Surprising quote in the Ensign about long hair.


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So then what you're saying is that you think we (non conformist LDS) need to alter our appearance in order not to offend judgemental people that they may be receptive to our message and even join the church? Wouldn't we just be bringing in nothing but more judgemental people? Don't we have enough judgemental people in the church already that we're having to deal with? Whatever happened to those wonderful words of "judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement" (John 7:24). You remember who said that, don't you? Oh, and last thing I remember, the person who said this had a beard and long hair also.

Is there a button for eye rolling? You're right. Screw the rules! And when you send your son on a mission, make sure he goes to the MTC with long hair, a long beard, and a robe on. Maybe someone will mistake him for a terrorist.:)

Again, I think I should be able to go to church wearing my daisy dukes, 9 inch stilleto heels, hot pink bikini top with lightning bolt pattern, so that I can show off my tatoo of the temple. And nobody better tell me to conform to their rules, because I am the ward librarian, dangit, I don't have a youth calling! And how dare you judge my appearance!

Edited by crazypotato
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Is there a button for eye rolling? You're right. Screw the rules! And when you send your son on a mission, make sure he goes to the MTC with long hair, a long beard, and a robe on. Maybe someone will mistake him for a terrorist.:)

Again, I think I should be able to go to church wearing my daisy dukes, 9 inch stilleto heels, hot pink bikini top with lightning bolt pattern, so that I can show off my tatoo of the temple. And nobody better tell me to conform to their rules, because I am the ward librarian, dangit, I don't have a youth calling! And how dare you judge my appearance!

I thought we had already established that the hair thing is not a rule -- but it does have a nice ring of legalism to it doesn't it?

I thought it was more of a suggestion from the bretheren.

As far as the young missionary going into th MTC, I though we had already established that reasoning along with the Temple workers as far as the clean cut look representing the church -- not the general populace.

I think those Daisy Dukes are getting into a wad over nothing -- and by the way they do have an eyeroll icon :rolleyes:

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As far as the young missionary going into th MTC, I though we had already established that reasoning along with the Temple workers as far as the clean cut look representing the church -- not the general populace.

Not to mention that missionaries are given very specific grooming guidelines, whereas general Church membership are not.

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I, for one, would LOVE to see more daisy dukes on the women at church!

Dude, I am making a nonconformist statement this Sunday and wearing mine. I also have a hot pink bra that I could wear with them. Am I allowed to judge all the people staring at me and whispering as self-righteous religious fanatics?

And yes, we already established that having long hair is not against the gospel and to not judge each other. So I am going to add my hooker hair wig that goes all the way down to the floor. I hate it when it gets stuck in the stilletos and I trip in the hallway. I don't know why those cliqueish women in Relief Society don't accept me into their groups. I think I will add them to my list of self-righteous, judgemental extremists, too.

The rules have reasons behind them. As I said, if people feel the long hair rule is outdated, then respectfully wear your hair longer if you wish. It's really not a big deal or worth having an attitude, in my opinion.

The thing that bugs me is when I start growing too many green eyes out of my potato, and people ask me to cut them off. Then if they start sprouting, I get looks from others, you know, like they wish they could just bury me in the ground. It really hurts my peelings.

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Screw the rules! And when you send your son on a mission, make sure he goes to the MTC with long hair, a long beard, and a robe on.

There have been parts of this thread I've only scanned, so forgive me if I've missed it. Where exactly are these "rules" that ward members need to obey? I mean, yes indeed there are pretty clear rules for people entering the mission field, and attending BYU for that matter, but for the rank and file member?

I've taught Gospel Essentials for years, and don't remember seeing them there. One would think there would be something in the chapter on keeping the Sabbath day holy or something... I see guidance and counsel and urging, I also see much tolerance and respect given for what varioius folks bring with them as they come to be edified by the gospel.

Got a link to the rules?


Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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There have been parts of this thread I've only scanned, so forgive me if I've missed it. Where exactly are these "rules" that ward members need to obey? I mean, yes indeed there are pretty clear rules for people entering the mission field, and attending BYU for that matter, but for the rank and file member?

I've taught Gospel Essentials for years, and don't remember seeing them there. One would think there would be something in the chapter on keeping the Sabbath day holy or something... I see guidance and counsel and urging, I also see much tolerance and respect given for what varioius folks bring with them as they come to be edified by the gospel.

Got a link to the rules?


:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I had to roll my eyes lots of times because potatoes have lots of eyes. The "rules" that we are talking about here can be found in your book of Leviticus, chapter 18, verse 12, as everybody here knows.

Edited by crazypotato
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Again, I think I should be able to go to church wearing my daisy dukes, 9 inch stilleto heels, hot pink bikini top with lightning bolt pattern, so that I can show off my tatoo of the temple.

Do you think God would diminish your worship of him or hear your prayers any less if you were dressed like that? It's what's in your heart that counts and not what's on the outside. I guess I concern myself a lot more with what God think than what the LDS Joneses think. "Judge me on the content of my character..."

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Do you think God would diminish your worship of him or hear your prayers any less if you were dressed like that? It's what's in your heart that counts and not what's on the outside. I guess I concern myself a lot more with what God think than what the LDS Joneses think. "Judge me on the content of my character..."

Yes. I think God would not approve of those clothes because my body belongs to him and if he were to dress me, I think he would dress me is a modest dress. I think if the General Authorities are wearing suits and short hair, we should follow how they dress. The General Women's presidencies are modest, clean, and respectable. Their clothing is feminine but not distracting to what they say.

Everything is important to God. Some things are more important than others. He has listed things in order of importance, and dress and clothing and appearance, though cultural, have general guidelines such as in "For the Strength of the Youth." Those guidelines are not the most important things to follow, but they are important.

When I was at a BYU devotional, President Hinckley gave a talk and one comment he made, was that people who have a problem with the dress code at the Y, may think it is no big deal to break that code. But when you sign up to go to the Y and then deliberately break the dress code, it is a sign of a lack of integrity in keeping your word and even your more serious contracts before the Lord. I was offended, because I broke the dress code all the time by wearing mid-thigh shorts. I hated the shorts rule in the summer because it was hot and I didn't wear garments yet. But now, I think the reason I was offended by his assumption is because it is true, but was hard for me to hear because I was guilty of what he said. Just because we don't go to BYU now or are on a mission doesn't mean that it is time to look more worldly. If the prophet wants the youth to follow the dress and hair guidelines in "For the Strength of Youth", I believe we should respect that by following the guidelines ourselves and setting a good example for the youth.

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There is a clique of very popular sis.'s in my ward to routinely tell me that I am not obeying the word of wisdom. They think I don't notice them laughing, but I can hear them making jokes, planning enrichment meetings just for me, etc. .

Ah, if only petty and insensitive behavior had been warned about in the Word of Wisdom...

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I have been reading along and laughing my back side off. Crazy, you slay me. I wish I had your knack for hyperbole.

Yes. I think God would not approve of those clothes because my body belongs to him and if he were to dress me, I think he would dress me is a modest dress.

But--but God created us naked. We should go to! :eek: (It's a joke people, don't burn me at the stake);)

I think the important thing to remember here is there IS a balance between appropriate church dress and even hair length. But more importantly is the reason behind what we do.

If we are completely compliant because we are doing it out of fear or coercion, being compelled, it's as if we didn't do it at all.

If we dress outside expected standards, are we doing it to rebel or is it really how comfortable we feel.

The Lord loves us no matter how we dress or look. We just need to remember to pay respect where respect is due.

And I for one, want a photo, crazypotatoe of that get up when you put it on. ;)

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When I was at a BYU devotional, President Hinckley gave a talk and one comment he made, was that people who have a problem with the dress code at the Y, may think it is no big deal to break that code. But when you sign up to go to the Y and then deliberately break the dress code, it is a sign of a lack of integrity in keeping your word and even your more serious contracts before the Lord. I was offended, because I broke the dress code all the time by wearing mid-thigh shorts. I hated the shorts rule in the summer because it was hot and I didn't wear garments yet. But now, I think the reason I was offended by his assumption is because it is true, but was hard for me to hear because I was guilty of what he said. Just because we don't go to BYU now or are on a mission doesn't mean that it is time to look more worldly. If the prophet wants the youth to follow the dress and hair guidelines in "For the Strength of Youth", I believe we should respect that by following the guidelines ourselves and setting a good example for the youth.

I'm pretty sure his point, based on the limited context you've shared, was less about dress and grooming themselves, and more about the integrity of keeping or breaking the Honor Code.

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Everything is important to God. Some things are more important than others. He has listed things in order of importance, and dress and clothing and appearance, though cultural, have general guidelines such as in "For the Strength of the Youth." Those guidelines are not the most important things to follow, but they are important.

What about those who come from cultures where the hair style and clothing are not at par with the said "guidelines". Won't God hear their prayers or not accept their worship?

The church is fast becoming multi cultural. Are we to tread on other people's cultures and make them conform to western standards? Do we "westernize" such converts then?

Stepping away from exaggerations, should I quit wearing my barong then? Though it is considered in my culture to be a formal piece of apparel that even the president of my country wears it, should I stop wearing it to church and opt for more western clothing so that I will be better heard of the Lord?

If I come from a tribal group where long hair and a tattoo are tokens of honor from my ancestors and are culturally significant to me, do I turn my back from them and opt for a coat and tie and look more "western" so that I will have to be heard of God and my worship be accepted of Him?

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I agree with Hemidakota's suggestion: watch the GA's and learn from their example (or the GA's wives).

Personally, I don't understand the desire for men to wear long hair. I think it looks ridiculous. However, I'm also ultra-conservative in dress and appearance (I like my girls in absolutely-no-cleavage, not-too-right shirts and form-fitting-but-not-so-tight-I-can-see-every-curve jeans or knee-length-or-longer skirts, thank you very much).

We need to be careful that the reason we're not conforming to the normal standard is because of individualism, one of Satan's great counterfeits.*

However, if a man's father whom he loved wore long hair, and that man therefore had an affinity and desire for long hair, and that desire did not conflict with his relationship with the SAVIOR, who am I to judge? I will let CHRIST work out that issue with that man, if it is needed.

I echo Hemidakota's suggestion, though: follow the example set by the GA's. Therein lies safety and more peace.

*"ndividualism—the false idea that personal identity, space, rights, development, and well-being must take place in opposition to the claims of family ties and relationships. This translates in attitude and action to mean that my life and my sexual feelings are my business. Only I know what is best for me. Nobody can tell me what to do." Truths of Moral Purity

Edited by Matthew0059
Making the quote at the bottom more obviously a quote
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I have been reading along and laughing my back side off. Crazy, you slay me. I wish I had your knack for hyperbole. But--but God created us naked. We should go to! :eek: (It's a joke people, don't burn me at the stake);)

I think the important thing to remember here is there IS a balance between appropriate church dress and even hair length. But more importantly is the reason behind what we do.

If we are completely compliant because we are doing it out of fear or coercion, being compelled, it's as if we didn't do it at all.

If we dress outside expected standards, are we doing it to rebel or is it really how comfortable we feel.

The Lord loves us no matter how we dress or look. We just need to remember to pay respect where respect is due.

And I for one, want a photo, crazypotatoe of that get up when you put it on. ;)

Finally! Someone who gets my sense of humor. I have been laughing the whole time I have been posting on this thread, and getting such serious answers that it is making me laugh even harder! And no one even laughed about people hurting my peelings. I thought that was a good one. It still makes me chuckle. Ahhh

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What about those who come from cultures where the hair style and clothing are not at par with the said "guidelines". Won't God hear their prayers or not accept their worship?

The church is fast becoming multi cultural. Are we to tread on other people's cultures and make them conform to western standards? Do we "westernize" such converts then?

Stepping away from exaggerations, should I quit wearing my barong then? Though it is considered in my culture to be a formal piece of apparel that even the president of my country wears it, should I stop wearing it to church and opt for more western clothing so that I will be better heard of the Lord?

If I come from a tribal group where long hair and a tattoo are tokens of honor from my ancestors and are culturally significant to me, do I turn my back from them and opt for a coat and tie and look more "western" so that I will have to be heard of God and my worship be accepted of Him?

For the Strength of Youth is clearly only for white Utah Mormons. The rest of you can find your publications through the distribution center near you.

Ha ha! I am sorry. . .

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