Ugh the sky is falling


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I love snow!! I just hate it when it comes before I have finished mowing my lawn for the last time of the season! I got halfway done and then it rained so I had to stop. Now the forecast says rain and snow though I haven't seen any of that yet....only darkened sky.

Can you go into winter with your lawn half mowed? That just seems so wrong.

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I'm doing the same thing Miss 1/2. I had started mowing it the end of last week only to run out of gas. I never made it to the gas station to get more..So therefore, I too, have a lawn half mowed. So if it is wrong..we shall be wrong together.

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83 and Sunny today in Phoenix! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! It may get hot in the Summer, but you NEVER have to shovel sunshine my friends.

Hmmm I have liked you so far. I may have to rethink things here. :P

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I too, have a lawn half mowed.

At least that suggests you are both optimists. You could have said "the lawn is half unmowed".

It's pretty hot here actually. I went out and bought a coat and scarf, thinking it'd be freezing cold at this time of year, but if the temperature was the sole factor being taken into account, anyone would have thought it was still summer.

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Well our first big storm of the season. The white stuff (which shall remain unnamed) is falling fast and furious from the sky.

UGH..I hate it.

Its really sad when you wake up and see it and realize thats what you have to walk to school in ... made me want to crawl back in to bed this morning

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