The Open Forum Is Dieing


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Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Oct 27 2005, 01:28 PM

If the open forum doesn't recieve new life (new recruits :D ) then it's going to die.  Can it be shown to those not registered as part of it, but only accessed by those who are part of it?  I'm thinking that new people don't know about it.

Really? :dontknow:

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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Oct 27 2005, 02:25 PM

what is the open forum? isn't it this??

The Open Forum was set for those who want to discuss things that the main stream members don't want to hear said about the church. Example That Christ didn't exist. Things that many find sacred like the things of the temple and so on thus the name Open Forum.

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It's kind of like how Utah is capable of being the way it is because Las Vegas is so nearby. I am just proposing one of two things, either a stickied thread broadcasting the fact that the open forum exists, or to allow ALL MEMBERS and GUESTS to see the Open Forum on the Forum Home menu but be unallowed to enter it until being put on the Open Forum member list. The instructions could be easily put in the explanation of the open forum.

And yes, I believe she's a die hard LDS and knows that there can't be any "good" forums without something to compare them to, an "evil forum", also known as the open forum.

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Members can see the open forum, but can't enter it. They see the message instructing them what is in it and to pm me if they want permission to view it.

The open forum isn't allowed to post anti-anything. It’s merely a place of open discussion on all view points, and all members are required to show tolerance and respect for each other. It's not a bashing/flaming forum, and sacred things about the temple should not be posted there either.

The reason for the open forum is that there are many LDS Talk members who are not LDS. This is so they can express their view points without running into the problem of new comers to the site being misled as to what is official Church doctrine.

In short it saves me a lot of headache of coming across as being intolerant to others and their beliefs. I welcome all members of all faiths to this board and I’m willing to allow them to have a place to share their beliefs, as long as they can do so in a respectful manner. Any bashing, profanity, or otherwise lewd conduction from anyone is deleted and the user is either banned or suspended.

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I think what you mean to say is that everyone should be "nice" to each other, and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

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Originally posted by Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


...and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

re·spect Pronunciation Key (r -sp kt )

3. To relate or refer to; concern.


3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.


7: courteous regard for people's feelings; "in deference to your wishes"; "out of respect for his privacy"

Consideration and Tolerance are also synonymous with respect.

So Ray, it is possible to show people respect even if you don't agree with them. You are just being considerate of their opinions and/or feelings.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

See Ray, you're getting it - being nice is one way of showing respect.


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I disagree. I can show respect, admiration, and concern for a person, even if I disagree with his/her beliefs. Even in the Church, members don't agree with each other on every single subject. You and I differ in our feelings towards Shakespeare. That doesn't mean I don't respect you. I also don't agree that anyone can make anyone else see "the light." That is something that come through the Spirit, and I've failed to be persuade that the Spirit can teach and open up the hearts of those who are willing if the message is delivered in such a way that the Spirit is driven from the room.



1. To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.

2. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit.

3. To relate or refer to; concern.


1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. See Synonyms at regard.

2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.

3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.

4. respects Polite expressions of consideration or deference: pay one's respects.

5. A particular aspect, feature, or detail: In many respects this is an important decision.

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Originally posted by Maureen+Oct 27 2005, 04:41 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


...and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

re·spect Pronunciation Key (r -sp kt )

3. To relate or refer to; concern.


3. Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.


7: courteous regard for people's feelings; "in deference to your wishes"; "out of respect for his privacy"

Consideration and Tolerance are also synonymous with respect.

So Ray, it is possible to show people respect even if you don't agree with them. You are just being considerate of their opinions and/or feelings.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

See Ray, you're getting it - being nice is one way of showing respect.


If that's how you want to define respect, fine, I can do that, but as I have already explained, that is not how I define respect and it is not how I find respect defined in the sources I use to define and describe the meaning of words.

Heh, but considering how messed up the English language is, I'm not surprised there is some confusion. :)

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Guest ToasterOfen


Originally posted by Heather@Oct 27 2005, 04:05 PM

Members can see the open forum, but can't enter it. They see the message instructing them what is in it and to pm me if they want permission to view it.

The open forum isn't allowed to post anti-anything. It’s merely a place of open discussion on all view points, and all members are required to show tolerance and respect for each other. It's not a bashing/flaming forum, and sacred things about the temple should not be posted there either. 

The reason for the open forum is that there are many LDS Talk members who are not LDS.  This is so they can express their view points without running into the problem of new comers to the site being misled as to what is official Church doctrine.

In short it saves me a lot of headache of coming across as being intolerant to others and their beliefs.  I welcome all members of all faiths to this board and I’m willing to allow them to have a place to share their beliefs, as long as they can do so in a respectful manner.  Any bashing, profanity, or otherwise lewd conduction from anyone is deleted and the user is either banned or suspended.

Heather, I am SOOOOO glad to see you post that. I am new, and have been so put off by the negativity and demeaning attitudes that have been expressed by some. After the first few days on the boards, I was very upset at what I was seeing. I came here looking for a safe place, feeling and thinking it was going to be a place where people shared my beliefs, (and those who didn't were going to be respectful,) who were going to be supportive, kind and loving. It has not been what I expected, but I have tried to have an open mind and not take what others say to heart. I know and understand that people have different opinions and feelings, but there was so much mean-ness. Why can't we all just be nice? And nicely disagree with others?

I feel very strongly that others, who have come here seeking advice on some very heart-wrenching subjects, have been driven away by all the meanness and negativity (the poor girl who was talking about her husband's problems with porn... she hasn't been back since the day she posted, most likely because of some very rude, uncalled for comments; and then the girl who said her husband didn't love her anymore...many of the responses weren't very understanding and supportive). I was so upset by it, I actually made a post to my blog talking about it.

Really, no matter your religion, no matter your views, no matter what...please just be courteous to others, and respectful of their situations. If you are posting to the Advice forum, don't be flippant and post some ignorant comment. We need to all be kind to one another. Again, disagree nicely, and don't make any demeaning comments about a person or their beliefs (especially LDS, because this is an LDS message board).

And just reiterating what Heather said, in her own words:

I welcome all members of all faiths to this board and I’m willing to allow them to have a place to share their beliefs, as long as they can do so in a respectful manner. Any bashing, profanity, or otherwise lewd conduction from anyone is deleted and the user is either banned or suspended.

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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Oct 27 2005, 12:31 PM

then why do they talk about it in a lds site? why not an anti one?

Just because you are open-minded or want to debate as an intellectual exercise or have legitimate doubts or maybe are an unbeliever does not mean you are an "anti."

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Originally posted by Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


I think what you mean to say is that everyone should be "nice" to each other, and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

I'm not answering for Heather, Ray, but this post just grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backwards.

I don't know how you can' say it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with. Geeez I know I would show respect for President Bush because of what and who he represents..... I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I will show him respect. I will show respect for Tony Blair....I don't agree with some of his thoughts on things...but I will show respect for him. The Pope...I don't agree with him....but I will show him respect....the list can go on and on.

Maybe respect is an individual thing, like tolerance is. Some people can tolerate a lot, some can't. Doesn't make either person wrong, just different views.

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Originally posted by dizzysmiles@Oct 28 2005, 11:18 AM

people, I hink we all know what words mean.

Apparently we don't. And it's not a crime to show the definition of words; if it was all the dictionaries in the world would be in big trouble. :P


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Originally posted by Lindy+Oct 27 2005, 10:20 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


I think what you mean to say is that everyone should be "nice" to each other, and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

I'm not answering for Heather, Ray, but this post just grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backwards.

I don't know how you can' say it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with. Geeez I know I would show respect for President Bush because of what and who he represents..... I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I will show him respect. I will show respect for Tony Blair....I don't agree with some of his thoughts on things...but I will show respect for him. The Pope...I don't agree with him....but I will show him respect....the list can go on and on.

Maybe respect is an individual thing, like tolerance is. Some people can tolerate a lot, some can't. Doesn't make either person wrong, just different views.

As I have already explained, I define or use the word “respect” to describe an "admiration" or “reverence” or “esteem” for [whatever], and I don’t see any way possible for me to “admire” or “reverence” or “esteem” [anything] I don’t agree with.

But if you guys want to define “respect” as “to show concern” or “to be nice” when saying that we should “respect” others, then fine, I can do that, and I feel that I have already shown that I can do that. I simply will not “admire” or “reverence” someone or some idea that I do not agree with.

And btw, I still do not agree with your definition of “respect”, and I do not “reverence” or “admire” your definition, but I believe I am continuing to be quite nice about it.

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Originally posted by Ray@Oct 28 2005, 01:51 PM

And btw, I still do not agree with your definition of “respect”, and I do not “reverence” or “admire” your definition, but I believe I am continuing to be quite nice about it.

So Ray, do you think that is lying? If you can't believe a dictionary, who can you believe? And Ray, don't say God, because it was God that gave man his brain that created the dictionary. I bet God agrees with the dictionary.


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Originally posted by Ray+Oct 28 2005, 02:51 PM-->

Originally posted by Lindy@Oct 27 2005, 10:20 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


I think what you mean to say is that everyone should be "nice" to each other, and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

I'm not answering for Heather, Ray, but this post just grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backwards.

I don't know how you can' say it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with. Geeez I know I would show respect for President Bush because of what and who he represents..... I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I will show him respect. I will show respect for Tony Blair....I don't agree with some of his thoughts on things...but I will show respect for him. The Pope...I don't agree with him....but I will show him respect....the list can go on and on.

Maybe respect is an individual thing, like tolerance is. Some people can tolerate a lot, some can't. Doesn't make either person wrong, just different views.

As I have already explained, I define or use the word “respect” to describe an "admiration" or “reverence” or “esteem” for [whatever], and I don’t see any way possible for me to “admire” or “reverence” or “esteem” [anything] I don’t agree with.

But if you guys want to define “respect” as “to show concern” or “to be nice” when saying that we should “respect” others, then fine, I can do that, and I feel that I have already shown that I can do that. I simply will not “admire” or “reverence” someone or some idea that I do not agree with.

And btw, I still do not agree with your definition of “respect”, and I do not “reverence” or “admire” your definition, but I believe I am continuing to be quite nice about it.

I think that you are right Lindy.

Be warned apparently because Ray disagees with what you are saying he don't respect you.

Ray, do you respect your wife or does she always agree with you?

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Originally posted by Strawberry Fields+Oct 28 2005, 02:33 PM-->

Originally posted by Ray@Oct 28 2005, 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Lindy@Oct 27 2005, 10:20 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-Ray@Oct 27 2005, 04:23 PM


I think what you mean to say is that everyone should be "nice" to each other, and I say that because I think it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with, because to show "respect" means to show "admiration" or "reverence" for someone, and I see no way to show admiration or reverence to someone who continues to say something which I know is not true after I have tried to help them see the light.

But, of course, I do think I should be nice to other people, even when showing or explaining how something they think is true is, in fact, wrong.

I'm not answering for Heather, Ray, but this post just grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backwards.

I don't know how you can' say it is impossible to show "respect" to someone you don't agree with. Geeez I know I would show respect for President Bush because of what and who he represents..... I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I will show him respect. I will show respect for Tony Blair....I don't agree with some of his thoughts on things...but I will show respect for him. The Pope...I don't agree with him....but I will show him respect....the list can go on and on.

Maybe respect is an individual thing, like tolerance is. Some people can tolerate a lot, some can't. Doesn't make either person wrong, just different views.

As I have already explained, I define or use the word “respect” to describe an "admiration" or “reverence” or “esteem” for [whatever], and I don’t see any way possible for me to “admire” or “reverence” or “esteem” [anything] I don’t agree with.

But if you guys want to define “respect” as “to show concern” or “to be nice” when saying that we should “respect” others, then fine, I can do that, and I feel that I have already shown that I can do that. I simply will not “admire” or “reverence” someone or some idea that I do not agree with.

And btw, I still do not agree with your definition of “respect”, and I do not “reverence” or “admire” your definition, but I believe I am continuing to be quite nice about it.

I think that you are right Lindy.

Be warned apparently because Ray disagees with what you are saying he don't respect you.

Ray, do you respect your wife or does she always agree with you?

First of all, let's define how YOU define "respect", by having you state what you just said in other words.
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