Another stupid criminal


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No one ever said that criminals are an intelligent lot. In the news just this past week was one of the guys that used to work for the company that I work for who was fired due to other legal problems. Anyway, this guy and his buddy in their infinite wisdom decided to break into a house 3 doors down from where he lives and steal property from the house to include the kitchen appliances. He and his buddy claim that the house was abandoned for 5 months and they thought it was going to foreclosure so they decided to take the stuff before anyone else got to it to throw it out. Now, being the intelligent person that this guy is, he decides to hold a yard sale at his house. What is he selling? The stolen goods of course. And guess who pays a visit to this yard sale? You guessed it! The owner of the house they broke into. She goes back home, calls the police, and the guy is arrested and is out on $8,000 bond awaiting trial, facing 3 criminal charges. Now get this. He went on camera in a live interview and admitted to the crime and also admitted to using drugs - heroine and cocaine. Now is that intelligent or what?

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I envision this whole scenario with the bank robber.

Dang I failed my drug test.

Dang I really need a fix.

Dang I have no money for that fix so let me rob a bank.

Dang the only piece of paper I have is my drug test results.

Dang they caught me.

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I like my criminals dumb. The dumber the better. Years ago a neighbor stole the garage door opener out of my dad's car when he came home very briefly. He noticed immediately that it was gone and when he drove by late at night to open our garage door, my dad was there waiting for him with his gun. Luckily, the guy chickened out and drove away, but not before my dad recognized exactly who he was. He lives about 10 houses down the street. My dad called the police but they said they didn't have enough evidence, but they did say he had a record.

Coincidentally, bad things started happening to the guy wherever he went. He got dog poo on his door handle, pepper spray on his steering wheel, and insulation up his tailpipe. One day his car just wasn't working anymore. Shame.

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While I enjoy reading these stories (they make me feel like a genius), I'm always disappointed if, at the end, the person still has the ability to contribute to the gene pool. Man I love the Darwin Awards!

(not to be confused with the Dravin Awards, which I assume would have something having to do with googling random topics and turning out images of references at near impossible speeds)

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Lol - he most likely got payment for the interview. While I don't deny what he did initially was stupid, I don't think he'd do an incriminating interview for no reason. Lets just say people like him have different priorities in life.

You'd think... but can we REALLY assume he's got any sort of common sense? If he was that smart with using his resources to bring an income... HE WOULDN'T BE THERE!

Edited by Honor
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I think the stupid part of what he did was assuming the house had been abandoned. As he seemed to believe that, holding the garage sale wasn't particularly stupid as he believed the owner of the items wasn't there any more. Really what he did is a form of what is called urban exploration, which of course is illegal in several ways, but many people still take up the hobby.

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