How Will Satan Be Bound?


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I'm studying the Book of Mormon using the new Institute manuel -- which by the way is wonderful.

While studying I came across something that has made me do a lot of thinking -- good:DHuh?

Please, I want your thoughts.

1 Nephi 22:26 -- Nephi gave a very clear definition in scripture of how Satan is to be bound during the Millennium. Elder Bruce R. McConkie wrote the following explanation concerning this important verse:

"What does it mean to bind Satan? How is he bound? Our revelation says: 'And in that day Satan shall not have power to tempt any man.' (D&C 101:28.) Does this mean that power is withdrawn from Satan so that he can no longer entice men to do evil? Or does it mean that men no longer succomb to his enticements because their hearts are so set on righteousness that they refuse to farsake that which is good to follow him who is evil? Clearly it means the latter. Satan was not bound in heaven, in the very presence of God, in the sense that he was denied the right and power to preach false doctrine and to invite men to walk away from that God whose children they were; nay, in this sense, he could not have been bound in heaven, for even he must have his agency.

"How, then, will Satan be bound during the Millennium? It will be the righteousness of the people" (The Millennial Messiah [1982], 668).

Wow, there is so much in that statement!

I'm really interested to know what thoughts you have about that verse and about Elder McConkie's statement.


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Another question is how will he be loosed for a "little" season?

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Edited by bytor2112
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Another question is how will he be loosed for a "little" season?

I have often wondered this???????? How will sin creep back in? Pride, greed would be my guesses. By living the higher law consecration some to want more than others. Possibly the cream off of the cows milk.


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This is the best explanation I've seen:

In speaking of the millenial era, Nephi said that "because of righteousness of his [the Lords] people, Satan has no power; wherefore, he cannot be loosed for the space of many years; for he hath no power over the hearts of the people, for they dwell in righteousness, and the Holy One of Israel reigneth" (1 Nephi 22:26) President Joseph Fielding Smith taught concerning the binding of Satan: "There are many among us who teach that the binding of Satan will be merely the binding which those dwelling on the earth will place upon him by their refusal to hear his enticings. This is not so. He will not have the privilege during that period of time to tempt any man. (D/C 101:28)" (Church History and Modern Revelation, 1:192)

These two statements at first may seem to be at variance, but in reality they are not. It is true that the result of the righteousness of the Saints is that Satan cannot exert power over them. The restrictions that will come upon Satan will be a result of two important actions by the Lord: 1. he will destroy telestial wickedness from the earth at his second coming; and 2. as a reward for heeding his counsels, the Lord will pour out his Spirit upon the righteous who remain to the extent that Satan’s power will be overwhelmed. Thus, Satan will no have the power to tempt or negatively influence the Lord’s people. Both the righteousness of the Saints and the operation of the Lord’s power are necessary to bind Satan: if the Saints do not give heed to God’s word, he will not impart of his Spirit; and if the Lord’s influence is not brought to bear to aid the Saints, they, on their own power, cannot withstand the force of the adversary. Pres. George Q. Cannon showed how both the power of God and the righteousness of the Saints are necessary to bind Satan: "We talk about Satan being bound. Satan will be bound by the power of God; but he will be bound also by the determination of the people of God not to listen to him, not to be governed by him. The Lord will not bind him and take his power from the earth while there are men and women willing to be governed by him. That is contrary to the plan of salvation. To deprive men of their agency is contrary to the purposes of our God...[see Lehi’s teachings in 2 Nephi 2:15-16. To preserve agency it is necessary to be enticed by opposing forces] "Satan only gains power over man through man’s exercise of his own agency,; and when satan shall be bound, as the Lord says he will be for a thousand years, one of the great powers that will help bring this to pass will be man’s agency. The Lord has never forced men against their will to obey Him. He never will do so. If satan, therefore has power with man, it is because man yields to his influence... "The time is not far distant when great judgments will be poured out upon the wicked inhabitants of the earth. Every Prophet who has looked forward to our day has seen and predicted that the wicked would be destroyed. Their destruction means the destruction of satans power [including the literal destruction of the wicked]. The righteous will be left, and because of their righteousness the Lord will have mercy upon them; they, exercising their agency in the right direction, will bring down His blessings upon them to such an extent that satan will be bound." (The Gospel Truth, 1:86-87; see also 2 Nephi 30:18, Ether 8:26)

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A question.....can satan even abide on a terrestrial realm?

Also will the earth be put back into a telestial realm and HF spirit removed for a finale testing at the end of the 1000 years? Was not his spirit withdrawn from the Savior while in the garden? The total withdrawal would kill us all off but the withdrawal of that which will be upon the earth during the millennium putting the earth back to it's telestial state. Na, really mother earth could not bare it and would break up. hmmmmmm

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