Today's Music

Guest Ari 2

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 19 2005, 09:32 PM-->

Originally posted by Outshined@Nov 19 2005, 02:55 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 02:53 PM

Wow actually a quote from our church what a switchhhhhhhhhhhh :dontknow:

With no silly "satanism" references! B) :idea:


Do you find Satanism silly, Outshined?

lisajo, I have been quoting Church leaders/scripture ever since I joined.

Since you have joined what...the church

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Guest LDSister

A**MOSIS: The process by which some people seem to absorb popularity and

advancement in the chatroom by kissing booty rather than working on their interpersonal relationship skills.

Ari, DO NOT use profanity. And this post is a fine example of what most of the other posters have been accusing you of. Please be a better example of our faith.


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Guest LDSister

To commemorate her 69th birthday on last October 1, actress/vocalist Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP. One of the musical numbers she performed was "My Favorite Things" from the legendary movie "Sound Of Music." However, the lyrics of the song were deliberately changed for the entertainment of her "blue hair" audience. Here are the lyrics she recited:

Maalox and nose drops and needles for knitting, Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings, Bundles of magazines tied up in string, These are a few of my favorite things..

Cadillacs and cataracts and hearing aids and glasses, Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses, Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, These are a few of my favorite things.

When the pipes leak, When the bones creak, When the knees go bad I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets, and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions, Bathrobes and heat pads and hot meals they bring, These are a few of my favorite things.

Back pains, confused brains, and no fear of sinnin', Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin', And we won't mention our short shrunken frames, When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, when the hips break, When the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I've had, And then I don't feel so bad.

Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores.

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 20 2005, 07:01 AM

To commemorate her 69th birthday on last October 1, actress/vocalist Julie Andrews made a special appearance at Manhattan's Radio City Music Hall for the benefit of the AARP. Ms. Andrews received a standing ovation from the crowd that lasted over four minutes and repeated encores.



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'S.O.B. is a 1981 film written and directed by Blake Edwards starring Richard Mulligan and Julie Andrews. Robert Vaughn, Robert Preston, Larry Hagman, Shelley Winters, Loretta Swit, Robert Loggia and William Holden (in his last role) also appear.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story is a satire which is sharply critical of the film industry and Hollywood society. The main character, Felix Farmer (Mulligan) is a phenomenally successful producer-director who has just made the first flop of his career, to the dismay of the studio and the loss of his own sanity.

After emerging from a period of shock and self-destructive behavior, he resolves to save both the film and his reputation. With great difficulty he persuades the studio and his wife Sally to allow him to revise the film as a soft-core pornographic feature. However, the egos of the filmmakers, the studio, and virtually everyone else in Hollywood continue to wreak havoc on the creative process...

When writing the screenplay Edwards drew upon several of his own experiences. The character Felix Farmer is a person very similar to Edwards, and Sally Farmer is very similar to Julie Andrews, Edwards' wife in real-life. The story of S.O.B. strongly parallels the experiences of Edwards and Andrews in their infamous failure Darling Lili. Intended by Edwards to reveal Andrews' heretofore unseen wicked and sexy side, the film had a troubled shoot and went significantly over budget, and was subject to post-production studio interference.

In S.O.B., Andrews's character agrees (with some pharmaceutical persuasion) to "show her boobies" in a scene in the film-within-the-film. For this last performance, late night television comedian Johnny Carson thanked Andrews for "showing us that the hills were still alive", alluding to her most famous line from the Sound of Music.

Critical opinion on the merit of the film was sharply divided (it was nominated for a Golden Globe Award and two Razzie Awards) and remains so at this time.

S.O.B. (in the film) stands for "Standard Operational Bullshit" and refers to misinformation being standard, usual, and the norm. The acronym also means sexually oriented business (if pertaining to strip clubs).'

Surely we shouldn't be recommending listening to that 'wicked and sexy' (lifted from the article above) lady!!!

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Outshined+Nov 21 2005, 01:45 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 11:32 PM

Do you find Satanism silly, Outshined?

In this context? Most certainly. Calling Osbourne and Jagger "satanists" is definitely silly. :lol:

And the way people have been fleeced by the creators of this video is almost funny. I'm just not that gullible.


By their fruit ye shall know them.

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Guest LDSister

A Closer Look at Popular Music

By Lex de Azevedo

Lex de Azevedo, “A Closer Look at Popular Music,” Ensign, Mar. 1985, 35

Music is the sugar coating that makes “bitter” lyrics palatable. We may become so infatuated with the rhythm, melody, or singer of a song that we transfer this emotion to the words, not caring what they really say. Even if the words are drug-oriented, erotic, violent, satanic, or just plain silly—when tied to a “hit” tune, they sneak past the screening mechanism of the brain to be stored in the subconscious, and to affect the listener accordingly.

And that’s one of the real problems with popular music today, one that adds to the confusion in discussing it. It comes down to a lack of control: We can’t control the lyrics attached to memorable music. We can’t control what the music and lyrics do to us. And much of the time we can’t even control what we listen to. For example, most radio stations—rock, pop, country, whatever—generally broadcast music indiscriminately. A moral song will be followed by a song about sex or violence, and unless we are constantly at the radio dial, we listen to both. Record albums often have a similar mix; we could skip the objectionable songs, but that’s often too much trouble.

The Morality of Pop Music

Much of our confusion about music can be cleared up by becoming more conscious of the music we are listening to and of its effect on us. Once we recognize what the music is doing to us, we are in a better position to screen out the bad and enjoy the good. We should look at the music we allow into our homes and ask, “Is this music, with its lyrics, conducive to the Spirit of the Lord? Will it exercise its power in a positive or negative way?”

Many people who listen to popular music claim that they never listen to the lyrics and that the messages never affect them. Research, however, shows that our brains are marvelously perceptive; they pick up almost any message within sight or sound, whether we consciously know it or not. Those subconsciously received messages may have as much an effect on us as the messages we consciously seek out.

While many songs are bad because they stress the trivial and selfish things of this world (such as fame, wealth, and cheap thrills), the most objectionable of all focus on illegal drugs, illicit sex, violence, and satanism. Let’s look at these four aspects of popular music, taking examples from recent rock music simply because that’s what most young people today listen to.

Music about Drugs. Beer-drinking songs have been around for centuries. But in the mid-sixties, a new kind of song appeared. Mystical lyrics with obscure words sang of the pleasures of a different kind of artificial stimulant. Songs about illegal drugs, from marijuana to LSD, began to appear on the pop charts.

At first, society wouldn’t tolerate an open endorsement of illegal drugs, so double entendre and hidden code words were used to spread the gospel of drug usage to an ever-growing underground. Later, references to drugs became more open.

Some groups even named themselves after—and built their entire image on—drugs and drug-related terminology.

With the prevalence of drug songs over the past twenty years, I can’t help but wonder: Has the popular music of our time helped to lead the children of this generation to their widespread experimentation with drugs? It may be impossible to scientifically prove a cause-effect relationship, but I think common sense leads us inescapably to that conclusion.

Music about Sex. Over 70 percent of all popular songs are about love. At least, that’s what certain studies have shown. 5 But actually, many of those songs are about lust, the counterfeit of love. To make a list of groups who sing about lust and illicit sex is almost to list the who’s who of rock music.

A concerned adult leader once wrote me a letter about a half-hour ride with teenagers in a car. As they rode, the youth listened to their normal radio station. “This station was not an adult, or even college-age or punk-oriented FM station,” she wrote. “It was the most popular AM station in town.” Then she described the songs the station played. Out of nine songs in that half hour, eight were about premarital or extramarital sex. “What particularly disturbed me about these songs,” she wrote, “was the fact that I knew the very young listened to them over and over and over, many times every day of the year.”

Songs and poems of adultery and fornication are nothing new; every generation has had its fill of them. But in order to make their product more and more exciting—and sell more songs—record producers have gradually added additional perversions to their traditional preoccupation with illicit sex. Today, songs containing references to homosexuality, transvestism, sodomy, masturbation, sadomasochism, rape, prostitution, venereal disease, child abuse, and incest have all been added to the musical menu.

Many groups use sex and nudity on album covers to help sell records. Some base their name and image on sexually descriptive words. Some groups and singers openly admit to sexual deviation. They seem to glory in their decadent image.

Sexual immorality and drug usage have always gone on in secret, but never before in our society have they been the openly admitted and accepted norm.

Within the last ten to twenty years, we have experienced a revolution in the values our society deems acceptable. Today, almost all former sexual taboos are considered light humor in most television shows and movies. Without ever subjecting these vital issues to a rational debate, many people have allowed their attitude toward sin to change from hatred to endurance to pity to embracing. I am convinced that of the many factors which aided this revolution, music has been a major one.

As for the future, it may safely be said that although the lyrics, titles, and names of the groups will change from month to month, illicit and immoral songs will continue to be made as long as they sell.

Songs of Violence. Much of the folk rock of the sixties and seventies carried a heavy political message; it was based on a certain youthful idealism, with ultimate goals of racial equality, peace, and love. But that love soon turned into open sex, nudity, and drugs, and the messages of peace increasingly became messages of violence.

The antiestablishment tone of those earlier days has experienced a rebirth lately in the musical styles of new wave and punk rock. Unfortunately, many of these groups have picked up where the last generation left off. Violence and sex are their major messages. A member of a group that has been called “America’s foremost sex-and-violence band” told a nationwide television audience: “Rock ’n roll has always been sexual. Rock ’n roll has always been violent. It has teeth. It will scratch your face off. That’s why I like it.”

Rock music may have always been violent, but it has become increasingly so in recent years. At concerts of one rock band, for example, dark-hooded characters performed mock acts of violence onstage, imitating child abuse. During another number, the band endlessly chanted, “We don’t need no education,” as children came onstage to destroy school desks and mannequins of teachers.

Album covers of various “power rock” groups present people smoking pot and engaging in street brawls. One performer likes to taunt his audiences with what he calls “combat rock.” He claims, “Rock is a perfect primal method of releasing our violent instincts.” Many other groups also sing of violence and use it in their acts. Murder, child abuse, and torture are common themes, and concerts have become increasingly violent.

Satanic Songs. Moroni 7:17 [Moro. 7:17] tells us that anything that persuades us to do evil (such as the songs referred to in the previous sections) is ultimately “of the devil.” But, unfortunately, several groups have progressed beyond merely trying to persuade us to do evil. By their own boasting, many have become heavily involved in the occult, in witchcraft, in black magic, and in Satan worship itself. Such groups use their music and their lyrics to spread this mysticism and demonology to their listening public.

Symbols of witchcraft, cult worship, and sacrilegious imagery appear on album covers as well as in lyrics: One group dedicated its hit to an ancient Welsh witch, and a singer in concert has dedicated songs to “all the witches in the world.” 8 Another group has built its entire career on “Satan rock,” using satanic symbols on T-shirts and album covers and holding altar calls to Satan before some of their concerts. [Ozzy Osborn]

Some who have spoken out about today’s popular music have sounded like extremists or alarmists. That’s unfortunate, because the problem is real. I have purposely referred only to major groups in this discussion—these are not obscure singers no one has heard of.

Music is one of the Lord’s greatest tools in helping us build spirituality. But it is also one of the adversary’s deadliest weapons. Using it, he creates sugar-coated poison that can slowly destroy all our brightest dreams and leave us spiritually wounded.

The irony is that we take this deadly spiritual poison voluntarily into our homes, schools, and churches. We share it with our loved ones. We pay millions of dollars a year for the privilege of exposing ourselves to it. Like foolish Trojans, we open the gates of our strongholds and let the enemy in.

When a person eats unhealthy food, he often senses very little immediate effect. But the body is affected nevertheless, and if that diet is continued, the effect can be severe. Our physical bodies are the sum total of the foods we consume. The same is true of our minds and spirits. We are living in a telestial world, complete with telestial arts and entertainment which can fill our minds with telestial images.

Those telestial images often stimulate telestial thoughts, which, if not rejected, will lead to telestial behavior. The eventual result can be a telestial person. We would be more healthy spiritually if we never consumed any evil. Every bit harms us.

The prophets of the Lord understand this process and have given us this sharp admonition: “Come ye out from the wicked, and be ye separate, and touch not their unclean things.” (Alma 5:57.) I believe that much of today’s music can be counted among these “unclean things.”

When we consider music’s impact on us, and how many thousands of hours we listen to it throughout our lives, it seems wise to choose for ourselves and our families music which builds up our spiritual reserves rather than that which continually wears them down.

Gospel topic: music

© 2005 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

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HERE is an interesting article about hype like these videos:

A Growth Industry

Satanism-exposure-mania has become a growth industry in this country, as Arthur Lyons reveals in evenhanded but blunt terms in his 1988 book "Satan Wants You." The Satanic theme is profitable not just as a gimmick for rock bands and titillating Hollywood horror movies, nor simply for publishers, both secular and Christian, who churn out potboiler accounts of mass murders and disturbed young would-be Charles Mansons. It also is profitable for a growing cadre of self-proclaimed "experts" who are canvassing North America offering seminars to police departments, clergy, social workers, nurses and educators.

Commanding between $500 and $1,000 (plus expenses) an appearance, these speakers purport to reveal the rituals, implements, beliefs, symbols and secret codes used by Satan's occult underground. Under the rubric of Satanism they draw connections among violence, mind control, sexual orgies, drugs, the lyrics of rock music, and even the fantasy game Dungeons and Dragons.

The content of most of these seminars is pure rubbish from any kind of informed scholarly standpoint.Aside from unsubstantiated claims and sweeping generalizations, what is presented is a naive mish-mash of occult and mystical traditions confused with shamanism and the theatrical antics of such performers as rocker Ozzy Osbourne.

Relatively benign and openly operating groups such as Anton LeVey's Church of Satan and Michael A. Aquino's Temple of Set (which offer syntheses of philosophy, unexceptional fraternal- organization gibberish, and exotic costumes for initiates, while never really acknowledging a personal devil figure such as Lucifer) are thrown together with the bloody drug-cult murders in Matamoros, Mexico, as examples of the imminent danger among us. It would all be laughable if serious, well-intentioned persons were not taking this Satanic threat at face value.

Another one from the drummer of Rush:


I am writing in response to an article which was written by your reporter Jim Hankins in your issue of July 19, "Group seeks to show rock 'n roll Satanic." It was awhile ago, but the article was sent to me through several intermediary steps. Besides, it's never too late to discuss a matter like this, and as I happen to be a member of one of the groups mentioned, perhaps I can interject a little rationality and truth into such a hysterical exercise in propaganda.

Satanism. Now here is a word that should be kept away from some people the way you should keep matches from children and guns from jealous husbands!

There is a certain trait evident in human nature which some people seem to possess in greater degrees. It derives from a state of insecurity and low self-esteem and shows itself in the actions of those who wish to make themselves look good by making others look bad. You see it everywhere once you start to look for it. People who can't gain respect for their own merits feel obliged to try and tear down those who do. We see it in the failures who try to prove their aloofness by criticizing the actions of those who actually do something, or in cases like this one where the weak and pusillanimous prove their righteousness by trying to punish the "less-righteous."

A big advantage to such an attitude is that it keeps them so involved in other peoples' lives that they need not examine their own.

So these are the grim-faced hypocrites who are stirring around in the dark places of life hoping to find something - anything - dirtier than their own reflection. And if they can't find anything - no problem - they'll just make something up!

And here they are accusing rock musicians of being sincere and dedicated Satanists attempting to poison the souls of America's youth with subliminal messages of devil-worship. You know that's almost a very good joke! Almost.

As one who knows many of these "demonic figures" personally, especially some of those mentioned in the article, the idea of some of these sold-out, burnt-out, cynical, strutting peacocks being so deeply and religiously committed to anything (save their "image" and chart numbers) is also a bit of a joke. And a pretty lame one at that!

These nameless mercenaries don't even demonstrate that kind of commitment in their music: why on earth would they be bothered to go to all that trouble to put anything else into it? All they need (and care) to do is find a kind of lowest common denominator of commercial "acceptability." Yes, you Christian crypto-fascists, it is a joke! The only problem is - you're not laughing.

I'm not laughing anymore, either. I've started to receive too many questions and letters from confused and impressionable young people wanting to know if it's true that we worship the devil. Who is it that is corrupting the minds of young Americans?

Let us not for one minute forget that this is the same self-righteous mentality that has put itself to work persecuting witches, Christians, Jews, Quakers, Indians, Catholics, Negroes, Communists, hippies and capitalists down through the ages. There's always somebody to kick you when you're down. It seems like every group has taken its turn at one end of the stick or the other. From the bitter oppressed to the righteous oppressor is a very short step.

Speaking for myself, as lyricist and drummer for "Rush", and one of those accused of this heinous crime, I must object, Your Honors. Far from being a closet Satanist, I confess crudely, I don't even believe in the old ######! I wonder if that's better or worse in your eyes, Grand Inquisitor?

I can certainly assure you that my lyrics contain no "demonic" secret messages or cleverly concealed mystical commercials. Nothing like that, I'm afraid. It is not only absurd and pathetic, but it is also totally incompatible with my philosophy, my work and my beliefs.

I get all kinds of letters from people like this whose perceptions are narrowed and distorted by pre-set values and ideas, telling me the most fantastic things that they have somehow "discovered" in my words! As is ever true - they find what they want to find. Fair enough. I know what I put in there. It isn't that, and it isn't this either. Period.

I don't wish to offend anyone's genuine beliefs, as it is a fundamental tenet in my philosophy that people should believe what they choose to believe. It must be stated, though, that when you've "got" religion, like Siddhartha, you find it everywhere you look. And when you've got evil, you'll find it everywhere you look, too.

Ah! It's the old "recorded backwards" trick again, is it Watson? Ha! I'm sure you could play "The Star Spangled Banner" backwards and find a secret message there too. Wouldn't Francis Scott Key be surprised at your cleverness! How do you suppose he knew what it said in 1812?

Don't you think something as vague as this is rather like a Rorschach ink-blot, or cloud shapes? Interpretation is based on the perceiver's state of mind - not on any objective reality. An ink-blot is a cloud is a song - frontwards or backwards. One finds what one wishes to find.

Yes, there's something subliminal at work here all right. The subliminal and poisonous sickness that dwells in the minds of these fearful and pompous so-called Christians. And they even call themselves a "Fellowship." Think about that for a minute. Then think about what this paper and others have accomplished by giving innocent ink and paper over to this kind of drivel. You readers don't know that I would never even use the kind of grammar that these people have attributed to me, let alone the insipid and valueless supposed message. Listen to this: "Oh Satan, you, you are the one who is shining. Walls of Satan, walls of sacrifice; I know it's you are the one I love." That's disgusting. I mean really. You just know these people have to be sick. If you don't believe me, ask my Mom!

Check out the page; it's rather informative.

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 21 2005, 11:04 AM

Now this was uncalled for,  I think it's a way she safely called you a Devil a warshiper, That way she can swist it around later when you call her on it B)

Ah, you just have to consider the source. B)

Anyway, she'll never know if I call her on it because I've been IGNORED!!! :lol::lol:

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Originally posted by Outshined+Nov 21 2005, 09:06 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 21 2005, 11:04 AM

Now this was uncalled for,  I think it's a way she safely called you a Devil a warshiper, That way she can swist it around later when you call her on it B)

Ah, you have to consider the source. B)

Anyway she'll necer know if I call her on it because I've been IGNORED!!! :lol::lol:

LOL I think she will have to ignor everyone, maybe that will end up discuraging

Her ;)

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Originally posted by Soulsearcher@Nov 21 2005, 09:44 AM

you know at this point i will have to stick up for Ari.

I know that this woman has done all of her homework and it talking off of fact.  she has gone through and read the satanic bible and other materials that explain their faith and rituals.  she has gone through each of the enochian(sp) keys and understands their meaning.  she has sat and seen the rituals with her own eyes and knows that any sacrifices of man or animal are carried out by fanatics, just like the mormans who still go through with plural marriages.

i know Ari has done all of these things because she is stating facts here that she has learned first hand and not from articles or hear say.  she is much to respectable to do anything like that.  she has made a full study of all topic from the first hand perspective.  i mean if she wasn't it would kind of be pointless to say she knows all about it if she's never really looked at any of this stuff.  Kinda like me learning the book of mormon fro man anti site.  that would just be silly.  and we all know Ari isn't silly.

That may be so...........but she has already made her point on this issue and wants to keep beating a dead horse, I know what point she is tring to get across, why does she think she has to keep preaching on the subject? I think as LDS and other faithful Christians we know what music can do to anyone, Keeping our Children away from alot of it is our response abilty, also raising our children right, I have posted this in the past on this thread, ...........I don't take Most Of the

music i listen to seriously if i did i would be a gun trotten, cheating, husband beating, devil warshipping, political, wack job.....................get my point?

This has been beaten to death

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 21 2005, 11:04 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 21 2005, 03:56 AM


By their fruit ye shall know them.

Now this was uncalled for, I think it's a way she safely called you a Devil a warshiper, That way she can Twist it around later when you call her on it B)


That is scripture.

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 21 2005, 11:54 AM

That may be so...........but she has already made her point on this issue and wants to keep beating a dead horse, I know what point she is tring to get across,  why does she think she has to keep preaching on the subject?  I think as LDS and other faithful Christians we know what music can do to anyone, Keeping our Children away from alot of it is our response abilty, also raising our children right, I have posted this in the past on this thread, ...........I don't take Most Of the

music i listen to seriously if i did i would be a gun trotten, cheating, husband beating, devil warshipping, political, wack job.....................get my point?

This has been beaten to death

I agree. ;)

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Guest LDSister

Why would anyone suppose that answering a topic in a post would be anything other than just that? Today's Music is a topic which I started, and since music is so instrumental (pardon the pun), I feel that it is a very appropriate subject to address in an LDS forum, particularly quoting scripture, prophets, etc.

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