Paint, Paint, and more paint


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We are painting the rooms in our home. We do not plan to resale this home. ( the kids will just have to deal with it) I am going to paint my bedroom teal. My daughter is about to have a heart-attack. So in a few hours I am going to go buy that paint, before she talks her Dad out of it. What is it? They can cover their rooms in posters, names, and :confused:, art and when mom decides to paint the whole room teal, I am having a Senior moment and should think about it. ;) Thanks just had to get this off my mind before I go to the store and buy paint. It will be teal.:D

What color would you paint your bedroom? (will this question make this post a legal thread?) :huh::lol: instead an insane rant at 6:00 in the morning while waiting for the store to open.

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lol i love to paint the rooms in our house. we let the kids pick out the colors for their rooms (with as much help as they would allow from mom). i was nervous but i think they did pretty good. now that we've finally gotten through the entire house (has taken a few yrs) we need to repaint the first room we did. i guess it's a never ending thing.

my room is blue by the way. oh and i've decided i don't think i will ever paint a ceiling white again (yes my ceiling is blue too). you should consider putting color on the ceiling too. if for nothing else to scare the kids, they will love the idea. :D lol

have fun painting.

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I was always allowed to choose the paint for my room, and then paint it myself as I grew up. I have always liked something like “sandalwood” (kind-a like a sandy brown) but one year (during my high school era) I cut across one wall with a royal blue band that became a giant check mark. It started about three feet from the top on one side, down towards the middle of the wall and just before reaching the bottom it went back up to the other side . . . a giant ‘check’ mark! In the upper corner of the opposite wall a friend painted an animated sun with a face and everything. Kind-a like you might see on the “Roger rabbit” movie.

Mom thought I was very creative, asked me to take a drug test and then grilled my friends to see if I had been smoking anything, (I hadn’t).

My office is “sandalwood” but now the walls are covered with artsy-fartsy pictures I have taken and five printers trays with my ever growing thimble collection, (when the wife and kids found out I was collecting thimbles they asked me to take a drug test and started grilling friends from work and church asking if they knew of me smoking anything).

I think teal is great IF it makes you feel at ease and like you’re “at home” when you're in the room.

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I don't see a problem with teal, but I probably wouldn't pain the entire bedroom that one color. I would compliment it with another color, like a medium shade of brown, depending on what the theme of your room is.

I just attempted to paint my bathroom a coral red, but it came out salmon pink. I'm not a big fan of pink, so I've decided to offset it by painting a giant tree on the longest wall. Hopefully it will give the feel of doing your business in the foods on a stormy night. :)

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Ok came in for lunch and I am off to another store. Ok so teal or at least Tempting Teal is not what I want (to dark) so I came home to get a shirt that has the color that I want and off again. I have decided that color I want is almost the color you see when you hit the post quick reply button :) I know this might be the ravings of a senior moment :) Thanks for the replies ... and the humor.

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I'm not one for vibrant colors on the walls - my bedroom has 3 white walls with a black accent wall (fancy, amirite???) and i have a black rug, and a black-and-white overall bed as well, but then i let pictures and posters and "stuff" bring out the true feel and color of my room. Personally I think it looks really good!

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Guest Alana

I'd like to do one wall in my room a dark purple, the others a soft green.

I do need to paint. I rent, and the walls were newly painted 3 years ago, but after two babies and numerous day care kids the walls are thrashed.

I admit it. I'm afraid to paint. I've never done it. I'm all about do it yourself home projects, but I'm afraid I'll find it tedious and boring and be forced to finish.

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My kids are age 6 and 8 and they picked the colors of their room. They tell me the color they want, then I figure out how to make it work.

My 8 year old was easy - he wants green. That's it. Any kind of green as long as it's "green" looking. So, I painted his entire room SANDALWOOD! Isn't that coincidenal for this thread??? It is actually brownish green kinda look but using satin finish, it is more green than brown. I got matching bedspread which is more sage looking with dark brown and white stripes. It looks nice.

My 6 year old wanted red, white, and black. No kidding. He wants ALL 3 colors in his room. He wants the wall red, the furniture black, and the carpet white (it is actually light cream but he calls it white). I negotiated with him until we agreed to just paint one wall with red stripes and have his bed red and everything else is white and I'll figure out a way to work black in. And he said okay. Here's his room:

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Bold colors is fine as long as it doesn't overwhelm the space.

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We are painting the rooms in our home. We do not plan to resale this home. ( the kids will just have to deal with it) I am going to paint my bedroom teal. My daughter is about to have a heart-attack. So in a few hours I am going to go buy that paint, before she talks her Dad out of it. What is it? They can cover their rooms in posters, names, and :confused:, art and when mom decides to paint the whole room teal, I am having a Senior moment and should think about it. ;) Thanks just had to get this off my mind before I go to the store and buy paint. It will be teal.:D

What color would you paint your bedroom? (will this question make this post a legal thread?) :huh::lol: instead an insane rant at 6:00 in the morning while waiting for the store to open.

I picture you in one of the old Mervyn's commercials on sales day when the lady is tapping the doors with both hands going "open open open open."

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Anatess, that's cute. I normally hate hate hate "accent" walls, as they are nearly impossible to do well.

If you want teal, go for it! I'm all about color. My living room is aquamarine, my kitchen amethyst (with kind of a latin vibe, stopping short of the Mexican restaurant look). Son and daughter's rooms are blue and pink, respectively. Family room is apple green. The master bedroom walls remain white, as my husband and I are at an impasse. He wants yellow, which is all wrong (it clashes with the adjoining spaces, and yellow + southern exposure = walking into a sunbeam). I think I want a Carribean blue, something just a touch less green than swimming pool.

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We are painting the rooms in our home. We do not plan to resale this home. ( the kids will just have to deal with it) I am going to paint my bedroom teal. My daughter is about to have a heart-attack. So in a few hours I am going to go buy that paint, before she talks her Dad out of it. What is it? They can cover their rooms in posters, names, and :confused:, art and when mom decides to paint the whole room teal, I am having a Senior moment and should think about it. ;) Thanks just had to get this off my mind before I go to the store and buy paint. It will be teal.:D

What color would you paint your bedroom? (will this question make this post a legal thread?) :huh::lol: instead an insane rant at 6:00 in the morning while waiting for the store to open.

I understand the problem clearly. You like the word "teal" but you have never actually seen the color teal.

Solution: actually look at the color teal. You will instantly share your daughters concern.

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I want color. I love blues and greens. I have used teal before in my bathroom, but this year it seems that color has more green in it. I want more blue then green.

Nancey I love the color aquamarine but the only one I could find that had aqua in the name was "aqua ocean" which I am going to use on my ceiling. I am using "Bayside" for the walls. It leans toward the color turquoise more.

Anatess loved what you did. Gwen thanks for the ceiling idea. Nancey I love your sense of color. I want a color that will lower my stress levels when I enter. I think this combination will do it.

Several of you have mention "Sandlewood" and the fact it has green in it. I may use this to tie in the rest of the house to the colors I use in diffrent rooms. :) Just wait till she sees the color her 89 year old grandmother wants. She wants green and not sandlewood. :)

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