Harrassing & Attacking Mormons


Historically and currently Why is there anti-Mormonism  

  1. 1. Historically and currently Why is there anti-Mormonism

    • Satan hates us, and uses non-LDS to oppose us.
    • Non-LDS Christians are jealous of our success (family, growth, and spiritual truth).
    • The LDS early embrace of polygamy, racial teachings, etc. were so controversial, that the Church continues to bear the burden of past mistrust from nonbelievers.
    • Non-LDS Christians do not understand our teachings, and have been misled by a few "sons of perdition" who distort and exaggerate our beliefs.
    • We bear the truth, and those who live in darkness and sin cannot endure the light. So, they lash out at us.
    • Non-LDS Christians believe Joseph Smith is a false prophet, and that our teachings are wrong. They think LDS souls are in danger, and they sometimes use extreme, immature, and "unChristian" methods to communicate their beliefs.

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Many of you have shared that Mormons have a history of being persecuted, sometimes violently. Your current feelings towards evangelicals in particular--especially "anti-Mormons," seems to stem from an even more difficult history.

So, big question is why? Why do people bother? Why don't non-LDS Christians just do their own evangelizing, and leave the Church alone? Why isn't there more cooperation on political issues, etc.?

You often ask non-LDS folk these questions. It might be useful to know what you think are the reasons. Why does Mormonism get so much spiritual animosity?

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When we were posted to Nova Scotia 8 years ago, I was fired from my passion I held the same day the corporate manger found out I was "Mormon".

They refused to say why and even when Employment Canada looked in to it, they still refused.

I asked my home teachers to visit with me and when hearing about how it unfolded they both said at the same time “The Brethren” I asked them to explain :dontknow: and they told me there is a group called The Brethren that was backed $$$ by the Baptist church to drive the Church from Eastern Canada. That is their sole propose. It has been there since the church was young.

One small city had been dusted at one point. The family of this company hails from their.

The long of the short of it was I received three-month severance thanks to Employment Canada and they started up my old unemployment clam I never finished and then started a new one that spring. I am not one to finish up my benefits, I like to work.

I first thought they were off their nut, I mean realy it 1997 were not Nauvoo but I asked other members and they backed the knowledge of this group.

That explains in the history of the church in NS. New members were told to leave eastern Canada and move to Kirtland early on.

The church is only 2 generations old three old there now.

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Dec 16 2005, 10:55 PM

Why does Mormonism get so much spiritual animosity?

I really feel it's because those who truely believe in the LDS faith, hold steadfast to their belief, which is a challange to satan to try to destroy. And how better to try to destroy or add doubt to something than to keep throwing animosity towards it? Funny thing is, I hear a lot of it from non-LDS .....and it makes me stronger in my faith.
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I don't think that any of your choices get to the heart of the matter:

Satan hates us, and uses non-LDS to oppose us.

Yeah - maybe but blaming anything on the devil doesn't solve anything.

Non-LDS Christians are jealous of our success (family, growth, and spiritual truth).

This is undoubtedly true for some people. Obviously the Church is the most successful American religion, is powerful, and influential. Historically however the issue hasn't been jealousy, it used to be fear. Mormons would move into an area, begin to dominate the population, presented themselves as a unified block and so presented a political threat.

The LDS early embrace of polygamy, racial teachings, etc. were so controversial, that the Church continues to bear the burden of past mistrust from nonbelievers.

The way you phrased that I am not sure exactly what point you are trying to make. We in the Church do not hold folks responsible for the actions of their ancestors though doing so is a typical "Christian" doctrine so maybe that explains for of their thinking about polygamy. LDS history on race is not much different from mainstream Christianity. The way you phrase it, it was and I dispute that. If you are interested in learning the truth of the matter, we could talk about it in more depth.

Non-LDS Christians do not understand our teachings, and have been misled by a few "sons of perdition" who distort and exaggerate our beliefs.

Certainly that is true but is not the whole answer. There are a good many evangelical cult hounds that demean and attack Mormonism (and other groups) and a good many of them are corrupt and dishonest. However the world is full of corrupt dishonest men. There are such evangelicals that also attack Catholics and other Evangelicals.

We bear the truth, and those who live in darkness and sin cannot endure the light. So, they lash out at us.

I think that is more true of ex-mormon critics.

Non-LDS Christians believe Joseph Smith is a false prophet, and that our teachings are wrong. They think LDS souls are in danger, and they sometimes use extreme, immature, and "unChristian" methods to communicate their beliefs.

I don't like this answer but I don't know what you mean by extreme, immature and "unChristian." The is nothing like that in our missionary program. Maybe you should explain yourself.

Obviously these "critics" don't think that Joseph Smith was a prophet but that doesn't explain their ugly behavior. That makes it seem like it is us that causes them to be ugly or dishonest, or violent or worse. No, they bear the burden of their own behavior. I don't really see them attacking some groups that they don't believe are true - for example there aren't many hate ministries directed towards the Hindu or Buddhists. Maybe against the Jews so I don't know exactly what that means.

This is what I think is a better explanation...

Christianity has a long and storied tradition of violence and hate mongering. Catholics used to murder and oppress those that disagreed with them. Then Protestants warred with Catholics with much violence and bloodshed, Puritans came to America to escape religious persecution. Mormonism is just a recent example of the immaturity, violence and immorality found within Christianity. Mormonism is growing quickly enough and powerfully enough that much of the antagonism will have to stop, though growing power might engender other motivations for attacks.

I see anti-Mormonism as a more general type of unChristian behavior regularly practiced by so-called Christians People are immature in their faith. They need an "other" to build themselves up at the "other" expense. In the old days they used to burn em at the stake. Now they just publish books and picket worship services. Bigot and ugly ones at that.

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The LDS early embrace of polygamy, racial teachings, etc. were so controversial, that the Church continues to bear the burden of past mistrust from nonbelievers.

Snow comments: The way you phrased that I am not sure exactly what point you are trying to make. We in the Church do not hold folks responsible for the actions of their ancestors though doing so is a typical "Christian" doctrine so maybe that explains for of their thinking about polygamy. LDS history on race is not much different from mainstream Christianity. The way you phrase it, it was and I dispute that. If you are interested in learning the truth of the matter, we could talk about it in more depth.

The gist of this response, if it were chosen, would be to indicate that the modern-day LDS movement continues to suffer from a lack of trust on the part of nonmembers. This suspicion stems from the controversies of the 19th century, because those issues, while perhaps addressed by church to its members, have never been laid to rest amongst the general population. An example of this is that, fair or not, there is a perception amongst non-LDS that the Church taught that God favored whites, and that blacks suffered a curse. It's true that many Christians of the 19th century taught similar theories. However, it's an example of the mistrust that lingers from old controversies.

Non-LDS Christians believe Joseph Smith is a false prophet, and that our teachings are wrong. They think LDS souls are in danger, and they sometimes use extreme, immature, and "unChristian" methods to communicate their beliefs.

I don't like this answer but I don't know what you mean by extreme, immature and "unChristian." The is nothing like that in our missionary program. Maybe you should explain yourself.

Actually, when I suggest that "THEY use extreme...etc," I'm referring to Mormon critics, not Mormon missionaries.

Obviously these "critics" don't think that Joseph Smith was a prophet but that doesn't explain their ugly behavior. That makes it seem like it is us that causes them to be ugly or dishonest, or violent or worse.

I'm not sure why you say this. The so-called Christian assassins who went after abortion doctors thought these doctors were murdering unborn babies. We still blame the assassins, and prosecuted them for murder. Likewise, if a so-called Christian "missionary to Mormons" uses extreme, immature or 'unChristian' methods, we still blame the individual, not his/her target.

Christianity has a long and storied tradition of violence and hate mongering. Catholics used to murder and oppress those that disagreed with them. Then Protestants warred with Catholics with much violence and bloodshed, Puritans came to America to escape religious persecution. Mormonism is just a recent example of the immaturity, violence and immorality found within Christianity. Mormonism is growing quickly enough and powerfully enough that much of the antagonism will have to stop, though growing power might engender other motivations for attacks.

I see anti-Mormonism as a more general type of unChristian behavior regularly practiced by so-called Christians People are immature in their faith. They need an "other" to build themselves up at the "other" expense. In the old days they used to burn em at the stake. Now they just publish books and picket worship services. Bigot and ugly ones at that.

Well, then, IMHO, you might check the final answer, and posit the suggestion that these critic's souls are in danger, because they are not loving their brothers. 1 John 4:7-8. The final answer was not meant to imply any blame on the part of the targets of unseemly religious acts.

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Originally posted by sgallan@Dec 17 2005, 09:16 PM

Being special can be a blessing & curse

The above may explain why some folks get an attitude about you. There is more than just a little bit of arrogance that could be implied here.

Just a thought....

I'm just curious, Mr. Gallan. What do you suppose is meant by that phrase you pasted here, in its original context? After you enlighten me as to how you took it, I can comment on attitudes, tones and arrogance. :hmmm:

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Originally posted by sgallan@Dec 18 2005, 07:26 AM

In context it is fine. But one you first see it as a board topic it sort of answers it's own question. I've been in a few Wards and have noticed this general attitude among some of the members. Especially some of the ones from Utah (we call them snowbirds).

It's common for those who are a persecuted minority to beieve they are attacked because of special truths they hold:

1. Jehovah's Witnesses are told that the doors slamming in their faces are Satan's attack on the true gospel.

2. Pentecostals in the early 20th century believed that the historic churches were spiritually dead. They were tarred, feathered, mocked and villified because they preached, "the FULL gospel."

3. The early Mormons surely believed they were hounded because Satan was opposing the restoration of the gospel and true Christian church.

4. Today, many athiests, agnostics, and secularists believe they are unfairly concemned as "ungodly" or "godless" because of their superior rationality, and their refusal to rely on the crutch of religion.

But, the so-called "arrogance" you find irritating also spurs persecuted believers in China, parts of India, Indonesia, the Middle East etc. to endure incarceration, beatings, rejection from family, and sometimes death. So, one man's arrogance is another man's faith, I suppose.

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nice point there! i relle like it. i do think that it's out of misunderstanding or people truly fearing that we will go to hell and are trying to bring us out of it.

of course, there are always people who will lash out at the outcrowds - they're their own little group.

but heavenly father has a plan for us. he knows what is in store and that everything will be okay.

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Originally posted by sgallan@Dec 18 2005, 03:39 PM

But, the so-called "arrogance" you find irritating

Where did I say I find it irratating? I was just making an observation.

Okay...fair enough. Maybe you don't find arrogant people irritating. :blink:

So, one man's arrogance is another man's faith, I suppose.

Indeed. I find sometimes people get annoyed at me for my lack of faith as well.

I would argue that you do have faith. Whether you call yourself an atheist, agnostic, or Deist--none of these theological belief systems can be verified. They are positions of faith.

Perhaps what annoys people is that you do not believe as they do. If so, just tell them that they should, "Let go and let God." ;)

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I would argue that you do have faith. Whether you call yourself an atheist, agnostic, or Deist--none of these theological belief systems can be verified. They are positions of faith.

I do have faith. For example yesterday my kid was wrestling in a Junior High tournament (she is 10) in a weight class which is ten pounds hevier than she weighs. In her final match she's wrestling for 3/4 against a strong twelve year old boy. I had faith she'd win. She did 4-2. So I have faith it's just that mine is more of a secular variety. BTW, do believe in the invisible Fire Breating Dragon under my house. If not, then you know why I don't believe in your god (a play of my sig :) )

Perhaps what annoys people is that you do not believe as they do.

Yup, sometimes they get mad and consign me to a bad place. This has happened.... oh, over a hundred times easily. :P

If so, just tell them that they should, "Let go and let God."

LOL.... that would annoy some of 'em for sure. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why does Mormonism get so much spiritual animosity?

I picked that last choice but the non-LDS Christians are not the only group that have this animosity. People who are in the stages of separating themselves from the LDS church also go through periods of anti-mormon behaviour (ie ex-members). My husband is a good example.

Mormonism never did agree with him, even as a child. By the time he was 16 he had already decided Mormonism was not for him. He hated the all-consuming time he had to spend in church activities and the preaching of free-agency but not the allowing of it (by parents that is). And now that he has been reading LDS church history, he fumes sometimes thinking how ridiculous and even dangerous Mormonism is (his thoughts, not mine). Take a peek at the posters at RfM and there are many who have become quite anti-Mormon.


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i didn't vote cause a few of those answers are very possible..well all of them are actually

I was going to say the same thing. There should have been another choice which stated almost all of the above. :D

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