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Originally posted by Please@Sep 13 2005, 09:03 PM

Please stated: I'm not offended. I just believe very strongly that what we are seeing today is the hand of the Lord cleansing the earth.

I do not find it a mere coincidence that the most wicked cities are experiencing the worst disasters.

Biz stated: Please tell us in detail which particular "wicked" cities are experiencing the "worst disasters".    Were the areas that were hard hit by the Tsunami wicked?    How about Kobe, in Japan, that had that catastrophic earthquake a few years back?  Were the people of Kobe living in one of the "most wicked cities" on Earth?  You believe that the lard was "cleansing the earth" by sending them an earthquake?

Ya know, sometimes you really sound nutty.

Or do you just not think through things very clearly before you toss off your inane comments? :hmmm:

Please stated: First of all I would be interested in seeing your answer to Heather's question for those who are not lds coming to a lds board.

Second. call me nutty. I will consider the source. Yes those cities are wicked. So are a lot more that are going to be getting some pretty good damage in the future. There are righteous among them, but they will suffer because of the wicked.

There is a prophecy ... and I don't have the reference, but it is findable in the book by scousen... that states that even the most righteous might suffer the calamities of the last days... but they will not fear if they are doing what they should be doing.

Death isn't the worst that can happen. Not even suffering deprevation. The worst thing that can happen is for someone to die in their sins because they wasted their lives in sin.

Are you christian Biz? Just wondering because if you are then you must believe what Paul said when he spoke of being content even while he rotted away in a filthy dugeon.

Biz stated: You are not being very specific in answering which cities, exactly, are are wicked and what are the disasters they are experiencing now because of this wickedness.  I offered a few possibilities, you agree with them all, even though the "areas that were hard hit by the Tsunami" includes many cities, and a lot of small villages.

Your statement (the most wicked cities are experiencing the worst disasters)  is very bold and assertive.  Please tell us more about the "wicked cities" you know are being hit with the "worst disasters".  In other words, defend your claim, please.

Also, I have as much right as anyone to visit this board, if I so please, unless I am banned.  My interest in THE CHURCH is because I am an ethnic Mormon, a card carrying member of Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, with 14 pioneer ancestors, some of them polygamists.  My entire extended family on my Mothers side are all members.  I was ex'd at 23 because of a misunderstanding about my "moral status" that I challenged (I had eloped and the "man's truck" parked outside my house that the nosy mormon neighbor saw and reported was my new husbands).  I refused a bishops court summons, wadded it up and threw it in the face of the suits who tried to deliver it, so I was eventually ex'd for "disobedience to god's authority over me" in the form of these two priesthood holders because of my actions. 

I hold no grudge, but I did not deserve the treatment I received.  It did get me thinking and doing some research and reading.  I eventually realized that THE CHURCH is simply one more human creation, from the mind of a martyred charismatic, who may or may not have believed his own stories.  Certainly he was able to convince others that his stories were true, which is proof positive in my mind only of his personal charisma and salesmanship.  It is no better and no worse than most religions, the people who believe it are pretty decent folks, some of the best people I know, my own family included, are members.  They also tend to be naive and superstitious, however.

I love my family and I believe I received a decent and adequate moral training at their hands.  However, I often bite my tongue at family gatherings, so find this board a convenient way to express the thoughts and ideas I would love to bring up with my family, but don't, because I do love and care about them and do not like to sow discord with those I love.

All of you here do not know me, I do not know you, you cannot (or should not) become all indignant and offended by what an anonymous person on a BB has to say.  After all, it really IS nothing personal, from me to you.  You are all simply surrogates for the kinds of questions and conversations I do not choose to ask or initiate with my loved ones.

As for my personal philosophy, I believe simply that LIFE and the universe are a great mystery, and I am content to leave it at that.  I try to live by the golden rule, which seems more than adequate in order to get through the day and lead a full-filling life.

First of all, I think it stinks that you feel you can abuse us with your tripe discussions where you refuse to discuss with the parties that need to have the discussion.=your family.

And it sounds very much like you hold a grudge. You really shouldn't as you were given a chance to clear your name and you wodded it up and showed your seemingly routine attitude of disrespect for the church and its leaders. You are a coward and to cover your weaknesses, you go in search of the church's supposed flaws to take the attention away from your own. I don't find that you are all that superior to be throwing out the negative comments you so frequently do.

Second. Watch the news and listen for the words "worst disasters" and take note of their locations. That will give you the cities.

Third... I resent you making sweeping statements as to the validity of Joseph Smith and making statements against the church as if you are the authority of it all and what you say is true without question. You really are only showing your shallow ignorance. You re nothing but rude, rude, rude.

As if I care a WHIT what you think of me!

Whatever. . . . . . . . . B)

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Originally posted by bizabra+Sep 14 2005, 08:51 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Please@Sep 13 2005, 09:03 PM

Please stated: I'm not offended. I just believe very strongly that what we are seeing today is the hand of the Lord cleansing the earth.

I do not find it a mere coincidence that the most wicked cities are experiencing the worst disasters.

Biz stated: Please tell us in detail which particular "wicked" cities are experiencing the "worst disasters".    Were the areas that were hard hit by the Tsunami wicked?    How about Kobe, in Japan, that had that catastrophic earthquake a few years back?  Were the people of Kobe living in one of the "most wicked cities" on Earth?  You believe that the lard was "cleansing the earth" by sending them an earthquake?

Ya know, sometimes you really sound nutty.

Or do you just not think through things very clearly before you toss off your inane comments? :hmmm:

Please stated: First of all I would be interested in seeing your answer to Heather's question for those who are not lds coming to a lds board.

Second. call me nutty. I will consider the source. Yes those cities are wicked. So are a lot more that are going to be getting some pretty good damage in the future. There are righteous among them, but they will suffer because of the wicked.

There is a prophecy ... and I don't have the reference, but it is findable in the book by scousen... that states that even the most righteous might suffer the calamities of the last days... but they will not fear if they are doing what they should be doing.

Death isn't the worst that can happen. Not even suffering deprevation. The worst thing that can happen is for someone to die in their sins because they wasted their lives in sin.

Are you christian Biz? Just wondering because if you are then you must believe what Paul said when he spoke of being content even while he rotted away in a filthy dugeon.

Biz stated: You are not being very specific in answering which cities, exactly, are are wicked and what are the disasters they are experiencing now because of this wickedness.  I offered a few possibilities, you agree with them all, even though the "areas that were hard hit by the Tsunami" includes many cities, and a lot of small villages.

Your statement (the most wicked cities are experiencing the worst disasters)  is very bold and assertive.  Please tell us more about the "wicked cities" you know are being hit with the "worst disasters".  In other words, defend your claim, please.

Also, I have as much right as anyone to visit this board, if I so please, unless I am banned.  My interest in THE CHURCH is because I am an ethnic Mormon, a card carrying member of Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, with 14 pioneer ancestors, some of them polygamists.  My entire extended family on my Mothers side are all members.  I was ex'd at 23 because of a misunderstanding about my "moral status" that I challenged (I had eloped and the "man's truck" parked outside my house that the nosy mormon neighbor saw and reported was my new husbands).  I refused a bishops court summons, wadded it up and threw it in the face of the suits who tried to deliver it, so I was eventually ex'd for "disobedience to god's authority over me" in the form of these two priesthood holders because of my actions. 

I hold no grudge, but I did not deserve the treatment I received.  It did get me thinking and doing some research and reading.  I eventually realized that THE CHURCH is simply one more human creation, from the mind of a martyred charismatic, who may or may not have believed his own stories.  Certainly he was able to convince others that his stories were true, which is proof positive in my mind only of his personal charisma and salesmanship.  It is no better and no worse than most religions, the people who believe it are pretty decent folks, some of the best people I know, my own family included, are members.  They also tend to be naive and superstitious, however.

I love my family and I believe I received a decent and adequate moral training at their hands.  However, I often bite my tongue at family gatherings, so find this board a convenient way to express the thoughts and ideas I would love to bring up with my family, but don't, because I do love and care about them and do not like to sow discord with those I love.

All of you here do not know me, I do not know you, you cannot (or should not) become all indignant and offended by what an anonymous person on a BB has to say.  After all, it really IS nothing personal, from me to you.  You are all simply surrogates for the kinds of questions and conversations I do not choose to ask or initiate with my loved ones.

As for my personal philosophy, I believe simply that LIFE and the universe are a great mystery, and I am content to leave it at that.  I try to live by the golden rule, which seems more than adequate in order to get through the day and lead a full-filling life.

First of all, I think it stinks that you feel you can abuse us with your tripe discussions where you refuse to discuss with the parties that need to have the discussion.=your family.

And it sounds very much like you hold a grudge. You really shouldn't as you were given a chance to clear your name and you wodded it up and showed your seemingly routine attitude of disrespect for the church and its leaders. You are a coward and to cover your weaknesses, you go in search of the church's supposed flaws to take the attention away from your own. I don't find that you are all that superior to be throwing out the negative comments you so frequently do.

Second. Watch the news and listen for the words "worst disasters" and take note of their locations. That will give you the cities.

Third... I resent you making sweeping statements as to the validity of Joseph Smith and making statements against the church as if you are the authority of it all and what you say is true without question. You really are only showing your shallow ignorance. You re nothing but rude, rude, rude.

As if I care a WHIT what you think of me!

Whatever. . . . . . . . . B)

It is obvious already... you don't have to be redundant. and just in case you missed it...I recommend everyone read chapter 60 of Alma....

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Originally posted by shanstress70@Sep 15 2005, 05:22 AM

Hi Please,

With all due respect, why would non-LDS read the chapter you speak of?  Non-LDS do not believe that the BoM is scripture.  It doesn't mean anything to me.

It explains why I believe why I do.... about the wicked being destroyed. You were one of the ones asking me if that is what I believe... this is just one such scripture telling why I believe the way I do.

I know you don't believe it. It is a resource, however, to understanding why others believe the way they do.

I thought you would be interested on that level at least, as you have asked me to make a statement of my belief on the Katrina and Tsunomi

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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Sep 15 2005, 08:47 AM

Why are the people in New Orleans wicked?  I thought that most of the people who died were poor.  I'd figure that the rich ones (that is the ones who had the means to escape) would be wicked.

I haven't seen much of the other posts, since I'm not willing to sift through 6 pages of it on company time.

Okay... I believe it was the city as a whole which was wicked and those who were innocent and not wicked suffered because of the wicked and all the deaths and suffering will be put upon the heads of the wicked who caused God to destroy the city.

It doesn't matter who escape and who didn't. It is only the wicked who will ultimately be held accountable for all the suffering.

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