Movies and doctrine


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I know some people have problems with this, but I'm not one of them. If you are one of them, please move along.

I love when scenes in movies teach a principle of the Gospel. Although it normally isn't done purposely, I still enjoy seeing these rare gems. A few of my faves:

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade--the scene where Indy has to take a step of faith into a seemingly sheer drop off a cliff.

Lord of the Rings--Two Towers--when Gandalf is falling through the earth while fighting the Balrog--he falls then arises a different man--example of baptism.

Paradise Road--the first time the choir performs--most people do not know the song, but listening to it explains how music can affect the soul and be a prayer.

Hook--when the Lost Boys are explaining how to fly--think of a good thought/happy thought--thoughts lead to actions.

What are some of your faves?

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Not a "favorite", necessarily, but last night I watched Harry Potter 6 and the scene where Dumbledore's drinking the potion (and then arises in his power and does something really awesome involving lots of fire) reminded me of the Atonement for some reason.

(I should probably read my scriptures more.)

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So... I'm assuming The Testaments, Legacy, Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration, The Restoration, Joy to the World are a given? :)

'Cuz if not when poor Helam has his sight restored at the end of The Testaments always leaves a lump in my throat (I used to cry but I had to watch it to many times on my Mission).

If it is... I love the scene in 30 Seconds over Tokyo when the Chinese man gives Van Johnson's Character (Ted Lawson) a pair slippers as a gift and then realizes Ted has lost a leg. You can see the horror on the Chinese man's face when it clicks what he's done. You can tell that Ted feels some pain over this but he puts the slipper on and tells the Chinese Man's it's fine, and he loves it.

A stirring example of compassion and empathy on both character's parts.

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I don't like movies where we see people acting against a gospel principle, and suffering zero consequences. For example, in the movie Barnyard, the idiot hero basically wanted to party and dink around. He had to go beat up someone (supposed to be the climax of the movie), and then he could go back to partying and dinking around. Stupid movie.

Most movies have some sort of difficulty that gets overcome through personal growth, taking on responsibility, etc. The first Night at the Museum was all about the Dad doing what he had to, to be a good dad to his son.


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I don't like movies where we see people acting against a gospel principle, and suffering zero consequences. For example, in the movie Barnyard, the idiot hero basically wanted to party and dink around. He had to go beat up someone (supposed to be the climax of the movie), and then he could go back to partying and dinking around. Stupid movie.


Shoot, LM, I feel that way about alot of movies. There's so much immorality in them that I have to turn off my "if only they would live the Gospel!" voice to actually attempt to enjoy the movie.

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Shoot, LM, I feel that way about alot of movies. There's so much immorality in them that I have to turn off my "if only they would live the Gospel!" voice to actually attempt to enjoy the movie.

I don't think there is enough... whatever it takes, in existence to shut that off for me for romantic comedies. Remember folks, a successful relationship always starts with deception!

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One tongue to rule them all, One tongue to find them,

One tongue to bring them all and in the wetness bind them?


as a side note, that movie (all 3 of them, since they are just one long movie) are my all time favorite movie. It is my tradition to watch all three extended versions on New Year's Day--one week and 2 days!!! Wahoo!

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as a side note, that movie (all 3 of them, since they are just one long movie) are my all time favorite movie. It is my tradition to watch all three extended versions on New Year's Day--one week and 2 days!!! Wahoo!

Really? Have you seen the Clerks II explanation of that movie?

Randal Graves: Oh, I'm crazy? Those hobbit movies were boring as heck. All it was, was a bunch of people walking, three movies of people walking to a volcano.

Randal Graves: Here's the first movie.

[walks a few steps, staring blankly]

Randal Graves: And here's the second movie.

[walks a few steps again, pretends to trip]

Randal Graves: You ready for the third movie?

[walks yet again, stops, pretends to throw the ring into the volcano. Shrugs his shoulders and turns around]

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