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I'm Gramajane and I have in the past been on a lot of other sites, - one was on another site with Maya (Hi to you Maya-- your tag was totally awesome!!)

but I have been busy with the *earthly needs* lately---

(trying to save our "old family castle home" from the bank claiming it -- probably could qualify for a bail out- but I don't believe in that-- so we are now trying the vacation rental route- and though it is not all the way into easy to do yet- it is hopefully ready enough that I have a *little* time).

So I hope to take time to do the one thing I love above all else--

share my testimony and love of Jesus Christ and His re-established church & gospel. :)

Anyway, I found myself with a hunger for that spiritual warm glow again and just didn't know where to go-- plus I thought I would see what came up with my name on google and found that I was quoted by someone on this site which looks like a great place to be.

I really got tired of being treated by many (including some moderators!) on several other sites with such discrimination (that I never did anything to deserve-- but *be* a member of the Church). The last site I had posted extensively on- ended up denying me access, without telling me I had done anything wrong or any warnings even. They also deleted a thread of over 4 thousand responses- that another LDS had started -- it was titled "Ask a Mormon" but many anti Mormon or unfaithful Mormons plagued it with their "views" and distortions of LDS teachings.

--- I think what a few (including a moderator) didn't like about me -- was that I could and *did* back up what I said with scripture (even copy pasting the ref *and* verses in) and I didn't call names or do anything wrong- but respectfully responded with what I believed and why etc-- which then they had a hard time to discount-- so they didn't like it/me.

That last site I was on was quite stressful-- but I also believe that many on there saw what was going on, and I hope and pray that they saw/read enough to go to the true source (which I supplied often-- and and FAIR etc :) rather than accept what "everybody knew".

Anyway-- let it go-- maybe here I can help answer some true questions. :)

One of the things I have done for years is help with answers to anti Mormon stuff-- where I like to help those who *WANT* the answers-- not those who just want to tear the church down as theirs are not questions but challenges/mud slinging etc. :(

About me, I'm 61 years young, been married eternally to my sweetheart for 40 years, and we were blessed to have 5 kids, then did foster care for 10 years, and now have 14 & 5/9ths grand kids (plus one we count from a guardianship daughter).

I love children and even teenagers! I love to read, love fairy tales - George McDonald is my favorite author for other than scriptures-- and I sew -- mostly castle time costumes but some others too. I do not like (or have the money anyway) to just go buy materials-- so I find things at Deseret Industries (LDS thrift store) etc, and remake them-- like from a velvet bedspread- capes, from filmy curtains-- sleeves or wings etc etc. too fun!

I like to "decorate on a dime" too and have gathered things from garage sales and thrift stores for years, plus made things myself- that we decorate with. I have saved pictures- which had dirt or scratches on the faux oil (prints on a textured background made to look like brush strokes) by using colored pencils to replace the damaged areas etc-- and scratch cover or brown felt pents to restore the dinged or worn frames. :)

Presently I teach a class of 5/6 year old kids at church. I am also a sub school teacher for K-12th grade. (Now you must know how much I love kids ! :)

I probably talk too much, and do less house work than I should (I work by selected neglect) like I tend to only wash the windows that we actually look though. ^_^

Ok, enough about me-- now I want to look around here a bit-- (before I go and do house work! ). ttyl Gramajane

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I'm Gramajane and I have in the past been on a lot of other sites, - one was on another site with Maya (Hi to you Maya-- your tag was totally awesome!!)

but I have been busy with the *earthly needs* lately---

(trying to save our "old family castle home" from the bank claiming it -- probably could qualify for a bail out- but I don't believe in that-- so we are now trying the vacation rental route- and though it is not all the way into easy to do yet- it is hopefully ready enough that I have a *little* time).

So I hope to take time to do the one thing I love above all else--

share my testimony and love of Jesus Christ and His re-established church & gospel. :)

Anyway, I found myself with a hunger for that spiritual warm glow again and just didn't know where to go-- plus I thought I would see what came up with my name on google and found that I was quoted by someone on this site which looks like a great place to be.

I really got tired of being treated by many (including some moderators!) on several other sites with such discrimination (that I never did anything to deserve-- but *be* a member of the Church). The last site I had posted extensively on- ended up denying me access, without telling me I had done anything wrong or any warnings even. They also deleted a thread of over 4 thousand responses- that another LDS had started -- it was titled "Ask a Mormon" but many anti Mormon or unfaithful Mormons plagued it with their "views" and distortions of LDS teachings.

--- I think what a few (including a moderator) didn't like about me -- was that I could and *did* back up what I said with scripture (even copy pasting the ref *and* verses in) and I didn't call names or do anything wrong- but respectfully responded with what I believed and why etc-- which then they had a hard time to discount-- so they didn't like it/me.

That last site I was on was quite stressful-- but I also believe that many on there saw what was going on, and I hope and pray that they saw/read enough to go to the true source (which I supplied often-- and and FAIR etc :) rather than accept what "everybody knew".

Anyway-- let it go-- maybe here I can help answer some true questions. :)

One of the things I have done for years is help with answers to anti Mormon stuff-- where I like to help those who *WANT* the answers-- not those who just want to tear the church down as theirs are not questions but challenges/mud slinging etc. :(

About me, I'm 61 years young, been married eternally to my sweetheart for 40 years, and we were blessed to have 5 kids, then did foster care for 10 years, and now have 14 & 5/9ths grand kids (plus one we count from a guardianship daughter).

I love children and even teenagers! I love to read, love fairy tales - George McDonald is my favorite author for other than scriptures-- and I sew -- mostly castle time costumes but some others too. I do not like (or have the money anyway) to just go buy materials-- so I find things at Deseret Industries (LDS thrift store) etc, and remake them-- like from a velvet bedspread- capes, from filmy curtains-- sleeves or wings etc etc. too fun!

I like to "decorate on a dime" too and have gathered things from garage sales and thrift stores for years, plus made things myself- that we decorate with. I have saved pictures- which had dirt or scratches on the faux oil (prints on a textured background made to look like brush strokes) by using colored pencils to replace the damaged areas etc-- and scratch cover or brown felt pents to restore the dinged or worn frames. :)

Presently I teach a class of 5/6 year old kids at church. I am also a sub school teacher for K-12th grade. (Now you must know how much I love kids ! :)

I probably talk too much, and do less house work than I should (I work by selected neglect) like I tend to only wash the windows that we actually look though. ^_^

Ok, enough about me-- now I want to look around here a bit-- (before I go and do house work! ). ttyl Gramajane

great to have yu on board! im think it was mentioned to yu about a year ago on another board that my moms nick name was grama "june".:)

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