gadianton robbers in the modern ?


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Modern day gadianton robbers? What about the mafia, the yakuza, the mexican coyotes that traffic in human bodies, or the numerous street and biker gangs that proliferate everywhere. I'm sure I'm missing a few. Possibly the CEO's of big companies and many other powerful people. I think the evil societies abound in our day.


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Lizzy: Recently, I heard someone at church say that the modern day Gadinaton Robbers are targeting kids.

Are there any talks about Modern Day Gadianton robbers?

There are cited reasons that we live among this thriving society today. One good case was looking at the patterns of six judges and in comparing with today’s judges. - Ensign Article - Six Nephite Judges: A Study in Integrity

Even among our own, we still see assignation of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith, President John F. Kennedy, his brother, and other worldly known figure heads have been removed that may been done by such a secret society for either power, honor or men, or monetary reasons.

Some other references for you:

Standing for Truth and Right

in M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, 1997, Nov.

... day function much like the Gadianton robbers of the Book of Mormon times. ... they completely destroyed the influence of the Gadianton robbers in their society by “preach[ing] the word of God among ...

Mounting Evidence for the Book of Mormon

in Daniel C. Peterson, Ensign, 2000, Jan.

...s devastation and suffering. And in the story of the Gadianton robbers we have a ...19. See Daniel C. Peterson, “The Gadianton Robbers as Guerrilla Warriors,” in Warfare in the Book of Mormon ...

Book of Mormon Chronology Chart

in Department of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, Ensign, 1976, Sept.

... Hel. 1:1–12 ) 80. Gadianton became the leader of Kishkumen’s band....Hel. 6:7–9 ) 84. Gadianton robbers seized control of ... Lachoneus and Giddianhi defeated the Gadianton robbers. ...

"I Know Your Doing": The Book of Mormon Speaks to Our Times

in Richard Dilworth Rust, Ensign, 1988, Dec.

...gave way to a period plagued by Gadianton robbers, Mormon declared, ... chilling accounts of Kishkumen, Gadianton, and Akish. The book ... Minerva Teichert [illustration] “Gadianton’s Band,” by Minerva ...

Stand Independent above All Other Creatures

in Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign, 1979, May

... bones, and their eyes from their sockets” ( D&C 29:19 ). Bands of Gadianton robbers will infest every nation, immorality and murder and crime will increase, and it ...

There are many more links but this is will suffice in proving a point. Hopefully this helps Lizzy. :D

Edited by Hemidakota
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I tend to agree with Nibley who taught that while the Gadianton Robbers were a nuisance to Nephite society as criminal organizations such as the mafia, Mexican coyotes, or biker groups, as previously mentioned, they certainly didn't pose an existential threat to Nephite society. It goes far beyond them as they simply remained robbers in the hills causing problems every now and then. But once the Gadianton Robbers became well entrenched in government itself, once they knew how to market themselves and their ideas better by wearing three-piece suits and having degrees from Ivy League schools; once they were seen as charismatic, were considered great speakers and were people admired by the masses; and once the people at large subscribed to their principles and policies, then Nephite society was on its way out.

The problem is never the small criminal gangs It's us, it's society. This is as it's always been. This doesn't so much give you a source to read, other than to include Nibley's writings on the Gadianton's, but it does give you more to think about as you read the Book of Mormon when it describes the Gadianton Robbers, the principles they lived by, and how they contributed to the desctruction of Nephite society.

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Oh, Gadianton robbers are alive and well in our youth drug culture. They aren't just targeting kids, they are our kids. My wife used to be plugged in to that scene, as one of the few 'trusted outsiders'. That was over a decade ago in Utah.

And it came to pass that they did have their signs, yea, their secret signs, and their secret words; and this that they might distinguish a brother who had entered into the covenant, that whatsoever wickedness his brother should do he should not be injured by his brother, nor by those who did belong to his band, who had taken this covenant.

A few months ago, she had an opportunity to help one kid leave that scene. It was amazing - 14 years and 600 miles away from her prior experience, and it only took a week or two before she was plugged back in. The signs and words and "rules" were all pretty much the same. It turns out three families in our ward and a couple of families in another ward all had kids in this culture. The problem is no more or less prevalent where we live than where any of you do.

Here's a related thread about secret combinations from a while back.


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Could this modern Gadianton Robber concept have something to do with the iPhone 4? Like maybe they changed out the well engineered plans with defective ones.

Also, are they responsible for the seeming disappearance of pinstripe suits, as well as, toasted cheese sandwiches with Campbell's tomato soup? If so, then they are a most dastardly group!

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Oh, Gadianton robbers are alive and well in our youth drug culture. They aren't just targeting kids, they are our kids. My wife used to be plugged in to that scene, as one of the few 'trusted outsiders'. That was over a decade ago in Utah.

And it came to pass that they did have their signs, yea, their secret signs, and their secret words; and this that they might distinguish a brother who had entered into the covenant, that whatsoever wickedness his brother should do he should not be injured by his brother, nor by those who did belong to his band, who had taken this covenant.

A few months ago, she had an opportunity to help one kid leave that scene. It was amazing - 14 years and 600 miles away from her prior experience, and it only took a week or two before she was plugged back in. The signs and words and "rules" were all pretty much the same. It turns out three families in our ward and a couple of families in another ward all had kids in this culture. The problem is no more or less prevalent where we live than where any of you do.

Here's a related thread about secret combinations from a while back.


Thank you. I don't know how I missed the thread Justice started clear back in January. Definitely worth reading.

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A Time of Spiritual War

We live in a time of war, that spiritual war that will never end. Moroni warned us that the secret combinations begun by Gadianton “are had among all people. …

“Wherefore, O ye Gentiles [and the term Gentile in that place in the Book of Mormon refers to us in our generation], it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you. …

“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you” (Ether 8:20, 23–24).

Atheists and agnostics make nonbelief their religion and today organize in unprecedented ways to attack faith and belief. They are now organized, and they pursue political power. You will be hearing much about them and from them. Much of their attack is indirect in mocking the faithful, in mocking religion.

The types of Sherem, Nehor, and Korihor live among us today (see Jacob 7:1–21; Alma 1:1–15; 30:6–60). Their arguments are not so different from those in the Book of Mormon.

You who are young will see many things that will try your courage and test your faith. All of the mocking does not come from outside of the Church. Let me say that again: all of the mocking does not come from outside of the Church. Be careful that you do not fall into the category of mocking.

The Lord promised, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (D&C 38:30).

Even Moroni faced the same challenge. He said, because of his weakness in writing:

“I fear … the Gentiles shall mock at our words.

“[And the Lord said to him:] Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;

“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:25–27).

Boyd K Packer, Aug 2010 Ensign, "Finding Ourselves in Lehi's Dream."

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U.S Congress is full of them.

Yeah goverment is full of people like that, including our beloved FDA, they are a bunch of payed off crooks too. I could name a few things they have been payed to pass that are actualy dangerous. Including a few popular artifical sweeteners, etc.

I'm not really worried though, there is justice for everyone eventually.

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Yeah goverment is full of people like that, including our beloved FDA, they are a bunch of payed off crooks too. I could name a few things they have been payed to pass that are actualy dangerous. Including a few popular artifical sweeteners, etc.

I'm not really worried though, there is justice for everyone eventually.

Talking about the FDA, who is also to blame of deaths in allowing such deadly drugs to be prescribed, I am not surprise see lawyers have not gone after the government for making horrific mistakes. :mad:

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A Time of Spiritual War

We live in a time of war, that spiritual war that will never end. Moroni warned us that the secret combinations begun by Gadianton “are had among all people. …

“Wherefore, O ye Gentiles [and the term Gentile in that place in the Book of Mormon refers to us in our generation], it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you. …

“Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you” (Ether 8:20, 23–24).

Atheists and agnostics make nonbelief their religion and today organize in unprecedented ways to attack faith and belief. They are now organized, and they pursue political power. You will be hearing much about them and from them. Much of their attack is indirect in mocking the faithful, in mocking religion.

The types of Sherem, Nehor, and Korihor live among us today (see Jacob 7:1–21; Alma 1:1–15; 30:6–60). Their arguments are not so different from those in the Book of Mormon.

You who are young will see many things that will try your courage and test your faith. All of the mocking does not come from outside of the Church. Let me say that again: all of the mocking does not come from outside of the Church. Be careful that you do not fall into the category of mocking.

The Lord promised, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear” (D&C 38:30).

Even Moroni faced the same challenge. He said, because of his weakness in writing:

“I fear … the Gentiles shall mock at our words.

“[And the Lord said to him:] Fools mock, but they shall mourn; and my grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness;

“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them” (Ether 12:25–27).

Boyd K Packer, Aug 2010 Ensign, "Finding Ourselves in Lehi's Dream."

I do admire President Packer’s viewpoints and insights as truly love Moroni and the great sacrifice he made in bringing forth the record of his people for us.

Adding to his insight of the spiritual warfare, what is already lying before us, it is going to be “20-years of HELL” for many of the faithful flock. It will require great patience and complete obedience of any righteous member of the Christ’s flock. It will seemed, the world will be winning for that timeframe. However, mistakenly, GOD is only allowing the adversary to weed out the faithful among the Babylonians. In the end, comes the sweeping within HIS house and then the world.

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