We can commit adultery in our hearts... Scripture quote


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Matthew 5:27-28

27 Ye have heard that it was said by of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

So... when we look at women for guys, we should think

How can we be so friendly to her?

I want to be so friendly to you?

Having no sexual attraction that leads elsewhere?

Err :huh:

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It is in the entertaining of the thought that we commit the sin (IMO). It's no sin to be tempted, or to be attracted.

I don't think that all physical attraction is sexually based, and even attraction that is based in sexuality isn't necessarily bad, so long as we act in accordance with the words of Christ.

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There is a difference between being attracted to a woman, and lusting after her.

K, knew that attraction and lust are different

I don't think that all physical attraction is sexually based, and even attraction that is based in sexuality isn't necessarily bad, so long as we act in accordance with the words of Christ.

That makes sense to me

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If you're married and you see an attractive woman, I'd say even dwelling on her would be a sin. You can't think about getting with other women if you're a married man--that's thinking about cheating on your wife. Now, if you think about pro-creation actions with this other woman, you're already committing the adultery in your heart.

To me, all he's saying is that we need to be well disciplined. You can't dwell on garbage like that.

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If you're not married and the making out didn't pass the "line" then no, it would only be shallow thinking...

So, the scripture quote refers to the following:



Having sexual thoughts even though you are unmarried

Edited by john doe
please keep the conversation clean
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Thoughts will come into our minds unbidden. That's an unfortunate fact of this life. The question is, what do we do when those thoughts come? Do we let them stay, or do we drive them out?

And what, exactly, is a "bad" thought. I'm guessing that is what your real question is. I don't know that there's a clear-cut answer. Certainly some thoughts are definitely bad, some are definitely good, and then some fall into that gray area.

I would say that being attracted to a girl and wanting to ask her out is one thing (assuming you're both single, of course). Daydreaming about what she looks like naked, though, is something else.

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If you ran into a girl somewhere had a friendly conversation but in your mind you thought of making out with her. Is that a sinful act?

If that thought is one you didn't push out, but instead enjoyed contempating, then: Yeah, you bet it is! That's the Natural Man taking over, and it's sin. To yearn to make out with this newfound person is to selfishly yearn to gratify your carnal appetites with a stranger. Definite grounds for a yellow card.

One of the primary points of the Sermon on the Mount is that PHYSICAL obedience (aka "The Mosaic Law") is not enough. Rather, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL obedience is the higher law demanding our obedience if we wish to "be... therefore perfect".

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I have a question on this topic.

In other posts I have touched briefly on this, but I left my husband because I was in an abusive situation that I had tried everything to remedy and it was only getting worse. I was fearing for my life and the life of my son. Now, I am in the process of getting divorced but it can't be finalized until I've established residency in the state I moved to in order to be with family.

Knowing that it would be some time before I was divorced, I opted to keep my wedding ring on, even though I now can't stand looking at it, as a reminder that I'm still married and unavailable to avoid commiting the sin of adultery.

However, there was a single soldier in my institute class who I had talked with briefly during refreshments, so he knew even though I wear a wedding ring that I'm in the middle of a divorce. He asked me out. I told him no, because I didn't want to go on any dates until my divorce was final. He insisted that he still wanted to get to know me, and asked what I'd be okay with. I responded that communication in writing (emails, letters, etc) and going out in group activities that were not considered dates would be allowable.

My family embraced the situation and invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner and he has been coming over fairly regularly ever since. I'm growing to like him more and more, and he has already told me he loves me, and I'm sure that when the time comes he's going to propose. I'm keeping up as many barriers as I can to make sure we don't get too serious, but am I already sinning? Is this adultery?

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...but am I already sinning? Is this adultery?

I have zero qualifications or experience with these matters - and when I run into that type of predicament, I look for what the brethren have said...

Elder Oaks said this:

When a marriage is dead and beyond hope of resuscitation, it is needful to have a means to end it. I saw examples of this in the Philippines. Two days after their temple marriage, a husband deserted his young wife and has not been heard from for over 10 years. A married woman fled and obtained a divorce in another country, but her husband, who remained behind, is still married in the eyes of the Philippine law. Since there is no provision for divorce in that country, these innocent victims of desertion have no way to end their married status and go forward with their lives.

From MY reading of this, Elder Oaks implies that until that divorce is legit, you cannot "go forward with [your life]".

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There is a difference between being attracted to a woman, and lusting after her.

I agree. I forget which apostle said it, but the quote was, "You cannot stop a bird from landing on your head, but you can stop it from building a nest there." Our thoughts come, often unwanted and unsolicited, but come they do. What we do with those thoughts is what defines us as spiritual and moral beings.

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Oooo if you ever remember who made that quote let me know. The one about the bird..I like it.

I have tried to remember for a very long time without success! Maybe I made it up LOL. I remember reading it in the MTC, but I cannot for the life of me remember who said it. I want to say Packer, but just not certain. I haven't really tried to research it in a while, but I will and let you know!

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I'm growing to like him more and more, and he has already told me he loves me, and I'm sure that when the time comes he's going to propose. I'm keeping up as many barriers as I can to make sure we don't get too serious, but am I already sinning? Is this adultery?

I would tell him until the divorce it final you are still married. Ask if he can be patient and wait until the divorce is final. Until then, I would try your best to act like a married woman.

It is also not wise to just jump into another marriage. If this man is still interested after your divorce is final I would date him for several months and pray about it before making a decision to get engaged.

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Please try not to be crude with your language concerning masturbation. It can stir up unclean thoughts. (I'm not trying to personally attack you, please don't take it that way.)

How was his language crude? Other than the word itself, he didn't use any other language, and the word itself is not crude.


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How was his language crude? Other than the word itself, he didn't use any other language, and the word itself is not crude.


The offensive language was edited out. That's why you don't see it.

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My family embraced the situation and invited him over for Thanksgiving dinner and he has been coming over fairly regularly ever since. I'm growing to like him more and more, and he has already told me he loves me, and I'm sure that when the time comes he's going to propose. I'm keeping up as many barriers as I can to make sure we don't get too serious, but am I already sinning? Is this adultery?

I won't weigh in on the moral implications of this. But you should beware that depending on where you are, your behavior may have repercussions for the outcome of a dispute over alimony, property division, or (in your case) child custody.

Also, I note that you say you're trying to establish residency. I'm not sure where you are or how the residency requirement works in your state, but where I am (Utah) you have to meet the residency requirements before you even initiate the case. So if you're in Utah but your lawyer says you haven't met the residency requirement yet, odds are that (legally speaking) you are not even "in the process of getting divorced" yet.

From a legal standpoint: I would avoid any activity that even has the appearance of dating--or even signals that you're "on the market" again--until a decree of divorce has issued in your case.

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