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Mutual friends with who? Or is being mutual friends the same as being friends? Since this the 4,290th happiest day of your life..being friends doesn't rate very highly.

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Mutual friends with who? Or is being mutual friends the same as being friends? Since this the 4,290th happiest day of your life..being friends doesn't rate very highly.

So quick to judge me. :o Actually, I've been keeping count of "happiest days of my life" and the day before she friend requested me I had only had 4,289 "happiest days of my life" experiences. But this is a little out dated already as I am now up to 4,301 "happiest days of my life" because she has called me on the phone several times and each time she does.. KA-CHING! the number goes up! ^_^^_^

But that only counts for 3 "happiest days of my life" experiences as the other ones were on account that I found my long lost lucky underwear, Got 7 correct answers while watching Jeapordy (a new record for me) and then I got bonus points on one day because I got to listen to two little old Russian ladies argue over something in Russian in the produce isle at the world market. There are few things funnier in this life than that and I got to see it

Oops! My phone is ringing and guess who it is!!! KA-CHING! 4,302

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...and then I got bonus points on one day because I got to listen to two little old Russian ladies argue over something in Russian in the produce isle at the world market....

I was assaulted by a couple of old Russian women last year at a market in Chicago; I had gotten the last two pounds of Salo (raw bacon - its eaten raw) and they were very angry... One hit me with her purse, the other ran her shopping cart into my ankle. I couldn't walk right for a week and I had a huge bruise on the top of my head for a month. She must have had a brick in that purse, or maybe a marble bust of Stalin...

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I'm having to relearn the old fashioned way of writing letters at the moment. Since son is in basic training for the Army, no emails, no texting, etc. So it's back to good ol' letter writing. I didn't even know how much a stamp costs until I went to purchase some today. :)

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I remember the good old days of Basic... I got two letters the whole time I was in training (more than a year).

One was from my dad which included a copy of his thesis in Psychology on why kids use tobacco, the other was from my mother wanting to know if I was going to send home part of my paycheck so she could put it away to fund a mission. That was it, for a full 13 months!

On the other hand, I don't recall the last time I mailed anything to anyone. I'm sure its been a few years.

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I was assaulted by a couple of old Russian women last year at a market in Chicago; I had gotten the last two pounds of Salo (raw bacon - its eaten raw) and they were very angry... One hit me with her purse, the other ran her shopping cart into my ankle. I couldn't walk right for a week and I had a huge bruise on the top of my head for a month. She must have had a brick in that purse, or maybe a marble bust of Stalin...

The "happiest day of your life" gods must have been smiling on you that day!!! :lol:

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The "happiest day of your life" gods must have been smiling on you that day!!! :lol:

I've had 4 "happiest" days of my life; when my 4 daughers were born. Every other day has just been a disappointment.

Although I never have had a phone call from Daen, so maybe I'm missing out on something! :P

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I've had 4 "happiest" days of my life; when my 4 daughers were born. Every other day has just been a disappointment.

Although I never have had a phone call from Daen, so maybe I'm missing out on something! :P

I sure hope the woman/women that you married to give you those 4 daughters are not very good snipers! If so Im staying the heck away from you my friend. :lol:

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Fortunately for anyone standing near me, and unfortunately for me, I am a bullet-magnet. If someone, somewhere, fires an errant shot, it hits me.

I have only 1 ex-wife; although I'm always looking for the future ex-MrsT.

FWIW, my ex-wife was quite a shooter, but she never practiced. When she left me she took nearly a hundred of my rifles and pistols (not sure why), but no magazines for them or ammunition.

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Like Dick Cheney sitting on one shoulder and Jiminy Cricket on the other.

I always knew there was something sinister about ole' Jiminy Cricket.. You really can't trust someone, anyone, who's always so.. happy and who sings rediculous songs like "When you wish upon a star.."

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