Did I miss the New Moon thread?


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BTW, there was a guy sitting next to me. Perhaps he was the only one in the whole world who went to the movie, but he was definitely a manly man, and I heard him tell his girlfriend (I assume it was his girlfriend) that he liked the special effects. So, there you have it.


It was their first date--he had to say something nice.

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I saw New Moon yesterday, and I really liked it. I had low expectations when I went in, so was pleasantly surprised.


Maybe that's the key to watching this movie: go in with very low expectations and be surprised that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. Sounds like the last time I went to McDonald's for lunch. :P

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^ Tom Cruise has done some excellent acting in his career. I would lean towards saying that Brad Pitt is not as talented but is much more attractive in my personal opinion.

Back to OT. I haven't seen New Moon yet but I plan to. A friend of mine said that the sequel is better than the first one. So at least, that's a good sign, as I wasn't blown away by Twilight at all. It was just, OK.

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not just because of their good looks but because of their amazing acting - like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.

I lost any and all respect for Tom Cruise when he publically bashed Brooke Shields over her post partum depression.

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Tom Cruise an amazing actor?




My celebrity gossip exposure is limited to the 2 minutes or so I'm in line for the check-out. That's why I like Wal-mart at 11:30PM... there's 50 carts waiting in line and only 2 open cash registers... I can finish reading an entire Star magazine... As a result, I'm not up to date with the celebrity's personal lives. So, I still got respect for Tom Cruise. I saw his great acting skills as early as The Legend, when he still had crooked teeth.

I have this magazine that was a tribute to the 80's - I can't remember which magazine it was - People, maybe? So it had everybody from the 80's (for some reason, I always think Molly Ringwald when they say 80's)... anyway, Tom Cruise was featured, of course, and they mentioned how great an actor he is. They quoted Rene Zellweger saying (after Jerry McGuire), paraphrased, "the camera starts to roll and he makes you truly fall in love with him, then the director says 'Cut!' and he turns it off and you are left reeling like he just broke up with you".

Brad Pitt is a great actor. Legends of the Fall convinced me.

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Since we're talking of great actors, I'm probably gonna get some heat for this, but I don't think Al Pacino is a great actor. In any movie he's in, he's always been... Al Pacino. DeNiro is much better. Nicolas Cage can't act worth anything - dunno how he won an oscar. Hugh Jackman is a great actor but cannot pull off a romantic role. I especially love his emcee'ing of the oscars. Sandra Bullock was great in Blind Side although I've seen her in badly acted movies. Julia Roberts is one heck of an actress in any movie she's in.

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I don't think Al Pacino is a great actor. In any movie he's in, he's always been... Al Pacino.

Funny. That's almost exactly how I feel about Meryl Streep. Watching her act is like watching an acting teacher give a seminar on acting.

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It has been widely reported that New Moon is the biggest opening-night release in box office history, bringing in more money in a single day than the yearly gross national product of several African nations.

Almost unreported is the little-known fact that not a single male in the entire North American hemisphere has actually watched the movie, thus making New Moon the ideal vehicle for fomenting the long-brewing überfeminist revolution. Unfortunately, feminists despise New Moon almost as much as men stay away from it, so all the subliminal messages fall on deaf ears -- or perhaps more correctly, ears that hear only the voices speaking, "Oh, Edward!"

Haha, I went to this movie with my girl friend and we both enjoyed it. There were about 10 females to every male there though!

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I read the books and I enjoyed them, but I'm not obsessed over them and if it wasn't for all the twilight craze I wouldn't have thought about them since I read them, just like 95% of the books I read.

I'll see the movie with my mother in law because it's one of the few movies that's not rated R that she wants to see. That in and of it's self makes it worth it, if I like it or not, because mother in law loves movies and we can spend time together and I don't have to talk (or listen!)

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