A Weighty Religious Issue: Lds Heavier


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A weighty religious issue: LDS heavier

By Jeremy Twitchell

Deseret Morning News

Utah's religious divide appears to have a physical as well as spiritual side — LDS Church members on average weigh 4.6 pounds more than their counterparts in other religions.

A recently completed study shows that Utah, and particularly its LDS population — for many years seen as a bastion of health in a nation where fitness is on a steady decline — is slipping, especially around the waistline.

The study, involving a cross section of Utah adults from different religions over a nine-year period, also found that LDS Church members are 14 percent more likely (18 percent for males, 9 percent for females) to be obese than their non-LDS counterparts.

The study was compiled by BYU health science professor Ray Merrill, who gathered the data from figures obtained in 1996, 2001 and 2003-2004 by the Utah Health Status Survey....

Aldana said the LDS Church is one of the few organizations actively working on the problem by instituting a wellness program for its employees and calling wellness missionaries. But, he said, there is much more to be done.

"You still aren't hearing this over the pulpit," he said.

A spokesman for the LDS Church declined comment.

Aldana said the state has done a good job researching and compiling data that has been useful in studies like Merrill's. But it has done little to reverse the trend.

"Daily physical education is not required at any level in Utah," he said. "We don't even have PE teachers, we have PE specialists who get paid $7 an hour to do something with these kids. And we're lacking good parks and trails systems in many of our cities."

The concern is not just for obesity, he said, but also for people who may not be overweight but put themselves at risk for cardiovascular disease and other health issues.


I was surprised about Phys. Ed. not being required. I'm pretty sure here in Alberta, that Phys. Ed. is compulsory in elementary, junior high and the first year of high school.

What do you guys think of this article?


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There have also been studies that show that more religiously devoted people are fatter because they feel comfortable with being fat and are less vain about appearance. Heck, why are there so many thin white valleygirl types in southern California? Simple, with year-round sun you show more of your body off and so many work out or diet not for health but to show off.

However, LDS people of all people should honor the spirit of the Word of Wisdom and stay in shape.

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I'd be interested to see the percentages of those who are married as well. As an assumption, I could see the possibility of there there being a higher percentage of LDS who are married compared to the other religions in the study. It also seems to me that those who are married are more relaxed in their appearance then those who are single.

Huge generalization on my part, but just thought I'd throw that out there. Also LDS members tend to have more kids, and I know that baby weight can be hard to lose, especially when it's compounded. And with more children, it becomes more difficult to eat right (expensive and ease of cooking) and find the time to exercise.

Just a few more points that would be interesting to look into when doing a study like this.

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...... It also seems to me that those who are married are more relaxed in their appearance then those who are single.

Also LDS members tend to have more kids, and I know that baby weight can be hard to lose, especially when it's compounded. And with more children, it becomes more difficult to eat right (expensive and ease of cooking) and find the time to exercise.

Just a few more points that would be interesting to look into when doing a study like this.

Very good point Heather, I don't think that many fully understand the baby weight and how hard it is on some women to get a healthy body back again. And yep, the pocket book gets hit HARD....... But I have to smile.... after all is said and done....it's worth it giving everything up to see your children grow into good people.

And Fiannan~ I think you may have a point too...when you are more comfortable with yourself and your life... you are less vain. (and isn't vanity a sin anyway? ;) )

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Self esteem comes into play here too. If you keep yourself in the very best shape you can you feel better. If I am fit

I feel good in this body. If I am not, I don't feel so well. I want to feel good about myself.

I t is a Word of Wisdom issue, as Snow says. Moderation in all things. Some of us have a slower metabolism than others and that seems to be a test in thier life. Some of us look like a bag of hangers, that is a test too, I


For married people it should just as important. Not to be indelicate, but you sleep with your spouse and it is good to look and feel attractive for them. It shouldn't be, "Well, I got him/her, I can relax now."

Ahhh, the things mortals struggle with.



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Guest bizabra

Definately a WofW issue. Wonder when, or if, THE CHURCH will restrict temple permits only to those that are FIT, the same that they do now for those who refrain from tobacco and coffee.

Makes sense, eh? To do otherwise makes the permit process hypocritical. Of course, if the WofW is really an obedience test and NOT actually a "health code" as some claim, then the rules that govern the granting of recommends can be arbitrary.

BTW, it's inactivity combined with overeating that causes obesity. Having babies can and often does change a womans figure, but even a changed figure can be fit. Ramp up the physical activity and eat less of everything.

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I agree with snow it is a word of wisdom issue and it is the place. In citys it is harder for most people to stay fit.

As someone who lives in a city I really can't say it's one or another. It can be just as easy for me in the city to find drive-thru and high-fat foods as to find numbers of sidewalks and school tracks open around the clock for counting the numbers of miles walked during any week.

My city affords an opportunity for wholesome foods just as does the country when I was at my grandparents. Farm-raised chickens and vegetables at stores; farmers' markets and all that good stuff.

Que Sera

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I know this is very un-PC in today's society but why the heck can't airlines charge more for people who are overweight? At least allow those of us who are lighter in proportion to our height to have more carry-on and luggage weight.

Non-PC it may be, but if someone is clearly too "substantial" to fit in an airline seat, the airlines will charge them for two seats.

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Fat or not, I think most people max out their luggage weight. :) Although I agree if you can't fit in one seat you need to buy two

If you buy two seats because you're too, um, "substantial" for one (LOL, prisonchaplain!), does that mean you get twice as much carry-on luggage, as well? :P BTW, even though I'm nowhere near large enough to require two seats, I am overweight. Can't believe this happened to me! Until my mid-20s, I was so skinny people wondered if I was ill. I could eat as much of anything as I wanted, and it made no difference. *sigh* Too bad those days are over. :blink:

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I know this is very un-PC in today's society but why the heck can't airlines charge more for people who are overweight? At least allow those of us who are lighter in proportion to our height to have more carry-on and luggage weight.

Over what weight, Fiannan?

May airlines exact a surcharge for those with egos and judgment issues more heavy than another's body. Call it weighty spiritual baggage.

Que Sera

By the way, Maureen, it's my opinion this study is not.

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Airlines have had to seriously revamp their load calculations over the decades - when commercial flight was fairly new, they considered an average adult to weigh 140 pounds. We weigh far more than that now, on average.

I don't know what they were thinking with the "lap child" fares, either - has anyone ever tried to fly three hours holding a toddler on your lap? I will pay for the extra seat next time! Sure, it's nice to get to save money, but it doesn't work very well, and I'm sure the person next to me felt we were taking up too much room. I felt bad for her the whole time.

As for overweight, out-of-shape LDS, I agree that the prayerfully adhering to the WoW would help. I also think that LDS women (myself included!) often feel we don't have time to take care of ourselves - we put others' needs ahead of our own and figure we'll have time to do the things we need for ourselves "someday after the kids are grown." We DO need to take care of ourselves NOW so that we will be healthy and happy when the "someday" actually comes. Our RS established a Special Interest Group for fitness - they meet for basketball, volleyball and yoga once each week, do recipe exchanges, and also do a weight-watchers-type support meeting. I haven't actually participated (too busy - yeah, that's it!), but the Sisters who are going are all fired up about it.

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  • 1 month later...

Yet again, I find myself responding to an old thread. Take heart I will catch up on my reading and will be on the same level has you guys. Yet again I find that I just have to say something concerning this article or at least put my input on it. (that means the same doesn't it?)

I remember when this stupid story came out and I was offended by it. Because, reading this you will find he is stating that UTAH LDS people are over weight compared to other religions weeeeeeeeelllllllllll dah :doh: the number one religion in Utah is LDS so of course we are more over weight.

I do think we are over weight not because of over eating or even that we don't try to eat right. I try very hard to keep our family in line but it's not working. We are always on the go never enough time and so like all, We hurry and grab or fix something easy. Not to mention too busy with callings :.bullhorn: not enough time for doing weekly calling, visiting teaching, letting them visit you, home teaching, letting them come to your home, helping your neighbors (I do have some funny stories there of myself needing help and helping them, I love my neighbors). Don't forget work, school and once again for the fifth time today the house needs cleaned and everyone is out of clean clothes. AND WHat DINNER AGAIN ARE YOU SURE YOU NEED DINNER TONIGHT? If this isn't enough of our lives remember I left one important thing that brings the weight gain straight to my hips --STRESS-- Don't let me get started listing all the stresses in our lives. :disclaimer:

One thing I have to also mention they stated that Utah is also very high in Bankruptcy and foreclosures but did they mention that business are leaving Utah at a fast rate and layoffs are HUGE here! More stress, more weight. I have lost 7 family members in my neighborhood due to layoffs and they had to move out of state to find work. No jobs here for them.

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