95% Top Marginal Tax Rate Needed to Close 2010 Deficit


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But it feels so good now that other countries like us....they do right???? And now that we closed GITMO and ended the Patriot Act....they have done all that...right? And President Obama said the the stimulus bill would prevent unemployment from going over 8%...that happened right? And I am so happy that President stopped signing bills with earmarks....he did right?

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How were you able to make that disinction?

I should have linked to the taxprof'ssource. But he's clearly talking about the annual deficit here, not the national debt.

And what happened to the 1.7 trillion debt that was left over from last year?

Something like .7 trillion of that was the first stimulus, of which I understand around 60-70% is still tied up in President Obama's administration waiting to be spent.

Maybe he'll give it back? :D

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How were you able to make that disinction?

"close the deficit" makes the distinction. Means to bring it to an end during 2010, and not have to take out more debt, from the Chinese today, to cover a deficit.

The rest of the debt I believe will never be paid because it would require big changes in taxation, like introducing a national VAT/GST or something.

My guess, just my personal opinion, is that they'll default on the Chinese debt on some lame excuse eg Chinese government supports terrorism, or go to war with China and thus avoid payment. They can also start paying part of SS payment with new Bonds and thus kick the social security problem forward.

But then again patriots pay ALL their taxes, so maybe you should start there? :P

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