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LisaJo, I read a statement by President HInckley this week where he said something to the effect that we needed to take time in this Christmas season to remember our Savior and his atoning sacrafice for us. He said that in this time of celebration of his birth, basically we had to remember how important his birth and life were, so that he might do what he did for us through his atonement. It is what makes eternal life possible for all of us.

I love to read the Christmas story in the scriptures. And I have already started watching the Christmas programs on the tv. Christmas is not the same for me now, with all of my family elsewhere and me alone. But it is still a wonderful time of year and a time to celebrate our Savior in joy.

You know, we are told not to teach our kids that Santa Claus is real. My mom had a unique way of handling Santa Claus with her kids. She taught us that Santa Claus represented all the joy and happiness in the world. He represented the joy of giving and doing for one another. I have always remembered that. In her eyes Santa Claus is or atleast represents the spirit of Christmas and she believes that to this day.

Take your family and drive around and look at the lights together, find a family that maybe needs some extra help this christmas and make that family a project for your family[without the other family knowing it]. Do it completely in secret....

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Thanks for your thoughts, I really am trying to catch the Christmas spirit, Right now i am thinking of just waiting for a while to decorate and put the tree up,

I really enjoyed this months ensighn it had some great stories and helped alot,

I don't know why i feel this way this year , maybe it is the contention with my family back home, or maybe that Thanksgiving came so fast and i feel like i'm still back in October,

I get a little tired of all the Christmas shopping commercials on TV, The thought of advertising telling me what Christmas should be kinda turns me off, I miss those good old christmases when i was a kid, we did not have much but we had alot of fun and love, everything was so magical, some times i wish i could just get a cabin in the woods and take my family there for Christmas, away from all the Hype that we are feed threw advertising and santa shoved down our throats,

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Originally posted by lisajo@Dec 3 2005, 11:11 AM

Thanks for your thoughts, I really am trying to catch the Christmas spirit, Right now i am thinking of just waiting for a while to decorate and put the tree up,

I really enjoyed this months ensighn it had some great stories and helped alot,

I don't know why i feel this way this year , maybe it is the contention with my family back home, or maybe that Thanksgiving came so fast and i feel like i'm still back in October,

I get a little tired of all the Christmas shopping commercials on TV, The thought of advertising telling me what Christmas should be kinda turns me off, I miss those good old christmases when i was a kid, we did not have much but we had alot of fun and love, everything was so magical, some times i wish i could just get a cabin in the woods and take my family there for Christmas, away from all the Hype that we are feed threw advertising and santa shoved down our throats,


Sometimes I just have years like that when Christmas has just come and gone as well and I only went through the motions. The song "Where Are You Christmas" best describes it.

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LisaJo, I know what you are saying. I really understand that. Kids are not like they were when we were kids, they expect too much[most kids atleast - not putting all of them in this category] and have forgot what it is really suppose to be about. So many kids out there today don't seem to respect themselves, their parents, their God, their elders [like alot of them even know what that word means] and live in a "give me, give me" world.

I at was recently at a friends visiting for the evening and his granddaughter really astonished me. She was a living doll at 2 1/2 and probably the most mannerly young lady I have met at that age in a long long time. She knew how to talk to older people and listened to her grandparents and mother and aunt and was respectful of them. Even when she was not crazy about what she was asked to do, she did not whine pitch a fit to get her way. She was very polite to me, considering it was the first time she had ever met me and did not complain about the food her mother gave her to eat. Infact she ate well and was so pleasant to be around. So few kids are taught those manners today.

I know, back to the subject!!! LisaJo, get your family together, make some hot chocolate, put out some cookies, put on the Christmas music, and put up your tree as a family. [i will tell you alittle secret, for along time, those lights on the tree have gave me hope and brightened my spirit. Why? Because to me they represent the light of Christ and the blessings he has given me. I use them to remind me of the times he reminded me that I am his, that he loves me, that he loves my children and watches over them because I cannot, and my parents, my job, and on and on. The lights are all that Christ has given me, including his life and atonement.] I love Christmas trees and all the symbols of Christmas that are hung on them. To me Christmas is Christ, it is about giving, sharing, being with family and remembering our Savior.

You have known me long enough to know that holidays are hard for me, being alone and away from family, but LisaJo, they are hard because I am away from family. Not because there is not a present or I have no one to be with, but because I am not with my family. Christmas is a time to bring family and friends together and share in the joy of christ's birth and renew our love and feelings for one another.

LisaJo, you are a great person, remember, Christ wants you to be happy. :bearhug:

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I did not say this was an lds teaching. My parents were not lds when I was young. Most wards I have been in have Santa Claus at the Christmas parties. My mother taught this as we grew old enough to understand, and started to realize that there really was not a santa claus in the red suit. She wanted us to realize that although the man was not real, the happiness of giving and loving one another and finding joy in giving was real and very much needed in our lives and this world.

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Originally posted by lisajo@Dec 2 2005, 10:12 AM

Ok i seem to have misplaced the Christmas spirit, i haven't even shopped at decorations ETC. show me some Christmas fun, i need something to get me going, laughs, poems, stories,,,,,,,,,, I want to hear them PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

:wow: >>>>>>>>>>>>> :wow: >>>>>>>>>>>>> :wow:

My only suggestion to you would be to sacrifice some time you may usually set aside and perform charitable acts for those in need. If you have a family, include them in this service. You will find that as you serve your fellow man you will feel an increase in love for them and understand somewhat of what your Father in Heaven feels for them. This same love is the substance that supplied a supernal sacrifice called the atonement. That element of giving is the true spirit of christmas. THat is all I feel compelled to offer as advice. THis self same method has been a wonder for me in my life.

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Originally posted by lisajo@Dec 3 2005, 10:11 AM

...... away from all the Hype that we are feed threw advertising and santa shoved down our throats,

Lisajo~ I think that's when I would jump in the car, and drive around looking at the lights. (It's part of the peace I find for myself)

With Christmas being so commercialized and all, I will agree with those who suggest listening to good music that would help to keep the thought of Christ in the Christmas rush. Also finding a good navtivity set and keeping it out in plain view...that will help keep reminding everyone of what the season is all about. LOVE!

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It sounds to me as if you want others to entertain you, or get you excited, as you ask for others to show you some Christmas “fun” and help “get you going”, but for me and my family, Christmas is a very personal time of the year. Or in other words, we do what we feel is right for us, personally, and leave others to enjoy the “holidays” in their own way.

And just in case you might be interested in hearing about what we do, I’ll share.

For one thing, my wife and I have developed a tradition of getting together to make treats, most to give away as gifts to family and friends, but with lots leftover to feed ourselves. My wife is amazing in the kitchen, and I do what I can to help her. We make white chocolate covered pretzels, baklava, Mexican wedding cakes (really a cookie), turtles (I’ll assume you know what these are), peanut brittle, white chocolate covered peppermints (the colored ones, broken in small pieces), ginger snaps, and a few other things I can’t think of right now, with a little variation from year to year. It’s really fun for us, and really yummy too! :)

Another thing we like to do is decorate our house with Christmas lights and decorations, cutting down the tree ourselves, with enough branches to make a wreath for our door, and sometimes finding some mistletoe. My wife is big on Angels, nativity scenes, and Nutcrackers.

Another thing we like to do is go out to look at other Christmas decorations, usually a different area each year, but we have our favorites. This year we’re making a special trip to the Salt Lake City area.

Another thing we like to do is listen to Christmas carols, sometimes becoming involved in the choir and singing ourselves, but usually just listening and becoming involved in the atmosphere other people help to create for those of us who mainly just want to listen.

And yet another thing we like to do is have a big family dinner on Christmas day, for immediate family only. We do other things during the Christmas season to help others in need, but Christmas day is our family day. Very personal.

Anyway, as I said, that’s just some of what we do, but instead of suggesting that you copy us, I recommend that you find your own way to celebrate Christmas that is special and personal to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well things were going better and i started enjoying Christmas crafts, watching movies ETC. Then today i read my sons blog.... he is living in Utah going to collage and was way depressed he cant come home for Christmas, He said he misses the old family traditions ETC. he doesnt know i read his blog from time to time and i felt so bad i wish i had away to bring him out but i dont, i just feel like only celebrating the birth of christ and forget the rest...i still have no lights, tree, or decorations up. and shopping has to wait till sat due to the fact i have to travel 235 miles just to buy christmas......I watched the movie Christmas with the Cranks and i tell ya it all is sounding good to me! i wouldnt mind bagging it to go to Hawii LOL

As for going and looking at Christmas lights ...well it seems my town feels the same way i do....i counted about 5 in the whole town last night,

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You know, me and my daughter were talking about how Christmas seems to have just crept up on us all this year...I wonder whether some of us are finding it difficult to uncover our Christmas Spirit because we feel so sensitive to all the negative things that have happened this year? All the disasters: Tsunami, hurricanes etc. and the continuing battles in Iraq? That it just doesn't seem to be the 'right time' to be celebrating?

Sorry if that's a little depressing, it's just the way I felt tonight...I'm trying desperately to uncover my Christmas Spirit by watching old Christmas music videos, it does relax me I've found, tho once they're gone all my stress returns, and the worry of not having enough cash to make this Christmas as jolly as previous ones...I haven't even bought Christmas cards and wrapping paper yet!!! Too many bills :(

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