A Healthier Life!

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I have this here because i'm looking for a buddy to do this with me to help stay motivated and make it more fun :)

Being healthy and fit makes a person so much happier in life, and it's important to take care of ourselves, this Body is a GIFT it's part of what we came here for! I feel it would be a sin not to take good care of it! so well that's my goal, to be healthy and Fit again :)

I've had a lot of stress and many changes since January and I've kinda stopped taking care of my health and forgotten about it, and well i just wanna take it back again, Lose the weight i've gained, and feel good again! anyone want to health up their lives with me?

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About 8 months ago I decided to start in a gym again. I go there 5 times a week... maybe 6 for 1-2 hours. I just love the feeling afterwards.

I am one of those that need only to look at something to gain weight. So I been on a "diet" since. I dont eat potatoes or bread except hard raybread. I quit my one small bottle of pop and drink water, which I totally hate and start vomiting of... a bit lemmon in it helps though. I try to keep low on carbos. I am not fanatic so if we vist someone who has made us something good I eat it and I may occasionally by some chocholate after all we all know how GOOD it is for you! I also think I dont tolerate milk so I quit that too. I eat nuts adn we have a juicepresser so I drink a vitaminic juice every day plus I have a very nice souce for vitamines, fish oil and tocotrinols (e-vitamin) and nitrogenoxid producer. Actually I have lost quite a bit of the sweet tooth on that nitrogen product.

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You're on! :D

Running is seriously the fastest way you'll drop weight and trim up. But not everyone enjoys running. I actually prefer swimming laps but my access to a pool is often times limited. So if you can't or don't want to do either of those, you could join a class like Zumba, which apparently is all the rave. From what I've observed, it's a combination of dance and tae-bo stuff. I'm considering trying it out sometime next week and see how I feel about it. But unless it gets my heart going and I'm working up a sweat — I probably won't do it. Anyway, the nice thing about a class like Zumba or Yoga or whatever, is that there's always other people in it and so you get support and motivation that you typically otherwise wouldn't get just by working out at the gym solo. But if you don't mind working out alone at the gym, that's probably a good place to start because you can easily burn off hundreds of calories in a matter of an hour just by running or doing the elliptical machine. And those are super easy to use and you go at your own pace :]

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Pick a TV series and make it your work-out show. Go to the gym and watch that show there while you're using the treadmill. My gym has 3 rooms that show 3 different channels, one of which shows Oprah at 4PM... That's the only way you can get me to run... If I'm watching TV. I hate running.

Ok., so tell you the truth, I only did it for a month and quit... Driving there is the problem. I can come up with a billion reasons why I can't drive to the gym...

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  • 3 months later...

That's right, don't forget to grow physically as well, apart from Spiritually. Both complement each other.

Lizinginholland, how has it been going for you? Getting your butt in shape?

Haven't you learned you shouldn't ask a woman about her butt? :P That's a very sensitive subject for many of us.

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