Gift ideas for a girl??


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i figured girlfriend to but didn't want to be presumptuous. it could just be a friend or a girl from church he's going to a party for. and is it a girlfriend of 2 weeks or 2 yrs? lol why i left it open for more info.

on a side note, wing, what is it with you and correcting my posts today? lol ;)

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I agree with Gwen. Something like Walmart makes it seem like no thought was put into it. Does she like books? Then get a gc to a bookstore. Special clothing store? Favorite place to go eat? Try and make it more personalized by a place that sells the things she enjoys.

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if she is really practical make sure it's personal.

i'm very practical and if you give me a wal-mart card i'm going to buy milk and diapers with it. i never use it for me. but if you get me one for something that can only be spent on me, nice clothing store, favorite restaurant, bath and body works, etc then it's sure to go to me and force me to pamper myself a bit. lol

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

If you're going with a gift card, look into Visa gift cards. You can get them at places like Walgreens and grocery stores along with the other specialty gift cards. They start at I think $25 and I forget what intervals. A fairly easy way to make sure she'll like it, since it's basically free money, you can use them anywhere that takes Visa.

But otherwise I'd say keep her interests and likes in mind. Jewelry, makeup, soaps, chocolates etc are common but not everyone likes them. Sometimes all you have to do is listen for the moments in your conversation where she mentions wanting something, and boom, gift idea.

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I'm totally the same way. Well except for the diaper part.

i can't believe no one has made a joke yet about pam's age and the diapers......

i'm wanting to say something pertinent to the thread but.... i got nothin'. lol need to know more about her.

if she keeps her nails nice you could get her some nail stuff. can't go wrong with small bottles of lotion or something (don't do big bottles she may not like the particular fragrance you pick lol). if she is going away to school some nice stationary to write home with stamped envelops....


if you have a friendship that is more playful you could do a gag gift of some kind.

if you kinda hope she could one day be more than friends then take her out to lunch and then do something to remind her she's not grown up yet.... get her a kite and go fly it.... squirt guns?.... lol though that's more date like.

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To an 18-year-old girl, a gift card might seem a little thoughtless. But if you go that route, definitely get one that could only be spent on her. I vote for Bath & Body Works, rather than a more generic place like Target or Walmart. You can't go wrong with scented stuff for girls. You can only go wrong if you pick fruity scents and she likes floral scents, or vice-versa. A gift card solves that problem, though.

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what does she enjoy?

my best friend gave me a stuffed animal for my 18th bday. lol and i loved it, still have it, one of my kids sleeps with it now.

wing, don't worry about it. i need some good correction occasionally. lol

I was thinking stuffed animal too. The latest craze are the Pillow Pets. You can find them online, and Hallmark has them too. They are not cheap--about $30. But, they are cute. As the name implies, they are a stuffed animal, but can also be a pillow.

Even middle aged women can be wowed by a well-thought-out stuffed animal gift....

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I would be so annoyed if someone got me a stuffed animal. In fact, when I was 18, a guy asked me to a formal dance with a whole big scavenger hunt that took me all over campus, and there were stuffed animals at each stop. I ended up with a huge armload of them, not knowing what to do with them.

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I was thinking stuffed animal too. The latest craze are the Pillow Pets. You can find them online, and Hallmark has them too. They are not cheap--about $30. But, they are cute. As the name implies, they are a stuffed animal, but can also be a pillow.

Even middle aged women can be wowed by a well-thought-out stuffed animal gift....

Sorry PC not this woman.

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About the gift ideas....

How about sending flowers--maybe you could use a spin off of the New Era Morman-ad of 11 red roses and one daisy that said "Be your own kind of beautiful" maybe the card could say "I'm glad you are your own kind of beautiful" or something along those lines...

Also, what about perfume? They have great names of scents which could be used for a cute comment on the card (like Happy by clinique, Euphoria, or Eternity by Calvin Klein, etc)

One last idea which is really fun and you can do make fit your relationship- make a cute candy-bar card (with candy and posterboard).

Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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well pc your wife must be more like me. i don't mind a thought out stuffed animal on occasion.

that's why you really need to know the girl, we can't really help you.

i would discourage perfume. some ppl can be very picky about the fragrance. unless she has mentioned her favorite kind before and you know what she likes it's easy to get that one wrong. the wrong kind of fragrance on a lotion is much more forgivable than perfume.

if you are leaning toward maybe more than a friend one day then consider things like if you were thinking a restaurant gift card then take her yourself instead. as for the card just tell her thanks for being a great friend. something personal.

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This is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate how well you know her. Maybe you could take her to see a concert/show/game she really likes (maybe some people would view that as a sneaky way to get a sort-of date, but oh well), or something in her favourite colour, or something you know she's wanted for a while, or something that's kind of an inside joke between you two, or something that reminds her of a great time you had together, or something that she collects, or something quirky that you know only she would like, or something you make yourself.

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This is a great opportunity for you to demonstrate how well you know her.

this is a good friend of 3 yrs that he hopes might be more at some point... that he has to ask for gift ideas from an anonymous forum........

a great opportunity to start getting to know her? ;)

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