P90X and more


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So the reason for my extended leave from this forum was to build a new business as a personal trainer and Beachbody Coach since this economy pretty much slowed my construction business to a halt. I've also done Insanity and I drink Shakeology like it was chocolate milk. It's the healthiest meal of the day. I've been doing P90X for the last three years with tremendous success and have helped a lot of people become fit and healthy. I'm 41 years old now and in the best shape of my life. I'm stronger and fitter than I was in high school when I was avidly weightlifting. :D

I can begin to post daily tips or answer questions for anyone who is currently trying to lose unwanted body fat, lower their bad cholesterol, build some muscle, and more. It's my new passion. :cool:

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I was sick one day and sat home in front of the TV and saw infomercials on P90X. It looks like a great program. I was literally shocked by how someone over 200lbs could drop to 150lbs — amazing! My husband would probably like this. But for me, some of the female subjects began to build a bit of bulgy muscle and big shoulders and a six-pack is not something I would really want. But to initially drop weight, it seems like it definitely works.

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We all have bulgy muscles underneath and those women simply shed the excess body fat and became more toned. Contrary to popular belief, especially among women it is difficult to add muscle easily, otherwise, most guys would look like Arnold Schwarzennegger very quickly without the use of enhancing drugs.

In actuality, by becoming very lean and fit, their bodies became more streamlined with muscles being more pronounced. Another thing to note, muscles are essential to the metabolism of body fat, which is partly why men can burn fat quicker than women. Muscle is the engine that metabolizes all that stored energy. Don't be afraid of muscles. They are important.

P90X has three programs: Classic, Lean and Doubles. Classic is for those interested in losing excess body fat while focusing on building some muscle. The Lean program is specifically for folks who just want to lose body fat quickly without the emphasis of muscle growth. Then for those who finish and want to do it again, the Doubles is recommended for those who want to take it to the next level.

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Just recently I have been hearing soooo much about it. Everyone is talking about it. It seems like it is a legitimate program and it works.

I am interested in building up muscle and being defined yet not TOOO defined. I don't like it when people look like they are rock hard alllll the time and it looks like they can't stop flexing. I don't think my girlfriend would like that.

I need a program to build my biceps, define them a little maybe, build my chest, build my abs a little bit and make them a little more defined, etc.

Any recommendations? I am in college and have access to a gym but not a lot of time and I can't wake up early but I would want to to go work out if I could get myself to do that.

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P90X is a well balanced nutrition and exercise regimen, but if you prefer to work out at a gym and your goals are simply toning your biceps, chest and abs, then the following exercises will help, three times per week. It's just a basic regimen, though.

Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays:



Bicep Curls




With the bench press and curls, just use a weight where that tenth rep is difficult and almost to failure. In other words, the eleventh rep would be too hard to do with good form.

With the crunches, focus on "curling" the abs. You don't necessarily have to "sit up". Just curl your torso up so that your shoulder blades leave the floor. Your abs should be completely contracted before lowering yourself to the floor.

These are very basic exercises for novices. I should also note that you can be the most muscular (theoretically) guy, but if you're not eating properly, you'll never burn enough body fat to have that "toned" look. And don't worry about being too ripped. You have to be very disciplined with clean eating and getting your nutrition in the proper amounts and ratios to effectively have six pack abs, that is unless you're already naturally skinny. I can post some eating tips, too, but it would help if folks told me their age, height, weight, etc.

If you're interested in P90X I'd be happy to set you up. Just shoot me a private message or visit my profile to check out my website. :)

Edited by skalenfehl
three times per week, not day.
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That is correct. P90X only requires the following:

1. DVD player and TV

2. pull up bar for your doorway

3. bands for pull downs if you cannot do pull ups

4. Yoga mat and yoga blocks (recommended)

5. A small mix of dumbbells for bicep curls, shoulder presses, etc.

That's pretty much it. Your body weight and your floor does the rest.

The "Insanity" program requires no equipment at all, however. :)

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I want to get rid of my mid-section fat and build chest muscles. Currently I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do 30 minutes on the elliptical, then spend 30 minutes on weights. I generally do biceps, triceps, legs (both directions), chest, then crunches, usually in that order. By the time I get to crunches, I am many times too worn out to do very many properly, and tend to not do a full 3 sets because I am too tired. Should I mix it up and do crunches earlier in my routine to make sure I get them in, or should I back off on my other weights to make sure I have the energy to do them no matter when I get to them?

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Thanks, Pam. I've been doing this stuff my whole life. But it's never to late to start. ;)

John, I can see what you're trying to do there, but if you tell me your specific goals, then I can help you refine your workouts and schedule. You have the right idea, however splitting your routines a certain way will make your work more efficient and less fatiguing. What are your specific goals and some physical info would help (age, ht, wt, etc). You can pm me that info if you fee more comfortable that way.

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Thanks, Pam. I've been doing this stuff my whole life. But it's never to late to start. ;)

John, I can see what you're trying to do there, but if you tell me your specific goals, then I can help you refine your workouts and schedule. You have the right idea, however splitting your routines a certain way will make your work more efficient and less fatiguing. What are your specific goals and some physical info would help (age, ht, wt, etc). You can pm me that info if you fee more comfortable that way.

PM sent. Thanks, Skal!

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Got it, John. In the works. :cool:

Here are some tips for folks looking to become leaner and healthier. Stay away from the following:

1. Fast food chains (except maybe Subway/Quiznos). Period.

2. Salt, sugar (including aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, etc), including junk food (candy, pop, etc)

3. Whole milk. Drink skim milk instead or low fat cottage cheese (about 3 cups per day is all you need for your calcium needs).

4. Processed 'meats' (bologna, hot dogs, bacon, mystery jerky, etc)

Eating healthier means eating balanced meals. Three to five daily meals that follow what I call the "rule of thirds"--

1. 1/3 protein (lean chicken, turkey, tuna, etc)

2. 1/3 carbs (red potatoes, brown rice, etc.)

3. 1/3 veggies (or more is fine)

Here's a sample that my wife cooked up for me some time ago. The portions are large, but I eat for my weightlifting, P90X, etc. On my plate is a large piece of grilled chicken breast, wheat roll and home grown squash (or is it zucchini? I forget).

Posted Image

To put it in perspective, a proper portion size of protein (steak, chicken, etc) would be about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.

Eat wholesome foods. The more you stay away from processed foods and eat what God/mother nature gives you, the healthier and more energized you will be throughout the day.

And for you folks that don't eat breakfast for whatever reason or excuse. Start! People tend not to eat a breakfast or lunch and then are starving at the end of the day when they come home from work and then eat a big meal or anything starchy or sugary. And it gets stored in your body as fat when you go to sleep.

Eat your big, starchy meals in the morning, tapering it in the afternoon and increasing the proteins and fruits/veggies from afternoon to evening/before bed.

Get 8 hours of sleep at least. People who sleep 8 hours or so tend to burn body fat during the day with regular activity as opposed to people who only sleep 5 hours. Those who sleep 5 hours tend to burn muscle instead of body fat, thus making fat burning virtually impossible. Muscle is what metabolizes body fat.

The average male should eat about 2,000 calories daily and the average female between 1,400 and 1,600 unless she's petite, then about 1,200 is adequate. This takes into consideration that some form of daily exercise is involved. 20 to 30 minutes of some form of cardio is ideal.

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I don't even know where to begin. I need to lose 35lbs. My husband got me the weight bands that attaches to the door. He got me Hip Hop Abs series (it's not just for abs) of DVDs coz he knows I like dancing, he got me girly pink dumbells that were very cute, he is about to buy an eliptical - all of which are sitting unused all over the house - that eliptical will just be another dust gatherer I'm sure.

All those things intimidate me. I was okay before because I played tennis. Well, I had 2 c-sections and my tennis partner moved to the other side of the country which pretty much killed my desire to play. I also walked and rollerbladed before, but now I got this sciatica that refuses to disappear.

So here I am - just hit 40 and fat. I need to do something because the diet is not working anymore...

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Anatess, it begins with making a conscious decision to change. I'm familiar with Hip Hop Abs by Shaun T. Beachbody's motto is "Decide. Commit. Succeed." and it happens in that order. I will tell you where to begin. Decide what your goals are. So you want to lose 35 lbs. Are there any other goals? Once you've established specific goals, determine your "WHY". It is different for many people. I know many older folks who want to be able to keep up with their grand kids. I know folks in their 30's and 40's who would like to live long enough to see their grand kids grow up. Others are as simple as losing a few pant sizes. Some want to reward themselves with a cruise for their anniversary. Everyone's WHY is different.

I recommend you take the rest of the week to find your WHY. What are all the things that will motivate you and make you PASSIONATE and becoming fit and healthy. What will make you want it bad enough. Next comes affirmation. Write it all down. Create a dream board as well. Maybe it's a picture of you with your kids, or a picture of that dress or cute pair of pants you've been wanting to wear or whatever. The more specific and detailed it is, the more you will visualize your success.

Hold off on that eliptical. Hip Hop Abs is all you need right now. You say you love to dance. In my experience, the best workout programs are the ones you will stick to. Save your money and use it for quality nutrition instead. Does your program come with a nutrition guide? Let me know. If not, I can help with your nutrition. That will make the biggest difference in the world. So now you have a little homework. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

John Doe! It's coming, brother!

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Anatess, it begins with making a conscious decision to change. I'm familiar with Hip Hop Abs by Shaun T. Beachbody's motto is "Decide. Commit. Succeed." and it happens in that order. I will tell you where to begin. Decide what your goals are. So you want to lose 35 lbs. Are there any other goals? Once you've established specific goals, determine your "WHY". It is different for many people. I know many older folks who want to be able to keep up with their grand kids. I know folks in their 30's and 40's who would like to live long enough to see their grand kids grow up. Others are as simple as losing a few pant sizes. Some want to reward themselves with a cruise for their anniversary. Everyone's WHY is different.

I recommend you take the rest of the week to find your WHY. What are all the things that will motivate you and make you PASSIONATE and becoming fit and healthy. What will make you want it bad enough. Next comes affirmation. Write it all down. Create a dream board as well. Maybe it's a picture of you with your kids, or a picture of that dress or cute pair of pants you've been wanting to wear or whatever. The more specific and detailed it is, the more you will visualize your success.

Hold off on that eliptical. Hip Hop Abs is all you need right now. You say you love to dance. In my experience, the best workout programs are the ones you will stick to. Save your money and use it for quality nutrition instead. Does your program come with a nutrition guide? Let me know. If not, I can help with your nutrition. That will make the biggest difference in the world. So now you have a little homework. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

John Doe! It's coming, brother!

Oh, the WHY is easy. I married an ex-runway-model. He is as fit and gorgeous as the day he walked off that runway. His motto in life - be healthy. He is not fit because he wants to stay gorgeous. He is fit because he wants to be in optimum health at all times. So, my WHY is 2 parts - I want to be healthy, and I want to balance him out - I mean, I find it funny to be chunky standing next to him, ya know?

The problem is, he is my husband - so, he will, of course, tell me everyday I'm beautiful and great and awesome. But he does stress I need to keep healthy. The c-section was bad, my leg and back pain is bad. It is very easy to use those excuses (yes, I know they are excuses, I just can't seem to rise above it) to laze around.

I hired this personal trainer last year. I would drive 5 minutes to her gym (she's a fitness competitor - ya know, those women body builder events). I lasted 6 weeks and quit. I got so tired of her saying, "One more!" and I tell her, "I can't do any more", and she would insist, "Yes you can do one more!". I'm like, look sister, I am not a liar! Anyway, it came to a point where I just dread going there.

I can't work out with my husband. He benches big stuff. He runs 10 miles. I can barely make 2 - walking! He would walk with me for 2 miles, I'm huffing and puffing he's not even breaking a sweat.

So, what gets me passionate about it. I really don't know at this point. I know what I want to look like. Everytime I think about it, I start to think it is impossible.

Diet - yes, I need nutritional info. But, whatever diet it is - it has to have RICE at least once a day, otherwise, I'm going to start dreading it too. The hip hop abs have nutritional stuff but it's American food. I eat Filipino stuff. So, I didn't stick with it. You know, I'm gonna have to figure out how to make healthy Filipino food or something. We do a lot of grilling stuff - a lot of soy sauce (really bad for you) and a lot of vinegar. We do a lot of seafood as well. I can eat shrimp and rice all day long.

I have a problem with water intake. I maybe drink 40 ounces in one day. About half what I should be drinking. Yes, I need to change that.

Okay, so maybe YOU can be my "motivator". Wanna move to Florida?

P.S. I do not like vegatables much. I'm okay with carrots in ranch dressing - but that's not really healthy. I'm okay with peas mixed in with the rice - but not all the time because I kinda have to force myself to eat it. But, I do like the string green/yellow beans with a sprinkle of salt. Now, I don't mind eating that without rice, except I can't eat it without the salt. :( I love fruit... mangos, banana, strawberry, grapes, avocado, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe. I don't like grapefruit - it is bitter.

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Did your personal trainer give you an assessment before starting you out? She should have asked your goals, given you tests and a complete work over to know your limits, what you enjoy doing, etc. I'm curious about this. A good personal trainer will know your physical limits so that you can be pushed just beyond. This is where growth occurs. But I don't know your trainer or her style. If I had said "one more", I would have encouraged you to do one more rep and done it with you. You also have to break the mental barrier.

So you know your why. Write it all down and put up on your wall where you can see it every day. Ask your husband for support and motivation. Start doing your Hip Hop abs workout and follow my nutritional advice above and using the rule of thirds, pick your favorite foods from the chart I've linked:

Michi's Ladder - Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss Official Web site

Seafood is typically very healthy, high in protein and good fats, however, shrimp is high in cholesterol and therefore should be avoided. Stick to wholesome rice like brown rice. White rice is garbage. No offense to anyone who loves it. I think it's yummy, but it's garbage. Fruits are healthy, but are a source of sugar and too much sugar, when not used is turned to body fat. Sugar is energy. We either burn energy or store it. As for veggies. I'll pm you some info today or tomorrow. I'm working on john doe's PM today and tomorrow. :)

You've made the decision to become healthy. The next step is to commit to it.

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Okay Skal,

I'm going to get really serious with this. Decide. Commit. and hopefully Succeed.

That personal trainer I was telling you about - no she didn't do an evaluation like you're talking about. I told her I want to lose 20 lbs. She put me on lemonade diet for 10 days and we worked out 3 times a week. I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks so I got excited... but it didn't stick.

Okay, first is my diet. I have to sit down and plan it out. My family is completely whacky on meals - product of a mixed culture marriage.

2nd is exercise. Ugh. I guess I'll just follow Shaun T around for a while.

3rd is destress. If I get 5 hours of sleep a day, I'd be happy. I decided to go back to school to finish my masters - I've had to stay up studying after the kids go to bed... then wake up early to prepare them for school. I'm going to do some time management thinking. My husband is very supportive. I just have this control-freak-syndrome that I don't like giving my husband some of my responsibilities because I feel that he doesn't do it as good as I do it.

Big problem - holidays. Lots of food, cold weather... gonna be tough. But, if I wait until spring, I'm going to be 200 lbs by then!

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Let's take this one step at a time. And you will definitely need to look at time management and you will need to lean on your supportive husband more. Besides, I'm sure he'd appreciate the blessings. I got your pm. Let me know what you think.

John doe, check your inbox, bud. :)

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Tip of the week:

Ok, so now you're walking, moving, doing something every day for twenty minutes and following the rule of thirds mentioned above. What now?

Avoid the following to enhance your excess body fat loss and improve your chances of avoiding diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, etc:

1. All fast foods (except Subway and maybe Quiznos, but ask for no sauces or cheese)

2. All junk food. Even "zero carb" soda pop will will affect your system's pH balance and cause you to hang on to your body fat longer.

3. All processed meats. This means no bologna, hot dogs, mystery jerky, etc.

4. Most dairy. About three cups of low/non fat (skim) milk products are essential for your daily calcium needs. Any more and you're back in food storage mode.

Avoiding the above mentioned will make room for healthier foods to fuel your body and give you the nutrients that it needs to function at peak levels and give you REAL energy. Not "monster" energy. Forget the caffeine buzz and crashes every day. That's no way to live. Challenge yourself to do this for two weeks and stay away from the Halloween candy. ;)

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  • 7 months later...

Hey Skalenfehl! Beachbody is a great company! I have become a Team Beachbody Coach as well. Unfortunately I haven't had much success with it as I had hoped, but I have a lot of work to do on myself before I feel I can really try to promote it. I have injuries so it is hard for me to stick with TurboFire (my favorite!!) and so time consuming for P90X (I was doing the lean version). Diet is not great because I can't seem to stay away from junk food. I'm a work in progress.

Anyway, I just wanted to say congrats at your success! Keep up the great work!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a TBB Coach is just as much about being a support system for your team with fitness as well as finance. What I recommend is getting a bunch of gals together in your ward who want to get in shape for the Summer and meet at church and plug in Turbo Jam and work out together. This support system combined with the supplements you buy will generate income for yourself and your team once they realize that such a support system pays off. More gals will want to join in as they see your efforts and results. And rather than spend money at GNC or elsewhere, everyone continues to buy the protein bars, Shakeology, vitamins, etc from Beachbody, generating income for everyone. It's a win-win situation.

It's been a while since I've posted in these forums. It's been a rough couple years for me. A lot has happened. In a nutshell, with this economy, my wife and I have pretty much started over from scratch. I don't build houses (was a contractor for years and years) anymore. Instead I am building my Beachbody business as I have friends and family who have wanted to eat healthier and lose weight. Many have joined my team and become coaches themselves. Aside from that, I also train clients and am slowly building capital and assets for a small gym/fitness center where I live. Momentum is still building and I owe that in part to Beachbody's opportunity.

I will turn 42 this Fall but I'm in the absolute best shape of my life. I'm at 10% body fat and feel just as strong and agile, well more so, than when I was in high school. I don't feel old at all. Matter of fact here's a pic of me doing Jack Lalanne push ups earlier this year:

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Here's something I cooked up for myself recently and a good example of what we should eat:

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It's a plate of chicken, brown rice and some strawberries and blueberries on a bed of spinach leaves. I don't care for lettuce. Spinach is better for obvious reasons.

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Spinach is better for obvious reasons.

Yeah, it makes your forearms bulge and you blow steam out of a pipe!! :D

Glad to hear you are doing well Skalenfehl.

I need to lose about 50lbs and have started some excercise, but it's not going well. Life is getting in the way. At the end of this month I plan to start riding my bike to work, so that's a start.

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