Van Jones Resigns


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And leave it "fox news" to make sure everyone knows it.

Yes- rightfully so. Exposing Van Jones' radical views became a major issue for Beck- there's plenty of reason to suspect the advertiser boycott was started because of Beck's airing of Jones' Marxist ideals, and the two major controversial points- Jones calling Republicans a-holes and Jones signing the 9/11truthers petition- were both brought to light by Beck. Glenn Beck is also one of the biggest Fox News personalities; the resignation of Jones is a major triumph for the network (and all the freedom-loving people in the USA).

Of course, no one is as concerned that Jones is an avowed Communist- but attack the Republicans and George Bush and it's game-over. Partisan politics makes me sick...

By the way, Van Jones got close to Obama because Obama appointed him to the spot. The president's czars (technically called 'special advisors') aren't vetted by the FBI. I think it's safe to say that the reason Jones got so close to the president is because the president agrees with Jones' governmental ideology.

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Is he related to Steven E. Jones B.S. in Physics, Mathematics minor, magna cum laude with honors, from Brigham Young University in 1973, retaining the Presidential (David O. McKay)Scholarship?

I was wondering that when I read about his belief in the "Truther" idea, that our own government was responsible for the 9/11 attack.

The other side of this coin is that I know several political nuts, who despite their offbeat beliefs, are able to do their jobs admirably.


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Van Jones, Obama's "Green Czar", is a self avowed communist, Black nationalist, progressive radical, believes whites are poisoning minorities, thinks Capitalism is suicidal, wants to completely redistribute wealth, and plans to try to use the "Green" movement to completely change the country.

Van Jones has made so many incredibly radical statements, it still perplexes me on how he was appointed to be the Green Jobs adviser? Especially after his statements saying he wants to use the Green movement to completely change the country. I used to think Obama really would play it down the middle, but after choosing a man like this to a government position... I'm starting to believe differently.

Van Jones isn't the only Czar with radical progressive views, either.

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You're right, Stallion. I think part of the reason there was no outrage over Jones' appointment was that so few people knew of his views! It took Glenn Beck digging into his past to expose his views. And after Beck started doing that, there was a massive cleansing of Jones' figure- people making him seem like a true-blue capitalist.

Ultimately, it's two (relatively) piddling things that make him resign (at least, that's what the official story is).

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Van Jones, Obama's "Green Czar", is a self avowed communist, Black nationalist, progressive radical, believes whites are poisoning minorities, thinks Capitalism is suicidal, wants to completely redistribute wealth, and plans to try to use the "Green" movement to completely change the country.

Van Jones has made so many incredibly radical statements, it still perplexes me on how he was appointed to be the Green Jobs adviser? Especially after his statements saying he wants to use the Green movement to completely change the country. I used to think Obama really would play it down the middle, but after choosing a man like this to a government position... I'm starting to believe differently.

Van Jones isn't the only Czar with radical progressive views, either.

I'm sure they knew exactly who and what they were recruiting when they got him. They were just hoping A) no one would notice, and B) if someone noticed no one would make a big deal about it. The thing is, Van Jones fit perfectly with the people Obama has surrounded himself with for decades. Everyone knew who these people are and what their agendas are. Obama's people even said when they brought him on board that they had been watching and researching him for a long time and were excited to have him on the team.

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I dunno about you folks, but when I notice I'm finding fault with someone for telling the truth, that's my red flag to take a good, hard look at myself and my priorities.

I'm going to make this bigger because I like it so much! This goes for both pro- and anti- administration in any political climate.

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The other side of this coin is that I know several political nuts, who despite their offbeat beliefs, are able to do their jobs admirably.

Yes- Jones, the self-avowed revolutionary Communist who has publicly stated that he's refining his revolutionary tactics and plannin to work from the inside out- only holds 'offbeat' beliefs. Just slightly out of the ordinary. Jus a tad to the left of center. Just a liiiiiiiiiiiiitle out there- not be much.

The other czars, however, are perfectly normal in their ideologies and beliefs. I haven't met a person yet who doesn't think animals should be able to sue in court, or that it can be mathematically proven that the lives of the elderly are worth less then the lives of the younger generations, or that it's the role of the government to regulate population growth- even if it means putting sterilants in the water. These are all right-leaning ideas compared to the 'slightly offbeat beliefs' of Van Jones.

By the way- what was Jones' job? Anyone know? What does it mean to be a 'Special Advisor' to the President?

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I'm sure they knew exactly who and what they were recruiting when they got him. They were just hoping A) no one would notice, and B) if someone noticed no one would make a big deal about it. The thing is, Van Jones fit perfectly with the people Obama has surrounded himself with for decades. Everyone knew who these people are and what their agendas are. Obama's people even said when they brought him on board that they had been watching and researching him for a long time and were excited to have him on the team.

I agree. I don't believe for a second they didn't know about his radical background. Does this mean Obama agrees with Jonesy's views? Obama did say to understand his policies, look to those he surrounds himself with. I don't know. We'll see.

I'm starting to be more inclined to think that Obama indeed has radical beliefs, but tries to portray himself as a centrist.

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You're right, Stallion. I think part of the reason there was no outrage over Jones' appointment was that so few people knew of his views! It took Glenn Beck digging into his past to expose his views. And after Beck started doing that, there was a massive cleansing of Jones' figure- people making him seem like a true-blue capitalist.

Ultimately, it's two (relatively) piddling things that make him resign (at least, that's what the official story is).

What annoys me is that the story claims that he resigned because of his affiliation with the 9/11 Truthers and calling Republicans a-holes. The truth is he resigned because his radical views were being exposed! Why doesn't the media cover this? Why don't they inform us that Van Jones is an extreme radical?

I haven't seen it reported this way, has anyone else?

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It's Jones' strategy of dropping the radical pose to achieve radical ends. That is, put on the facade of a non-radical (like Obama being a centrist) until you're in power, then work like mad behind the scenes to change things in a shady manner so that the public doesn't see.

In response to yourpost, Stallion: One major component of accomplishing that goal (of achieving radical change from the inside) is to silence the media. It's no real surprise that Van Jones' resignation came on a vacation weekend after midnight on Sunday morning. Instead of answering the basic questions about 'how come the White House didn't know about Jones' views', they simply let him resign. The mainstream media outlets are ideologically in line with Obama, however much they don't want to admit it. They're conspiring to hide the facts and let the public yell at each other over Obama's speech to K-12 graders.

I fear that the government and its traditional watchdog- the free press- have jumped in bed together and are working together to overthrow the freedom of this country and its people. The more I learn about these recent events, the more I fear for the future of America.

Edited by Maxel
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By the way- what was Jones' job? Anyone know? What does it mean to be a 'Special Advisor' to the President?

The article you posted said he was an advisor to the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Such a role usually means that the advisor condenses issues in the area to which they are advising into briefs for the President to read.

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