do with it? :P

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Garments. They look fairly conspicuous to the unknowing eye.

Especially if the victim of the wardrobe malfunction is female ;). Most female underclothing does not go down to the knee, after all.

OTOH, most male garment bottoms I've seen could pass for boxers or those odd hybrid boxer-brief things at social distance, especially to someone not familiar with garments. You'd have to get really close to see anything out of the ordinary.

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