What are you doing?


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Kind like how we're all (most at least) technically sexist . :)

It's interesting actually how a fair amount of definitions for that word (from all sorts of online dictionaries) infer that it's discrimination against women. The same applies to domestic abuse. Studies do show however, that it's not uncommon for it to happen vice versa. Usually it doesn't get officially reported because the guy is too embarrassed to admit to it. Am I thread hijacking again?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Alana

Im trying to convince myself I'm awake. There was an animal stuck in the wall of my bedroom last night, my nose is stuffed up, kids wouldn't sleep (so need to figure something out about that) there was a flea on the couch when I tried to sleep there, the house was way to hot, and I had weird dreams about pasta being in my hair.

I am awake.

I am awake.

I am awake.

I am awake.

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What are you doing right now?

Technically, the answer is "I'm posting on a thread on LDS.net." But what are you also doing. If nothing, what should you be doing?

I'm the ward YW president and I've got New Beginnings tomorrow night. In typical "me" fashion, I've procrastinated everything, and I'm working on an outline for my talk right now, having finally gotten everything else ready.

Thinking about my Guidebot so i can tell it to Gowingnut

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Catching up with TV series house, NCIS and The Mentalist. Trying to figure out why the surround sound system is making a repetitive beeping noise, and trying to ignore the fact that I actually had stuff I was supposed to do today (meh, there is always the weekend).

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Catching up with TV series house, NCIS and The Mentalist. Trying to figure out why the surround sound system is making a repetitive beeping noise, and trying to ignore the fact that I actually had stuff I was supposed to do today (meh, there is always the weekend).

Good shows...and how many hours of conference were you going to watch this weekend. lol j/k....I know d/l and watchem anytime

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Wohoo! Math is done. Am I the only one who gets a little thrill when they successfully navigate their way through a more difficult/tricky/requires pulling together things that you weren't explicitly taught math problem?

Edited by Dravin
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Good shows...and how many hours of conference were you going to watch this weekend. lol j/k....I know d/l and watchem anytime

Lol. I may watch one or two of them. I may even go to the stake centre to watch them... been a while since I've been there.

Wohoo! Math is done. Am I the only one who gets a little thrill when they successfully navigate their way through a more difficult/tricky/requires pulling together things that you weren't explicitly taught math problem?

I think most people do. I have this little irritating habit of not wanting to drop something until I know the answer though. If I have some spare time, I'll generally work at it until I've figured it out, even if doing so has no immediate advantage or relevance - it's surprising actually how often the things you learn by being stubborn in this way can prove to be an advantage later on.

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I have this little irritating habit of not wanting to drop something until I know the answer though.

Hehe, I once spent 3 or 4 hours trying to figure out one homework problem. I had an answer guide but when I sat down to do the work I could not come up with their answer. That was one frustrating night but I finally plowed through it.

I actually do the same thing on math tests, I do it, check my work and don't get the right answer, I'll sit there redoing the same problem over and over until I get a solution. Obviously not 3 or 4 hours, but I do remember once taking something like 1 hour on one stinkin' test problem (if I had hair I'd have probably been pulling it out). My math test scores have less to do with genius and more to do with tenacity. :D

P.S. What I'm fairly sure I do that isn't very common is trash talk the really hard problems once I've solved them. Of course I intentionally chose to do the hard copy homework out of the math book this semester instead of online (MyMathLab) because there were more homework questions... I may be a touch odd. :eek:

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