Help help help!!!


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My toilet is overflowing and I don't know what to do so I came here and posted this thread!

HELP! IT IS LIKE ARMAGEDDON IN MY BATHROOM! It is 5:00 in the morning and I can't find any plumber this early and I'm freaking out! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM!


I took just enough time to take a picture of my bathroom on my Iphone before I ran away and then I uploaded it here:

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Edited by Kurt
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I have a friend who's a lifeguard. Do you want me to call him for you?

Dude, I am a lifeguard AND have the power to certify other lifeguards. Lemme get a guard tube, my whistle, and my really cool lifeguard fedora that completed my look for two summers, and I'll come stand around.

As for solving the problem... this to me looks like it requires a modest exorcism.

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When there's a clog far down our pipes (usually from roots) and then our duplex neighbor turns on their washer, EVERYTHING that has been flushed, washed or drained in the last few hours violently comes up out of our toilet and bathtub. It's really fun. Especially since it's not even just our sewage but the neighbors also. Something about our bathroom being the lowest openings to the pipes. It's only happened twice but it scarred me for life.

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