Bush Makes Me So Mad!

Winnie G

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The hospice nurse brought it out to her home and gave it to her there.

Thats all I know I don't live there so I have to go by what my mother tells me and the other care givers.

At this point you guys can believe what your harts tell you. Your always right anyways. I don't care any more its not worth it.

Thanks for listening. yah Ok

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 3 2005, 06:50 PM

The hospice nurse brought it out to her home and gave it to her there.

Thats all I know I don't live there so I have to go by what my mother tells me and the other care givers.

At this point you guys can believe what your harts tell you. Your always right anyways. I don't care any more its not worth it.

Thanks for listening. yah Ok

*hearts* And we're not always right. And our hearts or beliefs have nothing to do with FACT. Fact is, there are pleanty of flu shots to go around to any level of income individual.
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TXRed : For instance, there are certain checks and balances at each polling location to prevent fraud. Now, that's not to say that it can not happen. . . . . . . . anytime someone really wants to figure out a way to "cheat", they can usually find a way.

That was the days before electronics and terrorism and oil money owning the world from the Oval office.

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I believe that elections are fair. I don't believe that many of the people who vote have a clue what they are voting for why. There are a number of voters out there that just vote across party lines. Others that vote because their candidate promises that health care for all will be provided by the government or some other crazy idea.

I am not wealthy, I pay taxes, lots of them and I believe it is my right, no my obligation to be an informed voter. I also believe that those who do not take the time to get out and vote because they just don't have the time or don't want to be on the governments records have nothing to complain about. They get just what they vote for, nothing.

Sure they can complain, Freedom of Speech, I just won't listen since they do not wish to take part in the process. Many have died and given all so that we can live in a free country and participate in the election process. Think for yourself. Learn about the candidates and the issues being voted on. Look at their record. If you don't like it don't vote for them. If the majority vote for someone other than your candidate that is the election process here in the US. Yes I do know about the electoral college. Only applies in presidential elections. I for one would be willing to do away with it and have it be a popular vote but that is not the way it is setup currently so live with it or change it be peaceful means.

I also support our leaders in dethroning despot rulers. I don't think we have done enough in the past at the same time I realize that getting rid of one despot in many parts of the world just creates a vacuum where another appears and we can't rule the world. Unfortunately it only takes a few wicked people to rule a country by force and they are hard to overthrow for another to take their place. In many countries right is might or might is right I guess. If you have the power you are the one that is right but I can't imagine the slaughter of your own people, half a million or more as something that is right.

I also think that those who want to pick one item, flu for example, should try to get more facts than just a news article. News stories are sensationalism at its worst. Many news stories should be re-canted after they air for being so full of garbage that not worth the time to watch or read. Saying that I read about 20 newspapers from all sides a day. Lots of garbage to sift through.

Man that was lot said.

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Guest ToasterOfen

I actually just got flu shots for 4 out of my 5 children (the one couldn't get it because she is sick). We had no problems getting it, and there is not a shortage. We live in Los Angeles County, with a TON of other people, it is in November (the start of flu season) and there isn't a problem getting it.

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Originally posted by TXRed@Nov 3 2005, 01:02 PM

I've talked to quite a few people who got their flu shots, got the flu horribly, and won't take another shot.

Then, there are those who tell me that they always get their shot at the beginning of the season, and they feel pretty good about it.

If I was in really bad health, I'd be afraid to take the shot myself, but that's just me.

No, I did not really miss the point.  I understood that the Base Surgeon said you can not get the flu from taking the flu shot.  I, personally, am not convinced of that. 

I have talked to several people who got the worst case of flu that they had ever experienced right after taking their flu shot. 

If you talk to different doctors about "anything", you will get differing opinions.

This is not one of those mysterious questions... can witches fly or can they not? It's not a debatable question like some witch experts say they can fly while other experts say they cannot.

The standard flu shot is comprised of an inactivated or dead virus. Period. The flu is cause by a virus and nothing else. A dead virus shot has no virus from which one can get the flu. Any doctor knows that. It's not subject to debate.

There is something called an attenuated or live virus but that is not the standard flu shot you would be getting.

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Just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this topic! Did any of you know that flu and infant vaccines contain mercury and other heavy metals (see www.mercola.com)with are accumulative in the system? I, for one, will not be getting any kind of a vaccine in the future, and I intend to take alternative measures, which have worked very well for me in the past. As for flu vaccines...are they 100% effective? I think not...and I feel that the bad outweighs the good in this matter. Let's not blame our president...he is so maligned in the press...I say give him a break and look at the good he's done for our world!

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Originally posted by Ari@Nov 7 2005, 04:56 PM

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this topic!  Did any of you know that flu and infant vaccines contain mercury and other heavy metals (see www.mercola.com)with are accumulative in the system? I, for one, will not be getting any kind of a vaccine in the future, and I intend to take alternative measures, which have worked very well for me in the past.  As for flu vaccines...are they 100% effective? I think not...and I feel that the bad outweighs the good in this matter.

Yeah... a couple questions:

1. How many known deaths are there each year in the US due to influenza?

2. How many known deaths or serious incidents are there in the US each year due to mercury in flu vaccines?

3. Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman?

4. Why is the US government hiding the fact that we have been contacted by UFOs/aliens?

5. Who really killed Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana?

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The pres has done good and we all aren't perfect and of course we think we could change a lot but in reality i dunno if it would really happen, and he has a lot to work on but instead of pointing his faults lets point our own out.. Second I am born in this generation for the medician. i can't stand people's views like TOm Cruise who wont take anti depressents and belive people shouldnt and stuff for post partum.. sounds like he never walked in shoes like mine before... I hope katie holmes gets post partum a little so he relizes what a Butt he sounds like.

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Originally posted by Ari@Nov 7 2005, 07:56 PM

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents to this topic!  Did any of you know that flu and infant vaccines contain mercury and other heavy metals (see www.mercola.com)with are accumulative in the system? I, for one, will not be getting any kind of a vaccine in the future, and I intend to take alternative measures, which have worked very well for me in the past.  As for flu vaccines...are they 100% effective? I think not...and I feel that the bad outweighs the good in this matter. Let's not blame our president...he is so maligned in the press...I say give him a break and look at the good he's done for our world!

Although I'm not horribly concerned about mercury that I personally ingest, I am very mindful about it when it comes to my small child.

I know the amount of mercury in a flu shot is probably not going to do him any serious harm, but mercury builds up in your body and doesn't go away, so it's best to ingest the minimum amount that you can get away with.

That being said, did you know that you can request a preservative-free (which means mercury-free, since that mercury is the preservative) flu shot for your child? Most people don't even know it's available. I didn't until I happened to read an article the day before my son's appt to get a flu shot. I asked his ped if he had it, and he said, "Sure, we'll give him the preservative-free!" If you don't know, you don't get it!

Sorry, but Mercola.com??? That guy is a nut-job! He has denounced medicine, vaccines, heck - even doctors! Please do yourself and your family a favor and don't go to his site. He's just trying to sell you his junk 'natural' products.

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Originally posted by Snow@Nov 7 2005, 07:54 PM

[Yeah... a couple questions:

1. How many known deaths are there each year in the US due to influenza?

2. How many known deaths or serious incidents are there in the US each year due to mercury in flu vaccines?

3. Was Lee Harvey Oswald a lone gunman?

4. Why is the US government hiding the fact that we have been contacted by UFOs/aliens?

5. Who really killed Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana?

I say we just blame Camilla for it all and be done with it!


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it is good to be informed, but not brain washed...

My brother told me when I was having my kids, not to take them in for imunizations too soon, but to still take them in. I took them in when they were one...

He said the chances of them getting something before that which would be more destructive than too early of imunization was slim. That it was a better bet... I have to agree.

I read a study which showed autism to be one of the side effects of too early imunizing of children as well as SIDS and my brother, who worked int he hospitals as an RN in ICU said the unit was fulled with babies who had bad reactions to their immunizations... some even died.

So be wise... it sounds like you already are...


I so agree... lets all blame it on the 'slut' Camilla.... (gosh... I have a daughter named Camilla! ) what a drag this woman has been to the british country...(not my daughter... the other one... LOL)

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