LDS Belief Survey


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I think the purpose of the survey was to get a bunch on an internet forum to debate a request for 3+ pages. I'm just waiting for someone to mention Nazi now.....

Lol, most people come on here because of lack of other things to do at that moment. I would certainly hope an internet forum wasn't a priority in anyones life anyway. Debate makes this place fun, even if it's not over anything important ;)

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Lol, most people come on here because of lack of other things to do at that moment. I would certainly hope an internet forum wasn't a priority in anyones life anyway. Debate makes this place fun, even if it's not over anything important ;)

I totally disagree with that. :P

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Not to allow wicked people into the Temple is one thing. Not to share the gospel with them at all is an evil thing. It reminds me too much of 4 Nephi 1:25-26

And from that time forth they did have their goods and their substance no more common among them.

And they began to be divided into classes; and they began to build up churches unto themselves to get gain, and began to deny the true church of Christ.

It is too reminiscent of the priest (one who holds the priesthood) and the Levite (one who is foreordained to lead) who passed by a beaten man, not wanting to get contaminated by his filth and possibly lessened by his wicked habits. It took a Samaritan, someone not of the chosen race, not of the royal priesthood, not of the common house of the Lord, to treat him as Christ would have treated him.

I am embarrassed by members of this church who refuse to witness to people or share the gospel with them, positively, because of their past lives, as though they could never change. Paul sanctioned the murder of Christians, yet he changed his heart and became the leading Christian of his day. If we cannot follow Christ, to forgive and teach all, we are not worthy of him.

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  • 1 month later...

I try not to debate with you too much because you scare me in a way that most people can't; you remind me of my mum - your opinion and responses to most threads are exactly what she would say.

Wow I just saw this after all this time. Now Im not sure if I should consider that a compliment or how I should take that. :P

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Sorry I haven't written back, I appreciate everyone who has given me some feedback. I suppose I should have clarified. This is designed to see what members and non members know about the church. It is purely designed to see how people understand the faith. I am doing exploratory research to see if I can learn somethign interresting or create meaningful data which may be useful for a master sin mormon anthropology.

Once again, thanks very much. So far I have 60 responses and I'm hoping to get more. I've posted this on pro mormon sites, on ex-mormon sites, on facebook, forums, university library boards, craigs list etc. I'm not trying to get any wierd statistics to hurt anyone I rpomise.

Quathy (I am LDS if It makes a difference to anyone :)

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This is an awful survey. It asks fact questions not opinion questions. i.e. "Who wrote the bible?" Theoretically all lds members taking the survey should answer virtually the same thing for most of the questions (excluding the demographic questions). From the questions I read the only reason I can see for this survey is to study the consistency of belief across the lds religion.

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Sorry I haven't written back, I appreciate everyone who has given me some feedback. I suppose I should have clarified. This is designed to see what members and non members know about the church. It is purely designed to see how people understand the faith.

Not so. It is designed to see what people who say they are LDS or non-LDS will say on internet surveys about Church teachings. If you are drawing conclusions about what Mormons or Non-Mormons actually believe, then your conclusions are meaningless.

btw - since you are thinking of a master's... Church, in the context you used it, is capitalized.

Edited by Snow
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