i need help please


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i am an 18 year old, born and raised in the church a daughter of god who is asking for help. i never ask but this time i need it.. i know to you this may sound weird or even crazy, some times i cant believe it myself... i get these dreams in clips that seem so real, some of these dreams are in weird places i dont even understand why im there, later to find out that my dream does came true in real life. as i grew older and experienced more of these dreams i can tell during these dreams which ones are real. i think to my self during the dream saying that it will come true.. as they are replaying in real life they may take over a half hour to finish seening all the different clips from the dream. i always know which dreams come true and it never fails me.. One night i had a dream that there was this guy i have never seen him before.. we were in the bathroom and we were huging he was tallish and had dirty blonde hair white.. i remember everything but his face! nothiing was said but i knew we were engaged, next clip came it was me and his mom in the hall way she had brown hair very pretty as i was looking at her i knew that her husband has died (my future father in law) and that we were at her house to have dinner with the family.. next clip i was in his sisters room shes young and has blonde hair i was getting ready for dinner looking into the mirror she was sitting on her bed smiling and i look 2 years older! everything about me looked the same but some how i knew i was 20 my hair was darker and shorter i was thiner i can see it in my face.. at that moment i felt an overwhelming feeling of love for this stranger and his family! i have been in love before but i have never felt this way about anyone other than this man in my dream.. it is indescribable how i felt! and that is when i woke up crying cause i didnt want to wake up i didnt want to have to wait to see this man again. i cant wait for the day it actually happenes.. i hope that i can aatleast see this dream again till the time comes. but i wrote this for you now to see what you guy think of this.. i promise you with alll my heart i am not making this up. i just need help. i tell people but they just dont understand..and i dont want to sound crazy i cant change what i know...please let me hear your views. thank you...

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thank you... i just dont know if im going crazy or what like why me. now i dont want to date anyone because of him.. and i dont even know him yet!

You are not crazy...many people have dreams and visions that come true.

I think you should date others. It will help you to grow and be good experience for you. You mustn't put your life on hold. Waiting around for things to happen can cause you to be frustrated and lose hope.

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You are not crazy...many people have dreams and visions that come true.

I think you should date others. It will help you to grow and be good experience for you. You mustn't put your life on hold. Waiting around for things to happen can cause you to be frustrated and lose hope.

do you really think its a gift ive prayed about it went to the temple for hours and read the scriptures to find answers but nothing

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do you really think its a gift ive prayed about it went to the temple for hours and read the scriptures to find answers but nothing

Of course I do. It's a spiritual gift. You are 18 now. Give it time and you will begin to understand it more.

Take time to study 1 Corinthians 12 to understand how many gifts of the spirit there are.

Instead of waiting for evidence that your gift is real, keep yourself busy with school and family and work and let the things that you have seen unfold.

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Of course I do. It's a spiritual gift. You are 18 now. Give it time and you will begin to understand it more.

Take time to study 1 Corinthians 12 to understand how many gifts of the spirit there are.

Instead of waiting for evidence that your gift is real, keep yourself busy with school and family and work and let the things that you have seen unfold.

i will thank you so much you have helped me tremendously! thank you again im going to read it right now. thank you

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You've gotten some very sound advice. Continue dating, don't stop and look or wait for one who fits this dream. You need to continue to grow and developed and someone you date, once or a dozen times, my lead you to who will be your eternal companion.

Dreams can be very helpful, they have helped me.

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I agree with what has been said. I have had dreams or even sometimes waking visions that have come true. They aren't as detailed as yours are, usually they are of a place I have never seen and then later I see the place in real life. A lot of times mine seem almost like deja vu. However I do often have dreams that I feel mean something, and I have had inspiration come to me through dreams. So I don't think you are crazy. My great grandmother used to have dreams about things that would happen, she even dreamed of her own death. In my family dreams are taken seriously.

I agree with what Cassiopeia said about dating. Dating doesn't only allow you to date the opposite sex and possibly find a spouse, dating also helps you to grow and discover what you are really looking for in a spouse. It helps you develop a sense of yourself as you meet other people. If you are worried about dating someone else because you feel it would be unfaithful to him then just date for fun. Date to meet people, not to develop romantic relationships. Go on a different date each week with a different person. (I don't know if you are in college right now, but if you are there should be enough guys that you could possibly do this) Go on group dates, plan fun activities. And when this dream guy comes along then you will have developed yourself and will have grown.

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I would first determine if it was "just a dream" or if it was inspiration / revelation / prophecy.

Ask in prayer in a simple way like "I have pondered this dream and prayed and fasted and I have decided that it is a message from You (God). Is this true?"

If you get a stupor of thought or confusion etc. nothing that you can clearly recognize then it was just a dream and you should let it go and not obsess over it anymore.

If you get a clear witness that it was from God then pay attention to it. Write it down, try to gain further clarification and understanding of the meaning. We are PROMISED in the scriptures that we will be given an answer to a direct question like that if we are doing our part. However, if we ask a question like "Should I follow this dream?" or "What should I do with my life?" we may or may not get an answer since we really have not made a choice that the Lord can respond to with a YES (burning in the bosom, unmistakable feeling of love or clarity of mind etc.) or a NO (stupor of thought, etc.).

The fact that you have spent a lot of time and effort on this and have received NOTHING from God on it leads me to believe that it is just that, a dream, but work it out for yourself, don't go on what people tell you on the internet.

Let's not forget that the adversary can put thoughts in our minds and I am certain that applies to dreams too. With that in mind, I believe it is vitally important to ratify every dream and every event where we think God has done something for us or has given us instruction, through prayer. Otherwise we will always be wondering in the back of our mind, was that from God or was it just a dream or a coincidence with no spiritual import. Also remember that the adversary cannot read your mind or heart, but God can which can be helpful in determining where thoughts, dreams etc. come from.

Another possibility to consider is that the dream is caused by some external thing. Do you have any other really vivid dreams? Are you on any medication? Extremely lucid dreams like that can sometimes be a symptom of other issues / health problems etc., or can be caused by some types of medication.

Edited by WindRiver
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My wife saw me, years before we met in a similar dream. Did that stop her from dating others? No, of course not. You need to date others, fall in love with others, have your heart broken by others. Don't hold out for this person, Heavenly Father will ensure the circumstances are right if the one in your dream is to be a part of your life. Live your life, it is your own life to live.

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Lehi often said, "I dreamed a dream". It sometimes was of things in the future, but also sometimes was about teachings - often made in symbolism.

The Lord was revealing to you to be faithful and patient, and a righteous son of God will come along at the right time in your life. You did not see his face, because that is left for you to discover through patiently dating and preparing.

Make sure that you prepare to be a wonderful daughter of God. Study and read up on relationships, especially how married couples can develop a strong and wonderful marriage. The more you learn now, the easier any marriage will be. Remember, the great feelings you have on your wedding day can only remain if both you and your spouse continue to nurture the relationship. It is very easy to later take the relationship for granted, and to lose that special feeling.

So develop now the diligence and knowledge needed to find and forever grow that special relationship. You want him to feel about you as you did about him in the dream. Make sure you are as wonderful a catch as he was in the dream.

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I would first determine if it was "just a dream" or if it was inspiration / revelation / prophecy.

Ask in prayer in a simple way like "I have pondered this dream and prayed and fasted and I have decided that it is a message from You (God). Is this true?"

If you get a stupor of thought or confusion etc. nothing that you can clearly recognize then it was just a dream and you should let it go and not obsess over it anymore.

If you get a clear witness that it was from God then pay attention to it. Write it down, try to gain further clarification and understanding of the meaning. We are PROMISED in the scriptures that we will be given an answer to a direct question like that if we are doing our part. However, if we ask a question like "Should I follow this dream?" or "What should I do with my life?" we may or may not get an answer since we really have not made a choice that the Lord can respond to with a YES (burning in the bosom, unmistakable feeling of love or clarity of mind etc.) or a NO (stupor of thought, etc.).

The fact that you have spent a lot of time and effort on this and have received NOTHING from God on it leads me to believe that it is just that, a dream, but work it out for yourself, don't go on what people tell you on the internet.

Let's not forget that the adversary can put thoughts in our minds and I am certain that applies to dreams too. With that in mind, I believe it is vitally important to ratify every dream and every event where we think God has done something for us or has given us instruction, through prayer. Otherwise we will always be wondering in the back of our mind, was that from God or was it just a dream or a coincidence with no spiritual import. Also remember that the adversary cannot read your mind or heart, but God can which can be helpful in determining where thoughts, dreams etc. come from.

Another possibility to consider is that the dream is caused by some external thing. Do you have any other really vivid dreams? Are you on any medication? Extremely lucid dreams like that can sometimes be a symptom of other issues / health problems etc., or can be caused by some types of medication.

i am not on medication and i have had other dreams like sitting next to a hose and a looking at a car in the distance i was completely alone and later to find out i was there for a car wash with my swim team. maybe that one was so i wouldnt be afraid being alone in the dark but amazed that it is coming true.. thank you for all you have said i really appreciate it and i know that god is the only one who can really help me through this..thank you

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My wife saw me, years before we met in a similar dream. Did that stop her from dating others? No, of course not. You need to date others, fall in love with others, have your heart broken by others. Don't hold out for this person, Heavenly Father will ensure the circumstances are right if the one in your dream is to be a part of your life. Live your life, it is your own life to live.

wow thank you for that its nice to hear im not alone in this.. its not like im notbeing asked on dates constantly its just i dont have the urge to go on one with someone else. its hard after have the dream.. nane of my family understands and im constantly pressured to date.. maybe one day ill break haha

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Lehi often said, "I dreamed a dream". It sometimes was of things in the future, but also sometimes was about teachings - often made in symbolism.

The Lord was revealing to you to be faithful and patient, and a righteous son of God will come along at the right time in your life. You did not see his face, because that is left for you to discover through patiently dating and preparing.

Make sure that you prepare to be a wonderful daughter of God. Study and read up on relationships, especially how married couples can develop a strong and wonderful marriage. The more you learn now, the easier any marriage will be. Remember, the great feelings you have on your wedding day can only remain if both you and your spouse continue to nurture the relationship. It is very easy to later take the relationship for granted, and to lose that special feeling.

So develop now the diligence and knowledge needed to find and forever grow that special relationship. You want him to feel about you as you did about him in the dream. Make sure you are as wonderful a catch as he was in the dream.

i never thought of that before... i do need to prepare now and ive been way to caught up in the dream thank you for that reminder.. much of what you said reminded me of my patriarchal blessing... i read it ever sunday.. maybe i should now thank you for those lovely reminders...

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Silly thought for today: By dating, you have the potential to teach a man how to be a kinder and gentler companion and friend. Also, men have taught me a great many things, car repair, sodering, electrical wiring, plumbing and on and on. It's a wonderful way of friendshipping and gaining skills. Date. Learn. Laugh. Grow. So much potential, don't shun it and please enjoy it.

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years ago while my wife and I were struggling, we were having a particularly hard time one night. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. To our supprise it was a lady we had met at church and didnt know very well but we had both felt a goodness from her. She came in and said "please dont think I am crazy, but I have a psychic ability and I new the two of you really needed a friend tonight." I looked at her and smiled, then said to her "interesting you should say that, we dont think you are crazy. I to have a similar gift as I am able to recognize people's spririt." She asked me how that helps me in life and I said I am not sure why I have the gift but it has helped me pick good people to be around. She said give it time and you will know why you have this gift then use it as it is inteded to be used. It has been at least 10-12 years since then and here I find that the Lord had found a way for me to go to school full time. He has also made it possible for my schooling to be paid for, and my family to be financially taken care of. You might be wondering what my major is.haha Well I am majoring in psychology, with a focus in counseling. I will be going on to a masters in social work with a focus on counseling also. I have finally discovered why God gave me such a great gift. That is to do service for others. Give it time you will find a reason for your gift. In the mean time as many have allready said, live your life. Find some peace in your gift. Ask for guidance from the Lord, and thank him for giving you a gift that is so rare and he felt you were up for the challenge.

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