Hi. I'm Karl Withakay


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I'm not LDS but came here to learn a bit more about the religion. Wife is LDS and is divorcing me because I'm not. I was raised Baptist and I lean more towards the Protestant faith. I have a lot of LDS friends and they are very good people. I came here for a bit of advice on the situation that's going on with my wife.



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I'm not LDS but came here to learn a bit more about the religion. Wife is LDS and is divorcing me because I'm not. I was raised Baptist and I lean more towards the Protestant faith. I have a lot of LDS friends and they are very good people. I came here for a bit of advice on the situation that's going on with my wife.



Well if yer wife is serious about the gospel as we know it to be; she wants an eternal relationship with her husband and children,"AND" she also knows the wonderfull blessings that come from being obedient and worthy; not only blessings of eternity; but temporaly as well; I can rest you very much assured; these things are very much true, real, and wonderfull beyond anything you have ever conceived of or dreamed to be possible; she knows; she wants her husband to share and help.:)

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Well that sure stinks. You folks got kids?



No kids. She gets on that kick once in a while but she doesn't have the patience for children. I'm afraid she would hurt them. She's not well herself. When we were living together, if the house got cleaned, I did it, I did the cooking, I did the laundry, I cut the grass, I cleaned the bathroom. It wasn't because she wasn't able to do these things. she just will NOT do them. If I don't do them, they don't get done.


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Karl, what are you doing at this time to take good care of yourself? I know you are worried about your wife. I caretake other people and know it is important for me to take good care of myself as well as those I care for.

Not anything different from the norm. I'm pretty depressed actually. Not sleeping much and no appetite. Playing guitar is very therapeutic for me. I recall when my mother passed away back in 1994. I was in a rock band. I went straight from mom's funeral to my gig in a 3 piece suit. I was an emotional wreck in between sets but when I was on stage, NOTHING was bothering me. Music is a powerful thing. I feel fortunate and blessed to be able to create it. It allows me to productively express my joy, or my pain. I'll be ok. It's just going to take a bit of time. Thanks.


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Hi Karl. Sad to hear your wuife devorcing. Marriage is craving a LOT of patience on both sides. I was married to a non LDS man. He claims the Church for devorce, I see it more like a with everydaylife, him wanting to drink and smoke and ..... the usual stuff. He moved out to force me to go out of the church (I was a homemother with no income or scloing). He was not a bad man, just wrong informed.

Anyway well come.

So officially:

Dear Newbie: Welcome to LDS.net. You will find here an ecclectic mix of LDS and some non-members. While the site is dedicated to the Gospel, and to promoting the Church to a world that often does not understand us, we also make room for conversations about current events, and about social and cultural practices within the Church. If your main desire is to learn about the Church, consider starting with the "Learn About Mormonism" forums. For more advanced teachings, that will often include a variety of perspectives, some non-LDS, consider the Gospel section of forums.

While you are welcome to all main sections, be aware this site makes room for a variety of opinions and personalities. Some posters can be passionate about their views, and occasionally more so about them than about the souls of visitors. If you find something particularly offensive, feel free to make a report by clicking the appropriate tab.

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Let's see. Your name is Karl, my name is Carl, you play the guitar and I play the drums. Where it gets even more interesting is that you're married, not happy, Baptist, and from what I see in your avatar, your head is clean shaven. I'm the opposite in that I'm not married, happy, LDS and have almost shoulder length hair. Now, does this mean that we are the same person, only from a parallel universe or something?:P Just giving you a friendly, elbow ribbing welcome to the forum. Seriously, lots of great people on here to converse with and who will give you excellent advice on life's lessons through their own personal experiences and perspectives. We'll be here for you in any tough moments you have, so lay it on us. And ask us anything you like, doctrinally or personally, and we'll do what we can to give you an answer that hopefully, you'll be satisfied with. Again, welcome to the LDS forum my fellow brother in the gospel, and well as in music.:)

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