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okay i have a question, my friend is the only member of the church in her family and she can see spirits. It's really hard for her especially when her family drinks and smokes which invites bad spirits into the house. She uses "in the name of Christ leave this place" thing, but it only can get rid of the bad spirit that's in her room. They still linger around in her house, and one really bad one just stands in her doorway because he's not allowed in her room basically. How can she get rid of these spirits from her house?

and how can you recieve more faith because she seems to not have that much considering the power of God is with her but she doesn't think that it will really work if the bad spirit is strong enough. (and yes it's terribly horrifying to see things like that)

any advice?

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Any bad spirit MUST leave at the name of Jesus Christ. She can raise her arm to the square and tell the spirit to depart. She can get a protective blessing to add a layer of protection to her body, spirit and mind and perhaps even to add more faith to her commands for the spirits to leave. She can also dedicate the home and the land surrounding it. She can ask for spirit angel guards to stand at the borders of the property. If she is afraid the evil spirits are stronger than Christ, help her see how they reacted to Christ in the NT. They must obey Christ absolutely.

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It sounds as if she needs a mental status examine and professional evaluation.

Not necessarily Norte. My family has too many experiences like these to count them out as mentally whacked out.

Here's a thought - from experience - they may not necessarily be bad. I'm not sure how your friend determines the bad from the good - whether it's discernment or reactions. But, the spirit living in our house we thought was bad was actually a good one that just got mad. It took a while for my uncle to figure this out and do something different than trying to kick him out. My family is Catholic, by the way. So, my family gets the priest involved before doing anything. Exorcism by a Catholic priest is done for bad spirits. Therefore, yes, asking the bishop for assistance would be the best "first step".

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It sounds as if she needs a mental status examine and professional evaluation.


Look im a beliver but really? your friend should get evaulated.....move out, talk to her bishop....

let's assume that there are evil spirits in her home....these spirits will only have the power over her that she allows..

the idea that drinking and smoking invite bad spirits in is a very puritanical thought.....I have been to may homes were the occupants did not drink or smoke and had a very bad vib there...and it has gone the opposite way for me also...

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Many years ago as a young mental health worker we had a young man who returned to Provo early from his mission because he had experienced a vision. He spent time as an impatient with the final assessment from the LDS psychiatrist that he quite possibly had experience what he claimed. The theraputic approached shifted. However I have experienced many others whose experiences fell into the mental illness area. A mental status examine may well have added creditability to Joseph Smith.

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I wouldn't poo poo this girl's experiences so quickly. If her family is doing things that attract and keep evil spirits around (simply drinking and smoking, IMHO, don't necessarily do this) then even if she has the home blessed, etc., it will make no difference. They'll just come back.

And I believe that it is in the BoM (Samuel the Lamanite??) where it was prophesied that '[we] are surrounded by demons and can't get rid of them' (I've paraphrased, obviously)? Some, I believe, are surrounded by demons because of unrighteousness. Others, though, I believe, are more spiritually sensitive to such things. Elder Ballard (not the current Apostle, but Melvin) said in the 20s in a great talk 'Struggle for the Soul' that if we were able to see the hosts arrayed AGAINST us and surrounding us at all times we would quail at the sight and not get up in the morning.

And I too am a believer that these things are real and do afflict some more than others. And I don't believe that there are 'good' spirits that just 'hang around'. That isn't in the plan. We read in the D&C how spirits appear to give directions, and simply hanging around, getting mad, etc., isn't part of our HF's plan.

I would suggest she get a blessing from either her Bishop or HT. She may not be able to get rid of them from the home, per se, but she can have protection then, and have that peace that comes from that.

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And I too am a believer that these things are real and do afflict some more than others. And I don't believe that there are 'good' spirits that just 'hang around'. That isn't in the plan. We read in the D&C how spirits appear to give directions, and simply hanging around, getting mad, etc., isn't part of our HF's plan.

There's the D&C and then there's my house. Dunno what else I can tell ya.

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You know, white cigarette smoke does have a wispy form that someone predisposed to such an interpretation could mistake for a spirit. Alcohol itself has been referred to a spirits.

Wonder if that show the Ghost Whisperer is having an affect on a lot of teenagers? Who knows. In any case, this would fall under the category of a neurosis and you friend may well benefit from some talking therapy. I imagine she harbors some anger toward her family for not doing what she thinks is right.

Best wishes...

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You know, white cigarette smoke does have a wispy form that someone predisposed to such an interpretation could mistake for a spirit. Alcohol itself has been referred to a spirits.

Best wishes...

lol she's not mentally insane, no...the spirits i think looked like regular people...and

she can tell whether their bad or not, i didn't want to ask her for any her, seeing these spirits is like everyday life...oh hey there's one there...and another over there...but if it's the bad ones their scary...

no she doesn't watch ghost whisperer...

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Well, it's definitely possible. While a normal psych evaluation can't hurt, if I were your friend I'd never mention that I could see spirits to the evaluator until the evaluation was done and the results were in. That way, such a big claim wouldn't bias the final decision.

Assuming it's a problem with bad spirits coming into a home- perhaps it's time to get out of her parents' house? That's not a solution to the problem of seeing evil spirits, but if there's a particularly bad one that keeps coming back, getting out might be a good idea. Do you know if her home life (other than the spirits) is funcional? Any serious problems that go on there?

Getting advice from a bishop is DEFINITELY good advice. Priesthood authority trumps all the various powers of Satan and his minions. A blessing would be great as well. I agree that blessing the home would do little if any good, but a personal blessing for her would go a long way.

Finally, there's the question of her own stance before the Lord. If she's commanding the spirits to depart, then I'm assuming she is seeking after the righteousness of the Lord. However, there may be something from her past or present that's bothering her and hindering her forward movement- thus the attraction of the evil spirit.

The ultimate formula for spiritual safety is personal righteousness + priesthood power + faith in Christ. As long as she's doing all she can to involve all those parameters, then she should be able to receive strength and comfort to overcome this.

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