Official position on soda/pop?


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There has been no official position. Some people stay away from soda because of the caffeine. It can be addictive. You should use your own personal judgement on whether or not you want to drink soda. As for tea and coffee, there are other things in both that are harmful to our bodies other than the caffeine. Doctors ask people whether or not they drink coffee and how much when they talk to you.

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Interesting that this thread was bumped back up. I work the graveyard shift and I had to work last night. During my lunch break at about 1:30 am, I headed to the vending machine to buy a diet Mt. Dew. As a personal trainer I pretty much have kicked soda pop except the occasional diet soda. But last night right before I put my dollar in, the Spirit very distinctly told me not to buy it. I suddenly found myself "rewinding" the thought in my mind as I watched my hand insert the dollar and take my Dew out and head back to my table. I stared at my bottle and after sipping about a quarter of it or so, I put it away. I don't think I will ever finish it. Or buy another one.

As I went back to work, pressing play on my ipod, listening to the Book of Mormon as I do every day, I pondered this situation. Was it because of the Sabbath? Was it because of the contents? Or something else? When Adam offered up a sacrifice to the Lord, he did so not knowing why, save the Lord commanded him to do so. I learned by this experience that if I am to have the level of the Spirit in my life that I have, and if I am to have more, I ought to be obedient whatever the reason. This is "learning from the source of all truth." I am still learning. I have repented of my misdeed and am more firm in my dedication to hearken to the Lord.

As Pam said, the church has no official position. My personal position is the Spirit, which dwells in us, whispers knowledge to us, and the Lord will only teach us line upon line, precept upon precept according to our diligence in keeping His Commandments. With every reply on this subject you will get a different response. Listening to any one of us is trusting in the arm of flesh. Rather than deciding who to listen to, may I recommend that you begin listening to the Lord and his whisperings? I promise you that the more you do, the more He will whisper to you greater things. And it will not be necessary to ask anyone else their position.

My two cents.

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I did research on all those "no calorie" and "sugar-free" artificial sweeteners they add to soda. What I learned instilled a very strong desire never to put them in my body.

The least of these reasons? They have a known side effect of actually promoting weight gain.

I've met individuals who simply by switching to regular soda, lost a lot of weight. It's hard to argue with their results. One individual I know, my grandfather, simply by removing such sweeteners from his life had multiple serious medical issues resolve themselves.

Ultimately weather or not someone believes the research depends on that individual. First of course you have to actually read the research.

Leaving the high fructose corn syrup debate aside, while I seldom drink soda, this is always my choice. I'm confident its the better one too =).

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Ultimately weather or not someone believes the research depends on that individual. First of course you have to actually read the research.

What does the weather have to do with it? :P

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I had a terrible addiction to Pepsi. It bothered me a lot that if I did not drink it I got terrible heachaches and was so tired.

The missionaries were here one day and discussed addictions. Odd now that I think about it lol. We arent addicted to anything, other than caffeine. They pointed out that anything that controlled us instead of us controlling it was not a good thing.

Well I decided the Pepsi was going to go. It took me a week and a half of misery but I beat it. Now God has helped me out a bit because the smell of any caffeine drink makes me gag. It smells like cow urine. That will certainly kill the desire for about anything!

Life is much better without it but I have to say its not easy to find a different drink. A&W worked well but I wanted to step drinking so many calories so went to a flavored water. Maybe next it will be plain water. That will be a good day for me.

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