No Respecter of Persons


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Here is something I've been trying to figure out for a long time... They say that God is no respecter of persons. I believe that there is "truth", and that the gospel is part of that truth. So why does it seem that God and the gospel work differently for different people? If no person is more important than another, what makes the difference of how he intervenes in one life and not another?

For example...we've all heard stories about someone that was about to take their life, but someone was inspired to call, to stop by, to talk to them, or something happened to make it so that they did not follow through. But what about the person that has no intervention? No one calls, no one stops by? Is their life any less important than the first example? If not, why does Heavenly Father put someone there to help the first, and not the second? You can't say it was "their time", because that's an unnatural death...

Or another example...two faithful families. Both full tithe payers and try their best to live the gospel. Both husbands lose their jobs. They both pound the pavement, pray for guidance, and do all they can to find new employment. One is successful and the other family is not, loses their home, and has very hard times for years to come.

Why does one person get the blessings while others are left alone?:confused:

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You've got to remember at all times that each of us has our agency. The Lord will help all of those who turn to him, but like lestertheemt said, we have to listen. And like dazed-and-confused said, we all have lessons to learn. I cannot remember who said it but I believe it was a general authority that said some ting to the effect of... there is more equality in the testing of each of us in this life then we will ever know until the time of the Second Coming. I believe that is true. Each of us have our tests that we must pass. The best we can hope for is that we do our best and let the Lord fill in the blanks.

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I understand that we all have our lessons to learn while here on earth, but the Lord has said he is bound when we do what he says. When there's a promise, and we do our part, the promise should be fulfilled. But there are times when such promises are not fulfilled for people. And I don't know how to reconcile that.

And maybe its true that in the first example, someone was prompted to help and didn't. But the Lord knows who will do what. If he knows they will not follow the prompting, why not give it to someone who would follow it?

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Is it really about God not being a respecter of persons. This is just my opinion mind you. When I think of that term I think of how God doesn't care if you are rich or poor. He doesn't care if you have blond hair or black. He doesn't care if you live in the US or Cambodia. All are equal in His eyes.

But why one couple would be suffering and the other not? Could it possibly be that one listened to the answers to prayers and the other didn't? Could one not have gone with the promptings of the Spirit while the other did? I don't know.

But I do believe that God does not intervene in all aspects in everyone's life. That he allows challenges to happen to help that person learn. To perhaps learn to do for themself instead of wanting things done for them.

Again just my opinion.

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What about the whole Priesthood ban issue?

What about it? It was over back in '78, but some cant seem to forget the past even though everone else are trying to move forward. The only really good and useful thing about looking back is trying hard not to make the same mistakes.

?? How long do you want to live in the past ??

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What about it? It was over back in '78, but some cant seem to forget the past even though everone else are trying to move forward. The only really good and useful thing about looking back is trying hard not to make the same mistakes.

?? How long do you want to live in the past ??

Saying, "It is in the past," does not clarify the meaning of the phrase, "No respecter of persons."

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Did God ban blacks from having the Priesthood. I don't believe so. This is not a thread about that debate. It's been debated and discussed numerous times already.

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Saying, "It is in the past," does not clarify the meaning of the phrase, "No respecter of persons."

The point is that that mistake was corrected.... Its in the past...

There is no one on this earth, that is or was perfect, except for Christ. To expect people of that day and age to make perfect decisions is just ludicrous. To expect us, today to make perfect decisions is nuts too. :)

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Guest Believer_1829

I have learned that trying to figure the "whys" for everything does me absolutely no good...

Why do I have the temptations I have? Why have I had the life I've had? Why does that rascal have it so good? Why does that good person never seem to catch a break?

I don't know, and it isn't up to me to figure out. These are my circumstances those are their circumstances, and that's just the way it is. I need to focus on trying to do what's right in my life, and everything will eventually work out (even if it's after I'm dead).

Edited by Believer_1829
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Thanks Believer. I generally agree. But sometimes its hard to ignore the why's when the issue is something deeply personal. I apologize if this is too much to share, but I think it might help you help me gain some understanding with at least one of my "whys".

The first example I listed wasn't just an example. It's one of my two BIGGEST "whys". My little brother took his life a few years ago at the age of 22 and I've struggled with trying to understand ever since. My parents, one of my other brothers and I were all very active in the church and faithful at that time, and in discussing it, we realized not a single one of us felt any impressions. Now, I don't know if there was someone else out there that received something rather than us, but I have SO struggled to understand why HE couldn't have sent SOMEONE...anyone... at the time my little brother needed help the most. Any one of us would've been glad to pick up the phone and call to see how he was doing if we would have felt the need. So therefore, when I hear about others that got that intervention, or had a failed attempt... although I don't begrudge them of that help, it makes me wonder why they were worth saving and not my baby brother. I KNOW he made that decision, that he had the free agency to do what he did and that he has to pay those consequences, but those other people made the same why did they still get the help or have their attempts fail while he didn't? So do you see where I'm coming from? Does that help clarify at all?

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Guest Believer_1829

I don't doubt for a minute it has been hard on your family. And I know where you are coming from... I can bet we all have had something pretty crappy happen in our lives that leaves us scratching our heads. I am 99% positive that, at the very least, one woman who actively participates here was molested as a child. But ultimately who is it that wants you to doubt God and His goodness and mercy?

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That's a tough one bmarks and probably no definable answer. There could be so many variables. I don't think for one moment that it was because your brother wasn't worth saving. What if someone had a prompting to call your brother and didn't act on that prompting? Would it have made a difference? It might have. Again as you stated your brother had agency.

It's difficult as a close family member to understand the why's and you may never know.

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Alma 29:8 tells us that God gives to each person and nation the amount of truth and light he/she/they are ready and willing to receive.

Moses wanted all of Israel to go up Mt Sinai with him and see the face of God. They refused, and so received a lesser gospel (the Law of Moses - see D&C 84). So it is with us. We often do not receive as much truth, or we receive worldly knowledge, because that is what we are ready to receive.

God is no respecter of persons. He will save and/or exalt any person who seeks Him with all one's heart, might, mind and strength. But most people do not consecrate themselves totally and completely to finding God's truth and will. They stop short, happy with the knowledge they have, even if it is mixed with a lot of error.

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I have learned that trying to figure the "whys" for everything does me absolutely no good...

Why do I have the temptations I have? Why have I had the life I've had? Why does that rascal have it so good? Why does that good person never seem to catch a break?

I don't know, and it isn't up to me to figure out. These are my circumstances those are their circumstances, and that's just the way it is. I need to focus on trying to do what's right in my life, and everything will eventually work out (even if it's after I'm dead).

I LOVE that you used the word "rascal"!!! :lol:

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Alma 29:8 tells us that God gives to each person and nation the amount of truth and light he/she/they are ready and willing to receive.

Moses wanted all of Israel to go up Mt Sinai with him and see the face of God. They refused, and so received a lesser gospel (the Law of Moses - see D&C 84). So it is with us. We often do not receive as much truth, or we receive worldly knowledge, because that is what we are ready to receive.

God is no respecter of persons. He will save and/or exalt any person who seeks Him with all one's heart, might, mind and strength. But most people do not consecrate themselves totally and completely to finding God's truth and will. They stop short, happy with the knowledge they have, even if it is mixed with a lot of error.

Okay, so are you saying maybe I'm not ready to receive the answers to my question(s)? That could be it, but I don't think it's due to my lack of seeking them. I've been trying to figure out the answer to this one for a long time now. And maybe its like Believer was saying, that maybe I don't really need to know why...That trying to figure out some of the mysteries we don't understand will just drive us crazy. Because it IS driving me crazy. So maybe I just need to let it go and trust that there is meaning behind everything and try to remember that HE is in control. Hmmm...I'll have to think about this some more... Thanks!

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there are some things that we do not understand and we will never do , it's part of practicing our faith i think .. not to add something to discuss but I wonder the same sometimes I was reading the BoM and found the famous dark skin curse verses 2 Nephi 5:21 , in the opposite we see this verses also in the book of mormon: 2 nephi 26:33

and I try to answer myself , i look at the scripture in Isaiah 55:8-9 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD....

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God knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what information we are ready to receive. We may think we are ready for it, but usually we deceive ourselves on our level of readiness. Also, there are some things the world is not ready for. We still have to learn and walk by faith.

And sometimes it takes us years to get our answers. Elder Joseph F. Smith had a daughter die in childhood. He pondered, prayed, and studied on what happens in the Spirit World, so he could know what was happening to his little girl. over 50 years later, 2 weeks before his death, he received the amazing vision we now have in D&C 138. He received his answer, but he had to be very patient, and wait upon the Lord to reveal it.

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It seems that some members of the church have the idea that all god promises and blessing will come in this life.This is not promised only that his promises will be kept and blessing recieved. Terrible things happened to Joseph Smith and the Savior of the world was crucifed I cannot think of two more deserving of god blessings. We are asked to be successful but faithful.

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