What to write to a missionary?


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One of the YM in my ward is leaving on his mission tomorrow- we aren't close, we never dated or hung out outside of the youth program but I would still like to write him.

What do you write to a missionary?

They ask friends family etc.. to write spiritual and encouraging letters...in a friend like manner, not discussing dating.. but just support, and encouragement :)

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The other thing I know they asked us as families when my brother and sister both went on missions; don't discuss all the problems at home. There isn't a darn thing that missionary can do and he/she doesn't need to be worried about home but concentrating on what they are out there to do.

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Since you aren't close to him, I would suggest you write things of a spiritual nature, news from favorite sports teams (yeah, missionaries still like to know how their teams are doing), etc. And keep it short. Also, don't expect or chastise him if he doesn't write back or doesn't write often. Missionaries only have so much time to write letters/emails and their family and close friends get priority. He still appreciates ALL letters even if he can't write as often as he or you would like.

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Guest mormonmusic

Let him know what's happening in the Ward if you think he'd be interested in that. Fun stuff helps like care packages if you want to. Nothing like coming home to a care package after a day of rejection or non-rejection. Make it fun if you want.

Don't mention your feelings to him if you have them; just let a friendship continue or develop. YOu can share stuff about your life if you think he'd be interested, but keep it upbeat and positive. If you want correspondence, then make sure you ask him a few questions about himself, his companion, his Ward, what he's learning spiritually, his District/Zone leader, his mission president, what his missionary ward is like, etcetera. I also agree that you shouldn't be disappointed if he doesn't write back regularly or immediately. P-Day is a big deal to a missionary, especially in the beginning, so he might get distracted with all the exciting laundry :( to do (or sports) rather than write letters every week :)

One thing someone did that I thought was cool was this. They asked me what my favorite scripture was. And then, they sent me a little plastic frame with a scenic picture in it, with the favorite scripture on a transparency in front of it. That lifted my spirits.

Just a few suggestions....

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Every mundane little detail that is going on in the world/ area (in a positive way). I never went on a mission but in basic training i was "cut off" from life and no one wrote because they had "nothing" going on to tell me about. But being that isolated from "real life" is tuff and anything that connect you back to it is good.

While my friends were reading about how fluffy the dog, chewed up some new socks, or how their mother made apple pie for dinner i had no link to the outside and it sucked. It might be harder for missionaries, because it is longer, or easier, because they still interact with the outside world, but it is always nice to hear from home. Even if it is tiny insignificant details you see as nothing, it means more to those who are without it.

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